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Peee-yooooo that is a stinky closet!


My drying room stinks. Real bad. It smells a bit like cat piss, or some kind of piss. I don't know why it does, there is an entrance to a crawlspace that goes behind my kitchen sink, maybe that is why.

I've only done one dry in it and I don't think the smell affected the bud much. I washed the walls and floor with Spic and Span and sprayed the shit out of the room with lysol.

I'm chopping this week and I noticed the room smells real bad again. Like real bad! :yoinks:

Any suggestions to de-stankify? Some super product? Some nifty cheap fix? Thanks !


what are your temps and humidity? The Cat piss smells like "ammonia" that can be mold.

I'm sure your fine but just fyi
I don't know what will neutralize ammonia, maybe a nice cocaine wash. I heard that carbon will scrub all things but ammonia.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Describe your drying space for us.
Fresh air is the magic product you look for!, you need decent air exchange or you risk rot.


It's a 4' wide 8' deep closet/pantry. I hang buds from poles i have on the ceiling.

I guess I'm just gonna pull all the crap in there out and wash it all down again.

I dont have intake/out take but i do keep a small fan in there.

RH is about 60% with buds drying and drops to 50% when they are ready.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
As you have no intake/outtake you could use a de-humidifier if you can get hold of one?, you do risk serious loss, real fast, if rot takes hold, an ionizor might help freshen things up and help any bad smells, if no de-humidi' can you leave the entrance open a little?.