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Florida Growers Thread

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Im still new and have not taken Pixs of my grow yet , And to tell you the truth Im a little Scared of Posting Pixs ANY WHERE But I have learned so much from every ones posts on here. Thanks



There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Im still new and have not taken Pixs of my grow yet , And to tell you the truth Im a little Scared of Posting Pixs ANY WHERE But I have learned so much from every ones posts on here. Thanks


I just got busted recently, so I hear ya on the scared part. But some of us(me...lol) are to thick headed, and I dont recognize their rights to tell me I CANT grow....so FUCKEM. and the sites servers arent in america...
I havent heard ever of someone getting busted by posting pics and logs on here. Start a log man, let us see what you got! Check my albums out, we do it HARD down here in FL, lol.

welcome to the other new faces in the FL room too!

And BIG UPS to all my homies already here! Evl's, OGH, boo...(missed ya at the last get up!). Gotta plan something mid state so everyone can get there....

Hows about a hotel room and do halloween horror nights in Orlando guys?

Graham Purwatt

i don't have a cam right now but i have a 5x5x7 poly tent full of strawberry diesel @ 7 weeks and a 600 watt hortilux.i'll get pics up when i can.you guys stay safe indeed,we have to watch out for everybody,the cable man,the trash man,the electric company.it's rough down here


Sounds awesome WT! You know we'll be there :joint:

Rooster -
Couple points to consider on posting pics...I too was worried a few years back.

- Don't have anything in the pic that could be used to identify you (certain outside areas of your house, faces, fingers, etc.) just shoot the plants and grow area.

- If you have a super new camera, search on how to remove the data from the pics...exif data I believe it's called. I use an old camera with no identifying info just for pot shots :joint:

- Remember, the GOV'T uses scare tactics to keep it's prisoners..err citizens in check...but they really don't care a bout folks growing a few plants in a closet. If you are running a warehouse/commercial op, don't post ;-)

Other than that, just use common sense. No worries. We all have friends that have been online and growing for years...keep it sensible and karma will take care of the rest.

Peace - ogh

oh, Banded is just something I put under my name as I'm loyal to my FL brothers and sistas...banded together baby!

Check our galleries, see how we play!

Guest 18340

You know I'm down! Been awhile since I had the shit scared outta me.
Would love to meet some more OGF members.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Hey Fl homies... how are my fellow freedom fighters???...me doin good myself

Hey to the new guys, welcome....now get some pics up:D

QX-1 Spacequeen Pheno


OK I will get some up, Im just going into 12/12 very soon and Hoping all turns out well. Im doing Hydro and its working out real good for me for being a new Grower. Im following all the Directions and reading all I can. and hoping to get to my 50 posts on here LOL LOL I need some local friends for sure. But like you all say. IT WILL ALL COME IN TIME

Thanks Again,



Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Cool rooster...now go to the toker den and get those posts up LOL...cant wait to see some pics...peace

Im down whiskey


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Thank Meaty...still dryin, I cant wait to taste it....thank again bro...peace
Yo bitches! Glad to see everyone's doing well! Hello to all the FNG's (that's Fucking New Guys to all you non-military types...)

Started documenting the new grow. The link in the sig sends you there now.

Oh, FNG's, again my heartiest welcome to you all, take 'er easy and hang around and post. We will all warm up to you when you've been posting a while and you are documenting a grow. As WT said, were ALL a little paranoid. But let me tell you straight up - there are some awesome motherfuckers posting in this thread, and they are all willing to do everything they can to help you if you need it. Ja blesses these folks and they in turn pass that blessing to the rest of us. I hope I can be Ja's instrument to some of you someday when I can.

Peace and Ja bless. :joint:

Guest 18340

boo, at the risk of sounding stupid; I'm still green when it comes to strains, whats the moonbeam all about? Couldn't find much about it.
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Active member
never heard of it but sounds like a moonshine/blue moonshine cross or a C99 cross(used in a lot of those moon named strains, idk?)!


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iolite Vaporizer Review

I wanted to use my iolite a few more times before I wrote a review, but it has been a few days and every night I just eat a cookie instead of hitting the vape. The cookie is so much easier. So, for now, I'll give my initial impressions after getting very stoned with it around four or five times.

It is very small, about the size of a pack of cigs. It is stealthy, it doesn't look like anything illegal or a science experiment. It doesn't need electricity, it burns butane to generate the heat. I didn't taste any plastic in the vapor (I hear people say the Vapir does).

The downside: There is considerable air-flow resistance. In other words, it's like sucking a peanut butter through a straw. Well, not that bad, but you get the idea. It's not a huge deal, I just draw very slowly and don't try to rush it. That means I have to keep hitting it for at least five minutes, maybe more than ten, to get really wasted. I guess about a minute gives a pleasant buzz.

The second problem is refilling the butane is a hassle. After I used the iolite to get wasted around three times, it ran out of butane. Butane is very dangerous, so I let the iolite sit for a couple minutes to cool off before I add the butane and I wait again afterward before I fire it up. When you add the butane, most of it squirts out everywhere. Make sure you aren't near a spark or a smoker. Also, I don't know if it's safe to leave a can of butane in the car, so I would have to make sure the iolite is full every time I leave the house. I guess when I drive out of town for the weekend, I can throw a small can of butane in my luggage.

The bottom line is that the iolite wont replace a Volcano for use at home. I highly recommend the Volcano for that. I plan to take the iolite with me on car trips (my wife drives) and boat trips (my brother drives). When I'm out in public, I can take my iolite into the men's room and come out with a nice buzz. I haven't come across any better portable vaporizers and I have tried several.

I hope the review is helpful to somebody. Thanks for all the interest.


Active member
Is Moonbeam related to Gainesville Green?

good vibes

Nice call WT.......damn that brings back memories from the 90's going to G'ville for gator grawl and smoking some beloved GG.....ummmmm! Befriend used to have a sis that would come home from school and we would just trade apts. for a week.....

thanks for bring back some memories WT and evil!
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