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Best automatic trimmer....



How often do the wires break on the salad shooters? I heard that if you crank the handle one way and then crank in the opposite direction it is very easy to break the wires. My buddy just started carrying them at his shop and he had a lot of the replacement wire kits. He said his distributor said in a full day you might have to replace the wire 2-3 times. Is this true? If it is what a pain in the ass. I think that would be the main advantage with the trim reaper is the machined grate that will never need sharpening or replacing. I would think that if you big leafed a lot and cut all the big tops down to smaller size it would be gentler on the wires. Has anyone used the cordless drill attachment? He had some of these at the shop too. He is also getting in the new spinpro powermatic. Looks very similar to the Reaper but it still uses those lame wires.


Cant wait to hear results box, interested in buying either the trimreaper or the trimbox/pro. Cant decide which one would be best. Would love to hear a comparison from someone that has used both.


The salad shooter came with a dozen replacement wires, and I still have all of them.

Is that the handytrimmer or the spinpro? So what is your technique for not breaking wires? Is it hard to replace the wires? How do you clean your trimmer? I wonder if they all come with replacement wires.


I have the Spin Pro, but they all appear basically the same to me. Wires will only break if a large stem falls below the grate and you hit it while cranking hard or try to power through it. I have found they work best, don't break, and do very little damage to buds when you crank slowly, evenly and only around 12 rotations per load. Have as little stem as possible protruding from nugs. When the wires hit a stem and the crank stops, open the lid and clear the obstruction. This happens very rarely. Last harvest I cleared a stem maybe twice. No worries. Replacement wires would take minutes to replace - one screw. I meticulously clean the machine at the end of each day with iso and paper towel, which takes about 10 to 15 minutes.

The ice hash produced from the trim is unfuckingbelievable.


That's FUNNY! My partners wife is a hair stylist! She trims all the big colas fast and furious.

My partner pulls the sun leaf and feeds wifey colas for hand trimming and feeds me everything else for the salad shooter. We can process about 6 pounds a day.

6 pounds a day between two of you? No offense but that doesn't sound fast at all considering I do 2-4 by myself with scissors. And I don't consider myself fast by any means, I even think I'm a slow trimmer. If the Reaper takes that long I'll be sending it back.


I just came across a sales brochure I picked up in July at the SF Hydro Expo for the Pro Cut salad spinner unit. It says they retail for $500 and include 40 replacement blades.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
6 pounds a day between two of you? No offense but that doesn't sound fast at all considering I do 2-4 by myself with scissors.

Um, Rabbi.... Im assuming you weigh before you dry, because thats not bad, not bad at all, Vespatian.


Um, Rabbi.... Im assuming you weigh before you dry, because thats not bad, not bad at all, Vespatian.

Really??...No I meant after drying but admit 4 probably streching it but def do 2 - 3. And I'm also talking from the minute I wake up til the minuite I go back to sleep. I just thought 6, between two people and using a machine didn't sound very fast but maybe I set myself up for disapointment as I was hoping with the Reaper to do more like 1 per hr, by myself:yoinks:. Am I dreaming?????


i dunno man, 4lbs a day maybe if you only doing your main kolas. depends what strains your growing. somthing like a super silver haze can be trimmed in about 5hrs a pound manual. but something like bubba takes 8-10hrs. mine takes 4 people about 15yrs to do 5 lbs. If i can knock that out in one day with another helper i'll be pretty pumped.


i dunno man, 4lbs a day maybe if you only doing your main kolas. depends what strains your growing. somthing like a super silver haze can be trimmed in about 5hrs a pound manual. but something like bubba takes 8-10hrs. mine takes 4 people about 15yrs to do 5 lbs. If i can knock that out in one day with another helper i'll be pretty pumped.

Holy shit, for real? Maybe I am faster then I originally thought but still want help none the less as I absolutely hate, hate, hate every minute of it. Between the triming and set up/take down, I am literally exhausted for days afterwards.


My buddy is even faster then I am but I attribute that to his constant video game playing lol. His chubby little fingers move faster then anyones I ever seen lol.


i just used the trim reaper today. EXTREMELY impressed. we did about 3lbs in 3hrs, and it was soo easy on the eyes and back and hards

one everyones question, how did the bud look

some bigger buds def could use a touch up, well see how much when it dries proper

could not see any lose of crystal, and we were really comparing shit, you honestly can not tell

smaller buds come out incredible, its worth it for that alone.

different strain will do better, the bubba we did all looked awesome, the blue dream did good but the leafs are different , more pointy and skinny so some were matted down. im thinking when it dries it might look fine or maybe a tiny touch up. either way you get out of 3 days of trimming without really using scissors.

def worth every cent, we were stoked, this changes the whole game. doesnt do anything to the crystals i promoise. those rubber fingers are really gental.

my buddy and I high fived each other probably 10 times today

even it you want to hand do the tops, your bottom shit will come out 2x better than if you did it by hand.


i just used the trim reaper today. EXTREMELY impressed. we did about 3lbs in 3hrs, and it was soo easy on the eyes and back and hards

one everyones question, how did the bud look

some bigger buds def could use a touch up, well see how much when it dries proper

could not see any lose of crystal, and we were really comparing shit, you honestly can not tell

smaller buds come out incredible, its worth it for that alone.

different strain will do better, the bubba we did all looked awesome, the blue dream did good but the leafs are different , more pointy and skinny so some were matted down. im thinking when it dries it might look fine or maybe a tiny touch up. either way you get out of 3 days of trimming without really using scissors.

def worth every cent, we were stoked, this changes the whole game. doesnt do anything to the crystals i promoise. those rubber fingers are really gental.

my buddy and I high fived each other probably 10 times today

even it you want to hand do the tops, your bottom shit will come out 2x better than if you did it by hand.

Sweeeet...that's what I like to hear. Mine should be here anyday now:woohoo:


A pound per hr was extactly what I was looking for. My Trim Reaper came yesterday but I unfortunately don't need it till next weekend. I never thought I would say this but I'm extremely looking forward to my next trim. Of course I'll be sure to let you guys know how she goes...can't wait.


Just finished using my new Trim Reaper and the verdict is.....Love it. I did about 1 pound per 2 hours, so being that I did it all myself that pretty much falls in line with Mr. Dizzle since he had 2 people. All the time now is just spent on the prep work. The more people you have doing the prep, you could race through that shit in no time. In a out of 10 rating I think an 8.5 - 9.0 is fair. Maybe an 8.75 lol. Worth every penny and compared to how I was feeling a month ago:wallbash: this machine is much, much easier on a guy:woohoo:. No buyers remorse here and I would definately recommend it to any body in the market or in need of some help. I can't tell you what a load off my mind this is. I now am gonna go pick up some brews, roll up some phaties and watch a flick instead of slaving away all night...fuckin pumped lol.


A little info on the cutting, trims super tight and works best on small to medium buds(thank god). Like Mr.Dizzle mentioned I think it's best to do the tops or super huge buds by hand, which is no prob.

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