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nanners... a bad thing?


Active member
I've read a bunch of threads and haven't found an answer to this question. I've determined I should just leave them alone but will this condition affect the smoke? They're appearing only on 1 out of 6 plants. It's a c99 that was sending out some foxtail buds, overall not too tight. Might have too much N?


if its a nanner here and there, pluck em off, but dont count on catching them all.


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
id say yes because all future generations from those seeds will be prone to hermaphrodite...
once the plants get pollinated they wont be as potent as sensemilla, but will still be potent.
havent you smoked some good mids before? just because the buds are seeded, doesnt mean they're gonna be shitty. they're just not as good as they could be.


Active member
my understanding is nanners do not necessarily mean you will get seeds, less likely than the regular "balls" hermie. I'm not making or wanting seeds from this plant, I've got a clone and was thinking of including in the next run since it seems to be the best (read fattest buds) of the c99 phenos in this batch.


That's true; they don't always shed pollen, but you can't count on that. Like Cork said, try to pluck the ones you can. I see that you're 6 weeks into flower, so you don't have much time to go. Unless you had heat issues or a light leak, you probably shouldn't use that plant for a clone mom.

You know, I think this is the first time I've ever heard of Cindy going hermie.


Active member
maybe the foxtails are from a lightleak, thats possible... and its the worst affected showing foxtails, and nanners, you sure your room is absolutely dark?

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