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600w cooltube grow, grow advice welcomed



I'm seriously not being a hater here. Trying to give good advice to help you.

I've been reading a bunch of your other posts.... where you've 'helped' people out and it's no wonder you're having issues. Please do yourself (and other noobs) a favor and read for a few more months before giving advice again.

I can't believe some of the stuff I've read that you've posted. Amazing.

If I give bad advice or say something stupid why don't you correct what I said directly instead of flaming me personally. Thanks

I dont get what you think Im talking out of my ass about? What did I say? Maybe if smug people like you helped instead of attacked my own advice would in turn improve. If I have had any attitude here it is because people like you show it to me first.

Here's my advice to you: please do yourself and everyone else reading this thread a favor and comment on the plants not the person growing them.

I never claim to be a know it all, I try to be humble. Even the thread title reflects that. You gave some advice that seemed like it was gonna be good, I followed up to correct your assumptions about my rez not going below 74F and I get whacked on the fingers with a ruler by you for trying to follow up on your advice.

I welcome all responses except those that are nothing but laughing at my hardships, seriously wtf is wrong with you? I should neg rep you but at least you tried to help, too bad you couldn't answer my followup seriously :jerkit:

And telling me to keep reading? I do read, if you would like to suggest some journals I have a thread open for that purpose. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=134752 Apparently you did not read since the original post I said that 74F were my _high_ rez temps not lows.

But ugh what cliche advice "go read newb", yeah really easy to say that instead of giving me real advice.

I got a QP on my first soil grow under CFLs, I've been reading weed growing forums 5+ years since OG days, I don't claim to be a master but your advice to go read doesnt really contribute anything. I have read everything I can get my hands on, if you want to suggest specific material to read that is related to what we are discussing thats 1 thing.


You type as it you're the last word and I have no idea what your definition of "Humble" is but that isn't you.


Huuuh? I'm so confused, what did I say to piss you off?

I'm seriously not being a hater here. Trying to give good advice to help you.

I've been reading a bunch of your other posts.... where you've 'helped' people out and it's no wonder you're having issues. Please do yourself (and other noobs) a favor and read for a few more months before giving advice again.

I can't believe some of the stuff I've read that you've posted. Amazing.

WHERE is the advice in that post? Did I say anything to rub you the wrong way before you post that? Nope.

Writing "no wonder youre having issues" and not elaborating is simply trolling and will not be taken kindly to, I know I suck OK? I put it in my first post, if you want to step on a man that's down then you're a jerk.

As an update the big bang I have slowly been increasing EC. I just dumped and switched to tap water, 550ppm now which = 150ppm starting, 50ppm of ph down, and 300ppm of nutes

The sativa I am going to try using my nutes as PH down and see if I don't get any burn doing that. ( feeding in direction of PH )

The white rhino is now at 500ppm of nutes of RO water and looks like it is resuming growth again.

Any serious advice is still more than welcome, sorry the thread got shat on.


I discovered tiger bloom does not contain any calcium at all, unlike the grow nutes from foxfarm. So I switched both buckets over to tap now for the flowering plants compensating for the 150ppm starting tap water, hopefully that is the correct way to do it. ( If I was using 400ppm that I still add back that same amount, arriving at a final ppm 150ppm higher then I was with RO water ). IDK since I've gotten mixed answers everytime I ask that question.

Also I just dropped my Milwaukee PH pen completely into the solution by accident, it went completely submerged the screen was reading 0 and turned off after a second, I pulled it out and opened the battery pack, poured out the water, dried it off with a paper towel best I could, blew in it for a few minutes with my breath and then put it back together, worked right away and finished mixing up the nutes, not bad for a $20 meter.

Always make sure when calibrating use 7.0 as well as 4.0 buffer, I dipped in the 7.0 and was spot on but the 4.0 registered 4.4 I thought for sure my meter was fried, calibrated down to 4.0 and re-dipped into the 7.0 buffer and it read 7.0 still unlike the 6.6 I was expecting, whew.


Shit meters fried, just realized walmart's tester drops are no good for showing anything below 6.0 or anything other then 1.0 accuracy +/- ...... Also I just fucked up my PH from a bad reading :-(

"The waterproof Oakton Instruments PCSTestr 35 multiparameter tester floats so there is no need to worry about the tester sinking to the bottom of your tank or pond. "

Overnighting this baby, it displays tds to an accuracy of .1 ppm for values under 100ppm and an accuracy of 1ppm for values above that which will be soooo much easier for my idiot ass when the plants are small then the .1 ec accuracy of the truncheon ( which will still be needed for heavy flowering I guess ). Has a resolution of .01 PH +/- too.

Should I cut out my lights to slow photosynthesis and slow the sure to ensue problems? To top it off hydro stores closed sunday as if I wanted to go there anyways


made it out to the hydro place, got the drops, got some GH bloom, some GH micro ( running really low on the foxfarm grow because I was an idiot way overfeeding at first ). Will switch to lucas after I finish up the lasts of those nutes.

Got some cal-mag. The big bang's speckled necrosis is definitely seeming like a calcium deficiency. I just added it with an eye dropper until I saw ec raise .1, hopefully thats enough.

Was gonna get some coco but I didn't bring enough for the nutes, no swat team repelling down my chimeny when I got home, thats a relief.

The white rhino is starting to show frost the last 4-5 days, its only day 3 of week 3. Do you think it looks def. in sulfur or just light bleached?

Also the super silver haze seedling lost all her exposed tap root because it got wrapped around an air-line and must have dislodged, there are already multiple root tips poking out the sides now


I cycled the HPS for this update's pic's so I can hopefully better document the deficiencies and hopefully get some advice.

White rhino is at 1.7ec / 900ppm, PH is somewhere around 5ish according to not so accurate drops. Hopefully I at least end up with bud to smoke here. Rez temps 68 - low 70s

2-3 pairs of fans now have completely been consumed and as you can see its made its way up most of that side branch and halfway up my main cola, the tops arent tip burned but are hook shaped, but then again it was doing that before I worked my way above 400ppm so I am hesitant to interpret it as overnuting, dunno.. The only tip burn is like in the middle of the plant, I think that means its old? It has had at least 700ppm since my last update so you can see what has happened since then, ec increased and problem didnt stop

Big Bang, the solution it has been in for days was mixed as following:

150ppm tap
+ 100ppm cal / mag plus
+ 500ppm growbig ( foxfarms )
= just over 700ppm total. No tip burn, leafs are clawed yes but they have done that since a seedling on 100ppm, what do you think could be causing the leaf curl? Rez temps 65-72F.

Lower leaf on lower lateral branch showing moderate N def. thats not stopping, I'm guessing probably PH lock out? since I'm damn color blind to these drops

I got that stand the supply tub is on out of someone's trash. Fits perfect and keeps my pumps and cables out of sight. Each bucket has dedicated air pump 2 6" stones pumps rated for 60 gal each so aeration should be all gravy


Dunno where you get off but: he's right. I only stopped by here because you were harping on hoosierdaddy, who happens to know a thing or two about growing and has helped out countless growers with their troubles in these forums. I thought, for sure, if you were poking fun at someone like him that you must have some experience to back yourself up. Boy, was I wrong.

After looking through some of your posts: you do have a tendency to write like you're speaking from authority. With this hobby: offering advice is one thing: telling someone to do something is another. If you're telling someone to do something, you better be giving them good knowledge that is based on experience. I just don't understand how you could possibly comment on someone's pH or hydro condition when this thread is what you have to show for it. Do more observing in the infirmary please, less writing.

No one claims to be the end-all source of information when it comes to cannabis. But, your grow looks dangerous and very unsuccessful -- hardly indicative of someone who should be dolling out any advice about how to grow.

You'll be lucky to get 7 grams from your harvest under that 600W lamp and it looks like you'll be more likely to burn your house down in the process with the lazy way in which you've decided to set up your grow. Extension cords all over the ground with power strips galore and multiple desk lamps surrounding your hydro buckets because, I guess you think your plants just don't have enough light from the HID?

It's obvious from your technobabble in a bunch of your posts that you know more about computers and the Internet than you do growing. It's obvious from this thread that you haven't taken the time to set up a proper grow and are seeing the absolutely dreadful results because of it.

He's right: some more reading for you would do the trick. It's not just "newb advice," it's sound advice. You might start to learn some things such as, I don't know, electricity above the waist? You say you've been reading forums for 5+ years but you must've been hanging out at growweedcheapwithmiraclegrow dot-fucking com because honestly: this is one of the sloppiest, most poorly executed grows I think I've ever seen. Either that, or you need to learn how to read so you can absorb more information because it's clearly not working out for you. People dream of having a whole room available to them to grow cannabis and you managed to waste the entire thing. You take an entire space and throw a bunch of $$ and equipment into it and hope for the best because you've spent some time on the Internet reading forums? You're burning your goddamn germinating plants before they even get their second set of true leaves! You need to slow down, take a LOT of steps back, think your grow through, and take the time to properly set it up. I would think learning how to germinate a damned plant would be way up there on the list of priorities above your infrared thermometers, fans, tubes, lamps, filters, etc.

Know why no one is in here helping you? Because you're fronting like you've already got it down.

Well sir, you clearly don't.

Quarter pound from your first soil grow under CFLs huh? Maybe you shoulda stuck to CFLs and soil because you clearly didn't learn a thing.

Good luck in your travels, whether you think you need it or not.

-Q :rasta:


you're fronting like you've already got it down.

Well sir, you clearly don't.:

what ever, if you want to help help, if not please shut up. Since when am I not allowed to try to help people in their sick plant threads when noone else offers advice to them. If you think I need to do reading why don't you suggest something relevant?

What experience exactly do you suggest I apply from my soil grow to a slime problem in DWC causing PH to go out of wack, etc..?

Why would I waste my time doing a more permanent setup when this grow is just an experiment and in a temporary location? Wow I have a extension cord 20ft away from 2 gallons of water, im really dangerous


Here are my notes for the big bang for the last 5 days since switching to lucas. it starts at 900ppm @ .5 conversion as a starting point so I could see how the plant reacted and go from there.

new growth is indicative of N excess so I have been ramping down ec slowly yet PH keeps "springing" up like the plant is removing more nutes then water. Based on advice here I am going to trust my limited skills to read the plant and keep pushing the PH down to be able to lower the ec until the leafs look healthy

and the def. is not calcium because I learned that is a immobile nute so the deficiency would appear at the plant's tops. Since this is working it's way from the bottom it narrows it down to mobile nutrients.

It looks like its lacking N, the mottling looks like a K def but is not happening on the leaf margin's, so I assume the mottling is PH related and that the N is locked out due to some other issue.

In my notes you can see I was holding it in the 6.0 range for a few days, I read a post by hydro-soil that if you experience a "deficiency" to try that but in that same thread 10k pointed out that magnesium ( which I dont think this is anyways because I would see burnt tips I beleive ) is absorbed equally well at 5.5, so I PHd down to below 5.5, I know if I up my feeding PH will stay more stable but the tips are clearly exhibiting burn so I will just keep topping off and watching my ec until I see it moving down

As you can see I ran 4 days on lucas then did a changeout yesterday with a lowered ppm on a fresh batch. This is basically what I have been doing is constant change outs. As you can see temps are about 72F on average. I was also asked about my air pumps they are 3 watts per piece and I am running 1 per bucket

If its not improving in the next 24hrs I'll ramp down further to like 550ppm @ .5 conversion


Here's the white rhino's charts, as you can see just been ramping down feeding strength, just started the lucas less then a week ago, she just completed her 3rd week of flowering and is a few days into the 4th week.

The roots seem to be slowly growing back, since I stopped using that fox farms. Along with 1" of vertical growth on the main top since switching. It is starting to close into a cola. hard to tell from the hps but the new bud leafs are coming out a darker green which leads me to beleive its moving away from its yellowing problem since switching to lucas. On 9/3 you can see I did a change out


Here's some clones, venus fly trap, and the super silver haze seedling. the SSH is sitting in 160ppm solution ( ro water / lucas ). the clones are in 1" cubes getting 200ppm lucas watered to runoff everyday. The dragon, well, didnt like 950ppm of lucas and is at 600ppm, I may even need to do a full flush she looks really bad, oh well you live and learn.

I know noone wants to help me but I keep posting so that maybe someone like me can learn from my mistakes ( maybe a mod could move the thread to the infirmary or journals forum if it gets peoples panties in a bunch lol ). and everyone worried about me electrocuting myself can sleep easy now

--- hmm and I was reading some old infirmary posts and saw someone was having an issue with earth juice where they did not realize to mix the grow nutes with the bloom nutes, and the bloom nutes intentionally left stuff out for this. According to the foxfarms hydro feeding schedule they mix grow nutes all the way up until final flush at end of flowering. So this means I robbed the plant of calcium ( the only element it didnt contain ) and probably the rest of the ratios were out of wack, like not enough N, which was exacerbated by adding waste of $ flower boosters.

I think most of the issues I'm experiencing now I've actually got somewhat of a grips on ( mostly overfed just from picking 950ppm as an arbitrary starting point ). I actually lowered the bing bang down to about 550ppm this morning and dropped the PH back to 5.2 ( fresh changeout ) going to keep the ppm low until the new growth stops "ridging" up before gradually ramping back up

Since people keep insulting me and telling me to read but no specifics I purchased Cervante's book which already arrive and I just finally found MyNameStitch's book which I did not know existed yet http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0932551912 called Marijuana Garden Saver: Handbook for Healthy Plants (Paperback) it lets you preview the book on the website and it looks pretty damn good. Cervantes has some good illustrations that really help you tell the difference between issues, sometimes it helps to see a drawing rather then an actual photograph because if you are new to this you could fixate on a small variance, the sketches show you the main symptoms of each deficiency at all stages of progression.


Hey Lysol,

Just read thru your thread and I'm not sure why you are being bashed here. Like you pointed out above, if you give someone advice and someone thinks it's wrong or disagree with it, they should point it out or give thier view right then and there on the thread. Seems it would be better for everyone including the OP, that's how I thought it should be done.

Glad to see you got some stuff to read but be very carefull when reading and passing on some of the stuff the "expert" writers have to say. For example Cervantes in his book states that the mj plant can't process more then 16hrs of light per day, yet offers up no scientific proof or references to support that statement. In fact some papers and many people's grow experiences do not support that position. I have yet to find anything to support that and I am constantly looking for scientific papers that deal with marijuana.

Anyways, got a link here to a marijuana grow guide written by Robert Cornell that is free here: www.mellowgold.com/grow/mjbotany-removed/

:D Oldmac


oldmac, i think the bashing is mostly due to people who have personal grudges rather than what i wrote here.

if i recall in cervantes book he states 24/7 provides faster growth, i looked up in the "vegetative growth" chapter and he says "maintain 16-24hr photoperiod" ( just gotta stick up for the book ), but yea i hear what ur saying

since ive been tracking tds & ph on my new meter i think i have been doing somewhat better, but im still not terribly happy with the results. I have some soil seedlings going and they seem to do much better then the ones I started in rockwool. I think after these 4 hydro buckets finish I will step away from the hydro ( or at least only do it at the same time as I have soil plants going )

thank you for posting the growguide i am checking it out now

i will post pics up soon, i hate to post too many updates too often for pictures of a plant only their grower could wanna smoke lol

Thank you for stopping by


Hey lysol, If you have Cervantes' "Horticulture: The indoor/outdoor medical grow bible" check out page 175 in the "lights, lamps & electricity" see what he says. I always thought the same as you abt what Cervantes reccomended and someone pointed this page out to me. But nowhere does he reference any studies or backs up that claim. He then refers to chapter 16, but the only mention there is abt some growers using a 12/6 to create a "short day". I need to get my own copy, I can't keep going to Borders checking on his stuff. LOL

My reference book is George Acquaah's "Horticulture: principles and practices" that is a textbook I got when taking some horticultural courses a few years back. While not mj specfic it is more science based then most guides.


What I've been doing differently

- Ignoring advice from people like hydro-soil
- Flushing my medium with PHd water at each change out or sign of canoe leaf
- Being more in-tune with my plants (see previous point about flushing before stress even shows it's ugly face)
- Keep water levels half way up the net pot to keep down salt build ups (thanks to great advice from freezerboy)
- PHing down with less amounts, but more often
- Doing complete change out if PH is not stable
- Ignoring my plants except for frozen water bottles, top offs and PH. I don't fuck with the feeding levels or touch the folliage everytime I walk past it anymore.

umm thats it.
and physan 20 / hydrodgen peroxide sprayed in 3% form directly to unhealthy roots. Look at the healthy root growth exploding from that cube

And when I say flushing my medium I mean taking 2 GALLONS OF PH WATER AND POURING IT OVER THE ROCKS & CUBE. Specifically what some idiot told me NOT to do in hydro, which is the only thing that does work (for me).

I am going to keep the plant below as a mom, and switch to coco. If I ever do active hydro again I would do a top feed system not DWC.

I am currently at < 350ppm on this plant. Just this week I've noticed the plant to be dropping the EC, raising the PH, and drinking lots of water. Will probably feed up after I get a few cuttings off her. Oh yeah and its lemon skunk


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love machine
ICMag Donor
Hey lysol,

Not to bash or hate on your journal but i did stumble here on one of the hoosierdaddy's thread and hydro-soil.
- These guys know what they're doing and i've seen them help countless people with their growths.
- You said you've been reading journals for 5 years, well this growth of yours does not look like it.
- You only give advices when you're FIRM about it or know very well about the subjects other wise just sit back and learn a few things.

- I've been growing all my life and i've never given advices that im unsure of, if im unsure i will shut up and listen to the experts or the one been there/done that.

- By the look of this thread i believe you should do A LOT more research, btw no one is hating on you, if you start out nice and HUMBLE, your thread would be at 10+ pages by now because people will chime in to help you with your problems even if you dont ask for it.

Good luck with your growth,




Not to bash or hate on your journal
By the look of this thread i believe you should do A LOT more research,
More generic useless advice. Thanks! Good job "covering up" the bashing with the clever opener.

- These guys know what they're doing and i've seen them help countless people with their growths.
And? Who said they didn't?

- You said you've been reading journals for 5 years, well this growth of yours does not look like it.
cool. Sucks for me I guess. Your comments are really helping things.

- You only give advices when you're FIRM about it or know very well about the subjects other wise just sit back and learn a few things.
I wouldn't disagree, I don't even see how that relates to anything? And anyways whats wrong with giving advice if you tell people you are unsure. Anyways I stopped posting altogether for the most part for several months, so I don't see why you're in here bothering me, you can go loathe in your perfection.


Uprooted that bubbler plant. Transplanted to 1litre coco. Was rootbound in less than a week. Transplanted to 5gal container. Drilled holes in bottom and put a 2nd outter bucket to collect runoff. Again within the week roots out of all drainage holes. Last night I dropped the 600w. Up until last night all this thing "saw" was the 100mh security light.

I tried doing "no runoff" and even tho i kept putting in plain water I got claw. I started doing it with runoff now (hence the outter bucket). When I first noticed clawing runoff was up to 3,000ppm. I've got it back down to 500ish for a bit.

Coco is so forgiving. I water it everyday, but I am using 1gal each time, instead of 3-4 with the DWC buckets (had to change out constantly due to nasties)

I think I'm going to stick with the coco.


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