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My Wife, I Hate Her.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

no matter what the circumstance be you cannot
go through life miserable, it's a one shot deal and
tomorrow is a promise to no one.......



I read this thread and had to reply..

I have a 8 month old.. and his mother.. jesus christ.. I don't even kno what to say..

But had it not been for dank, I would have seriously been in jail already.. doing life..

There are real men out there real men that do for their children, and there are women that are scum.. women that over-dramaticize every situation, women that are abhorrently and abbrassively audacious

I'm jus sayin all the guys out there.. make sure she's the one before u have a kid with her.. motherfuckin use 7 condoms.. trust me its not worth it


Actually what this tells ME is........there are alot of crazy biotches out there!!!

of course...people are responsible for their own actions too...perhaps some men shouldn't stick their dick into any psychopath that opens her legs. if you men out there are constantly attracting these kind of women...then you should probably take a minute to wonder why....perhaps some of you aren't the box of chocolates you think you are? the law of attraction is interesting......
Don't kill her, that is well, a long story to live with or as short as you make that. I've seen a number of murder suicides, not actually seen the bodies....but two in my neck of the woods growing up and then two more a few years back.

It's wild the attention a female seeks, I know that dudes really just want a lady and to be at peace....being attached is not so easy, it's not at all love.

Even with all this spying around, it's not going to amount to what you really needed. Good enough comes at a high price, sounds like you require a throw away death squad. I'm sick of being used myself, it's not very pretty how these ladies abuse plausible deniability. There are guys this bad as well, it seems best to just avoid physical contact.

I've seen Mafia movies that go into some pretty shady locations, with CRAZY woman and stupid 'buddies'. It's wild how woman just go for being a victim and don't even bring in all their abusers.

Honestly I would help, but I'm still working on my hit list. Nah, it's ours, group huddle, some kind of terrorist war and all this legal trivial pursuit holding back real democracy. I remember the Christians doing this kind of thing at one time, it's just good that we do enjoy these native devil plants.........and of course some culture, it's a truer understanding. To many forms of warriors, I'm not really a huge fan of the lawyers.

It's odd how there are guys that can smack the light right out of a girl, and girls that can do that and never be charged. Then dudes that can't even think about that, without charges being brought up and convicted.

It really makes a guy want some thermo nuclear weapons, and that is pretty selfish.

If all else fails MOVE TO IRAN!


Active member
Maybe the worst place to meet your future wife is a bar after you've had one or two jars......IME thats when i put my beer goggles on and even the most vile woman in the place will seem rather inviting.....lol


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
budgood, i just wanted to know what people thought, blunt, what kind of stuff did she post?

OK, if you really want to know what I think, I think your lady is having some on the side. She is speaking to "Sancho". You might want to get tested for STD's, seriously. :fsu::fsu:

How's it goin' Kush?


she said shuree means sorry, not sure but i dont know, tough call, she was a 23y/o virgin when i meet her, i wouldnt even think she would at all if she didnt get so mad over stupid shit sometimes


Active member
brother I went through the same deal for 22 years, just for the kids sake, my advise now is to dump her now and find a woman that makes you happy and is a friend formost, life is way to short, the kid will be fine as long as you do your duty and pay support and keep being a father.


ICMag Donor
I've seen just as many screwed up men as I have screwed up women. I've seen some pretty wacky shit from both over the years.


ICMag Donor
Not all woman are that phsycotic, manipulating and controlling...
I agree with joesy wales and JJScorpio 100%...
My Husband was in the exact same position with his ex and 2 children. He met me and will tell anyone he has never been happier than how he is now. Unfortunetly we don't see his 2 girls. But that sometimes can't be helped no matter how hard you try. You just have to hope like we do that when he get's older, he will realize the truths from the lies. It would only be doing more harm to your child by staying there when there is nothing but negativity amongst you and the mother. He will grow up thinking that is a normal envionment and could quite possibly reinvent the same "family life" for himself with out even realizing it. I don't want to offend you in any way or am I at all saying that you abuse your child but, it could be very similar in the way a child abused often abuses their child unless they can break the family cycle. And as far as I am concerned, spouse abuse(when a child is present) is also child abuse whether only directed at you or her, he still hears and absorbs it all. I have been there as a child myself and also worked 6 years in the Department of Childrens Services (for abused/homeless/fostered children).
Please, you need to be a man for your boy. Just don't loose contact, get the courts/lawyers involved. I am not sure where you are, but over here the courts are starting to (FINALLY) listen to single Dads and being fair to Dads when it comes to custody sharing. You may have to stop smoking for a bit as they WILL test you, especially if she has anything to say about it. And as long as you are not an alcho, or physical with ANYONE(not just her and your son) And you have a stable job- You have a damn good leg to stand on in court buddy.
Do you have any of your Family around for support?

I wish you all the best...In what ever you decide to do...Just take care and stay safe :)


A wise man once said that when you feel something talking to you deep in your gut its God trying to talk to you. Bottom line if you've been treated like that for 5 years it aint worth it man,but thats just my 2cents

h^2 O

Who's that riding into the sun.
Who's the man with the itchy gun.
Who's the man who kills for fun!
Psy-cho Dad. Psycho Dad. Psycho Dad!
He sleeps with a gun, but he loves his son.
Killed his wife 'cause she weighed a ton... Psycho Dad!

Al's the shit.


Note to self, #83.

Things are a still looking up, no major wars today. Again I continue to appreciate the advice all.
I agree w/ JJ, plenty of crazy men too, I am one of them.
Again, although you hate to hear anyone going through issues w/ their marriage, it is nice to have some company and that so many of you are willing to share your experiences, insight and advice.
Again, lets not let this turn into a male/female bashing thread, we all know there are plenty of fuct up folks, and for me at least, and probably for others, just sharing is this stuff has gone a long ways to helping me.

Hey Igrow, thanks again for the link, I am going to actually try that, give it a good faith effort anyway, it's definately not "me", but I hope that it shows my wife that I am serious and maybe it will help her continue to be serious about us as well. GOtta do some book shopping here pretty soon I guess, have to order it online though, don't want anyone to see me actually buying it lol. JK

(Plus she wanted to see that movie and shit, and I poo poo'd the idea, I believe I told her something to the effect of, "Fuck off Lahey, I'm not watching that shit".)
I admit it, I haven't been very nice. But thank you for the link, it can't hurt that is for sure. :abduct:


Who's that riding into the sun.
Who's the man with the itchy gun.
Who's the man who kills for fun!
Psy-cho Dad. Psycho Dad. Psycho Dad!
He sleeps with a gun, but he loves his son.
Killed his wife 'cause she weighed a ton... Psycho Dad!

Al's the shit.

LMFAO you guys!!!
I have told her before that I can really appreciate where Al Bundy was coming from lol.
That is funny shit.

Did anyone else think that Peg was fucking hot???
Is that just weird? I dunno, she occupied some space in the spank bank when I was growing up, looking back I can't really understand why, but at the same time, I still kinda think she was hot in a weird way. Must have been the big hair, yeah that's it, the big ol'..hair.:laughing:


My little pony.. my little pony
Most of these posts seem to all start out the same .. just once I would like to see one end with ..

OMG .. she tasted just like chicken.
