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Nats in my grow room


First off I apologize if I’m in the wrong forum but I could not find one that seemed like an obvious place to post this question and I am growing indoors with hydro. So here it is.

I am experimenting with Bonsai trees and tried to grow some cuttings from trees around my home. I made the mistake of pulling them in the house and with out ever washing them off and then I tried to root them in my grow room. Well less than a week later I had nats. Not a ton of them but a noticeable amount.

They seem to be living on my plants. They started in the cloner obviously but as soon as they found a way out they did now they live on my big plant that is close to harvest time and pretty much none are in the cloner.

I hung fly paper next to my big plant and in the cloner and there were several dead nats on it in 24 hours time. There are no nats on the one in the cloner so I figure they are not living there anymore. When I go to water the plant I sometimes see a couple fly off and if I can I squash them in mid air for trying to freeload on my growing stash lol.

Here is the thing though I know fly paper will only catch them after they hatch and may have time to lay still more eggs. They live in areas with standing water so I figure that is why they are attracted to my hempy bucket plant. Now can I use any insecticides on my plant being a week or 2 at most from harvest? And if so what would I use?

Also not sure if it is helpful but they came from either a maple branch or a mulberry branch those were the trees I tried to clone and failed I might add. Oddly my success rate with cannabis has been 100% Oh well any help with the nat problem is greatly appreciated thanks.


how often are you watering?

Once every other day is what they hempy bucket thread suggested so that is what I do. It gets about a liter and a half each time before drainage starts and thats when I stop watering. And the plant is in a 1 gallon drinking pitcher with a drainage whole about 2 inches from the bottom.
i'm not sure about nats....but i have used Neem Oil spray on the plant leaves....which can be used in all stages ( veg and flower ) and is very safe and natural.

for bigger issues, there is Doktor Doom foggers with can also be used up until a few days prior to harvest!


Overkill is under-rated.
Fungus gnats, do a search, lots of good ideas. Mosquito dunks in your res or medium, covers for the tops of your pots help, watering less often helps too.


fungus gnats are a result of saturated medium, cut back on the watering or make sure your mix has enough drainage


I have heard from several people that you can pour water with dish soap in it into a poted plant to kill bugs that might be in the soil. It kills bugs but doesnt harm the plant. With this work for a hydroponic plant in a hempy bucket?


New member
Fungus gnats are tough little bas****s. The normal methods work very little or not at all. I have been fighting them lately. I tried Organicide in my resrvoir with little r4esults. I tried a soap based spray that claims to kill whiteflies, soft bodied insects and more, even spidermites, but NOT FUNGUS GNATS!! After drenching my leaves per the instructions I saw them land in it, get out little tiny pieces of plastic and were sliding down the leaves falling to the next one down and laughing at me. Gnatrol I have heard works on fungus gnats but I have not tried because I am close to harvest so soon I will be cleaning everything out with bleach to make sure it kills them, spraying the grow tent down with some good pesticides and then clean the walls so the mylar shines brightly.

If you are still having gnats problems don't waste your cash on the normal methods, make sure if you buy it that it says
. If it dies not say that don't buy it!!

Good luck and if you find a different method of killing them please post it so we can all use it. Thanks



Smokes, lets go
Gnatrol is all you need, it looks like choclate milk, water with 2x and youll never see them again safe to use up until harvest....

og kush

Gnatrol is all you need, it looks like choclate milk, water with 2x and youll never see them again safe to use up until harvest....

you beat me to it.
i'll just second that instead.
i have used it and know it works, with no negetive effects either.


Overkill is under-rated.
Gnatrol is no longer being produced from what I'm told, moquito dunks are the next best thing at the moment. The main ingredient in both is Bacillus Thurigensis, or BTi for short. The gnat larvae eat the bacteria which locks up their GI system, causing death in a 2-3 days.


prevention is key, everytime im in the hydroshop i hear people asking what to use to battle this or that, try keeping a clean room with the proper temps/humidity and you shouldnt even have these problems.

coco or anything that is similar to soil in a hydro setup is gunna attract gnats, just make sure you have adequate drainage


Well I took a suggestion from a neighbor he says he alays mixes a little bit of laundry detergent in water bottle and sprays the soil. Now I am not using soil but my gnats are living in the soil less medium that I use in my hempy bucket. So I sprayed the top of the medium thouroughly trying to avoid the plants leaves as much as possible and with in 24 hours I see no more gnats crawling in my medium and the plant is doing just fine. So thank you everyone for the suggestions, but the simplest solution seems to be soap :) Appearently gnats dont like a bath lol

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