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Plants sick?


Here a few pics, i think im starting to have a problem. Thought it was high PH but all the pots are around 6.5-7.0. Im getting some yellowing at the tips, some curling, and some "cats claw" i think. What do you guys think?






Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Looks like it got a bit dry and then soaked. Slight underwater followed by overwater. Maybe the plants were a teeny bit rootbound (light leaf tips) and then you repotted into big pots? If that's what happened, you should be fine. They look fairly happy.


No replant, they been in those post for a while. I think your right tho, my first thought was underwatered with low N levels. So i did give them a good feed, that was last night, and took this pics early today. Still not sure what going on, hopefully they look better tonite..


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
^ high PH has nothing to do with to much N really. you simply have been giving her to much N.

in organics PH should not even be talked about..

I also spy a red stem. is your plant characteristic coloring? if not you need more P or more microbes / mycos to cycle the P you have in the soil


^ high PH has nothing to do with to much N really. you simply have been giving her to much N.

in organics PH should not even be talked about..

I also spy a red stem. is your plant characteristic coloring? if not you need more P or more microbes / mycos to cycle the P you have in the soil

Thanks habeeb! what do you think i should do? I just feed them last night....


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
^ don't feed them for a while, or if feeding continue K and or P

go back to nitrogen once they show signs of letting up / once there leaf curl is gone. less is more, and at the end of the dya they are a plant


^ don't feed them for a while, or if feeding continue K and or P

go back to nitrogen once they show signs of letting up / once there leaf curl is gone. less is more, and at the end of the dya they are a plant

So you dont think i should flush them? or wait and see if it gets worse, than flush?



Active member
You can't flush really. It wouldn't wash away the n that well. Only a bare root transplant can really do that.

Listen to habeeb he has great eyes. (and my respect)


weed fiend
In my experience, high pH = thick, dark green leaves. The leaf will look kinda heavy an uh...thick. N can be absorbed well past 7.0 and it's possible your plant is absorbing more at this point.

Those slightly yellow tips could be a micro def. Check out Iron, Sulfur and Boron in the infirmary and see which one wants 6.5pH. I think it's iron. Never had a sulfur or boron def and you probably don't either. If the yellowing doesn't progress, it could be just slow photosynthesis since it's new growth.

Come to think of it, not sure if Iron defs run tip to stem or vice verse.


weed fiend
the overall pH of the medium is almost irrelevant in organic growing...

Thank you very much for the correction, maryjohn. Those leaves look meaty and that's usually higher than normal pH. Wouldn't humates need to be present to pull it down? I thought lime and humates are the ingredients that give the window of opportunity in organics.

Maybe I shouldn't post info on organics as I've always grown chemical. I'll look for the organic ID before posting next time. Thanks again.


Active member
This looks like overferting with N to me. Explains the curl/bent tips/... I see a little overwater too. Let them dry thoroughly, reduce N, water thoroughly, ???, Profit?


^ don't feed them for a while, or if feeding continue K and or P

go back to nitrogen once they show signs of letting up / once there leaf curl is gone. less is more, and at the end of the dya they are a plant

You can't flush really. It wouldn't wash away the n that well. Only a bare root transplant can really do that.

Listen to habeeb he has great eyes. (and my respect)

Will do! Thanks for the help guys, i'll let you know how i make out..


Active member
Maybe I shouldn't post info on organics as I've always grown chemical. I'll look for the organic ID before posting next time. Thanks again.

now that's ridiculous! of course you should post, especially on a thread like this. Your experience is useful, even if it's not the same use as usual. I'm always amazed at anyone who can tell what is up with a plant to such an extent just by looking at it.


weed fiend
Thanks for the kind word, maryjohn. Hope I didn't sound sarcastic. I've been cautioned about tossing stuff in the wrong forums and itsa good wake up call. :D


now that's ridiculous! of course you should post, especially on a thread like this. Your experience is useful, even if it's not the same use as usual. I'm always amazed at anyone who can tell what is up with a plant to such an extent just by looking at it.

X2! @ Disco Biscuit, Its always best to have another set of eyes on a problem, that way you find out the best fix. Thanks for your input!