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Bong Ripken Jr's Canyon Outdoor Grow 09


Active member
I had another post earlier last month with pictures from my crop. I got some new pictures now, but the quality isnt that great so no up close bud shots.

Okay, I am editing this and changing some stuff. All the beef about my family partners not listening is squashed. They followed my advice to a t when I gave them the new Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Soil Organics, Em-1 bacillus, sub culture M, flora nectar sweetener, and I think that about does it. I gave them a nutrient mixture to follow and told them they shouldnt see any results for a week or so. Well, a week and a half has passed and the results are definitely there! Not only are the buds swelling way faster than they did before, they are becoming extremely more dense and the resin content is exceptionally better! We had some rains that bent some of the plants, but had no breakages what so ever. Its warmed back up and everything is looking great! Its another one of those situations where they said they should of listened to me and not taken the advice of someone they thought was a long time friend and they are understanding that my methods show great results. We have a fast finishing berry white being flushed right now and should be ready in less than 2 weeks. The 3 granddads and the Purp Afghani X E.C.S.D. will have their flush started on sep 20th! I am so stoked that everything is turning around.

The berry white and the Purp Afghani X ECSD are two strains I have not seen on here or anywhere before. Paradise has there own version of Berry White, but it is different from the one my friend developed which I am growing out right now. So I am going to be writing out a full smoke report on those two strains. Im sure you will start seeing cuts of the P. Afghan X ECSD in clubs around Norcal by next year. My selection of the mother i kept from the seeds was spot on. I could sense in veg that it was gonna be a producer and it was hearty as hell! I left for a week and didnt water and out of all the seeds it had continued growing and wasnt drooping over. I knew it would be resilient and easy to grow and with the lineage it had, it had to be something good so I am going to release the cuts for the world to have.

Too anyone that listens to their "hydro" store people like my grandpa did you will probably be in for a let down. They sold him maxi grow and MAXsea in the beginning and that has to be some of the harshest worst nutrients I have ever experienced. Something tells me they just had that sitting on the shelf and saw and opportunity to get rid of it. I wish my grandparents were computer savvy because the info you can find on here is way better than any hydro store. Except for the first store I went to 7 years ago. The staff there was very knowledgeable and set me up with my first recipe for a compost tea that kicked ass and it made my first organic grow unbelievable. I have yet to find a store that is as unbiased and knowledgeable as they were since. I cant stand the product pushers anymore!

The strains I am using are as follows:
Blue Dream
Granddaddy Purple
Granddaddy X Sweet Tooth(The Denture)
Cherry Snow
Berry White
Purple Afghani X East Coast Sour Diesel
Grape Krush
NYC Diesel


Front To Back

Back To Front

The smaller potted 12 freshly moved to the new area

Purple Afghani X E.C.S.D.

A cherry snow cola loving the sun

Grape Krush looking good!

A small, super premature side cola on the Purp Afghan X ECSD

An outrageous berry white!

A granddad nug. Its too hard to get close ups with my cell phone, sorry!


Active member
I am not into your methods, but compliments on the garden. I wish I could do outdoor again.

Stick around. Lots of folks here could help you do it easier and without hydro store bullshit. Those leeches will suck as much as they suck.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
nice garden. i can completely relate with gardeners not listening. and ending up having to fix problems that could have been easily avoided. looks like your going to harvest well anyways!


Active member
Dude, these arent my methods. I wasnt around for the hole digging or planting. Things would be a lot different if I had full control over the situation. I chose the organic botanicaire nutrients because of their simplicity. A couple of senile old people tend this garden so they need it simple. I have been fighting them the whole time. They have never grown weed and I have been growing for almost 7 years now. Next year I have full reign over the project and each plant will have a 200 gallon hole dug with my own soil mix and amendments added so I dont have to deal with all this bullshit. I do however really like the humboldt nutrient line. Now I am able to spend most of my time working on the garden so things are shaping up. It doesnt help that all the hippies on the hill give them crazy bogus information to fuck him up. They dont realize that they are those hippies competition now and they dont want them to succeed. It sucks dealing with such dumb ass geezers.


Active member
Thanks for the kind words guys, but this really isnt up to my standards. I will post a thread of some of the outdoor stuff I have done. I dont take too many pictures every, but I have some. I also have some pics of the indoor grape krush nugs from the top feed drip system i built for these same people.


Dude, these arent my methods. I wasnt around for the hole digging or planting. Things would be a lot different if I had full control over the situation. I chose the organic botanicaire nutrients because of their simplicity. A couple of senile old people tend this garden so they need it simple. I have been fighting them the whole time. They have never grown weed and I have been growing for almost 7 years now. Next year I have full reign over the project and each plant will have a 200 gallon hole dug with my own soil mix and amendments added so I dont have to deal with all this bullshit. I do however really like the humboldt nutrient line. Now I am able to spend most of my time working on the garden so things are shaping up. It doesnt help that all the hippies on the hill give them crazy bogus information to fuck him up. They dont realize that they are those hippies competition now and they dont want them to succeed. It sucks dealing with such dumb ass geezers.

i will laugh when these "old senile dumb ass geezers" kick you out before harvest ...

grow your own shit


This is my own shit. Its a family affair. My plants, our money, family land. Know before you speak.

one thing i know is you have 3 threads in 3 different places on these boards for the same "shit"

one thing i am unsure of is if you are as big of a mooch that i think you are
Dude, these arent my methods. I wasnt around for the hole digging or planting. Things would be a lot different if I had full control over the situation. I chose the organic botanicaire nutrients because of their simplicity. A couple of senile old people tend this garden so they need it simple. I have been fighting them the whole time. They have never grown weed and I have been growing for almost 7 years now. Next year I have full reign over the project and each plant will have a 200 gallon hole dug with my own soil mix and amendments added so I dont have to deal with all this bullshit. I do however really like the humboldt nutrient line. Now I am able to spend most of my time working on the garden so things are shaping up. It doesnt help that all the hippies on the hill give them crazy bogus information to fuck him up. They dont realize that they are those hippies competition now and they dont want them to succeed. It sucks dealing with such dumb ass geezers.
200 gallon holes?...you must be plannin on some big mfers.what strain?


Active member
one thing i know is you have 3 threads in 3 different places on these boards for the same "shit"

one thing i am unsure of is if you are as big of a mooch that i think you are

The three threads are because I was getting used to icmag. Never intended on posting 3. The other 2 will be taken down. And I am glad you said unsure. Because this is a family co op I am no mooch. Everyone does there fair share and out of 4 people we split it 4 ways. 25% each. Only problem is I do work to the garden and have to deal with moving it to co ops, and none of them know a damn thing about growing. That is all me. Sorry man, I am no mooch. Lets go back to being friends now, hahaha.


Active member
The alarm bell for me was that the "knowledge" guy falls for the humboldt nutrients line, then trashes a couple seniors for getting something else. They may be wiser than you think. Hydro store bullshit will set you back a ways and keep you dependent. Knowledge will save you money, make you stealthy, and allow you to adjust if something is off.

Operation that size, pics, everywhere, hydro store dependency. That's not the ideal.

And by not digging your methods, I meant not the nutes, I meant the tilling. And yes, my cheesy play on words is intentional. Been reading the bard.


Active member
My grandparents have never smoked weed let alone grown it. The shit I am dealing with is their neighbors telling them to spread chicken manure all over the base of the plants and spray them with cornstarch. They tell them to do shit like that all the time. They attempted an outdoor grow last year by them self, listening to the advice of their hippie neighbors and got a quarter pound of pure garbage off of 12 plants. I got them a pound and a half off of 2 600's indoors(not everything was done how I wanted, like no c02). I know you ICmag people love to talk shit, but my methods are proven. I have a certain quality standard to adhere by or else Im stuck with all the product. I cant have any fluffy, leafy, hippie bud. I need dense clean burning(burns to a white ash) modern day connoisseur bud.

I like humboldts line. I have seen plenty of product that was the result of humboldt nutrients. I am a fan of it. They however picked up MAXI Grow and bloom. THere is nothing in there but extreme amounts of NPK and salts and chlorides. No thank you! Im, not one to ever listen to hydro store guys. I just get things I have seen in action and liked the results of.

I dont know what was wrong with tilling up the tall grass that was there. That grass in the meadow brings tons of insects. This is a completely legal medical grow that law enforcement has already seen. Discretion isnt the most important thing, especially when everyone on that mountain has a crop.

As far as nutrients goes, I wanted shit that was easy for my grandparents to mix while I wasnt there. Thats why I told them humboldt. Next year I am making my own compost teas. I got a nice organic recipe that I was using for an indoor organic soil crop awhile ago that showed great results! This year has been a constant struggle though. If you had to deal with the frustration I have dealt with you would understand. Everybody has their own way of growing, but the goal is the same. Big stinky chronic buds! Peace and jah bless!


Active member
Compost tea does not replace feeding the soil.

As for the grass i would lay it down and put cardboard or something similar on top and compost on top of that. And don't worry about attracting pests, you have little control over the worst of them anyway. Avoid monoculture, and you can eventually have a balanced system with fewer and fewer aberrations.

Since you have machinery, are you starting a big ole compost heap?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
looks good to me. there are plenty of worthwhile and successful ways to grow organically - not just one.




Active member
I was thinking about it, but I was also thinking about either ordering pallets of Fox Farm Ocean forrest or ordering an end dump full of a custom mix. There is a place around this area that will do that. I wanted to try one of those underground wick systems where you put the reservoir underground and have a fill tube. Thats if I get around to doing that. Im still debated on what I should do as far as soil goes.

I didn't mean to say compost tea. I used that Primal Harvest chilean sea bird guano with earth juice catalyst and some other stuff and brewed it in a big barrel for 3 days with oxygen stones in it.

Next year I am sticking with Blue Dream, Purple Afghani X East Coast Sour Diesel, and some other genetics like casey jones. Im only happy with half of the genetics we have this year. The berry whites are going to take very long. Same with the NYC Diesels.


Devil's Advocate
I'm digging the op. Good luck working with your partners. Things are always tough when everyone has a different idea (especially when some of the ideas aren't so well thought out).
Don't worry, I'm not gonna bust your balls about tilling... I hope you composted that grass you cut down! lol
Adios and keep it up, wish I could have done something outdoors this season. Oh, to plan for next year


how does compost teas not replace feeding the soil? tom hill does monster sized plants with teas, and i hooked on teas now too, check out tom hill soil mix and tea recipes


Active member
Look up tea brewing and you will learn how it works. It is not fertilizer, and yes you can grow monster plants with just teas and what is at hand. The nutrient value in a tea is negligible, as has been stated. The tilling he's doing will (force) feed the soil along with whatever other nutes he applies to it. Aerated tea will structure it, and help keep the soil diverse and working. Some claim it also fights disease.

If you are going to do tea, it's worth it to do it right.

Definitely go with local mix over fox farm thievery, but if you are interested and since you have machinery, consider simply building soil up rather than tilling or using a mix in holes

Sorry for the harshness, but I must say you set the tone with the remark about your grandparents. There are a few grandpas around here who don't appreciate that kind of talk. And it usually comes from someone at the young know it all level. I also have a big problem with hydrostore swindles like humboldt nutrients and the culture of false connoisseurs that is endemic in the cannabis circles. It comes from being a community with insufficient ties to "real" gardening. I'm not talking shit for the hell of it, you just hit all my pet peeves.

For something that size I would spend the money on a consultant to look at your soil compaction, etc. For your own info, mix up some of your soil in a jar of water and observe the layers of sediment. That will tell you how much clay, sand, etc.

Your best friend against pests would be fabric row covers for young plants. That's a whole stage of life you don't have to think about.