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Shoot the choppers down



I just got off the phone with my good friend, who is going to fight in South Asia in a very short time, and he told me hes worried about getting killed. He said most of his half-year will be spent walking around and getting shot at and maybe rolling over a dozen IEDs while sitting in the back of those cramped LAVs aka coffins. Then I come home to read this:


it makes me sick that we are spending thousands of dollars to keep the birds up in the air looking for pot patches, yet only a few months ago, i was reading articles about the helicopter shortages in Afghanistan? This country is fucked. I told him about the article and he said to me: "Shoot them down". thats advice coming from a currently serving army soldier so you can see how opinion varies even amongst those supposedly against this plant, according to the government and media.


classy grass
Read the link...sad...and comments- talk of town engineer, Bob Weir. Bobby, you're supposed to be on our side!

And yea, F the choppers.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
the united states' war against drugs is fucked and often goes in the wrong direction. spends too much on a drug that should be legal. i don't get it and probably never will.

try comb

Active member
if other humans take the time to fly over my crop and take it............they will reap what they've sown..........sooner or later.


Whatever happened to only going after threats to society? Marijuana crimes are only crimes because they involve marijuana. This kind of treatment is an attempt to freeze society from progressing. In the future this will be one of the darkest ages for America.

Only the nastiest governments in history have so much secret police you don't know what to do, and look at the United States. DEA, NSA, ATF, FBI, CIA, Secret Service, Homeland Security, ICE, on and on.

Throughout history when times are good, there are relatively no conspiracies and everyone is happy. Clearly in the past few decades we have been full of protest and many government conspiracies. Now these conspiracies often are not true, but it symbolizes great distrust with the government and once the government messes up, one or more of the conspiracies will stick.

Now that we are in the entrance to the Information Age there is one more step left... the Information Revolution.


do you guys in the US notice any improvement now under the new Obama administration as opposed to the Bushwanker admin?

Do the federal authorities actually accept that each state got the right to pass their own legislation\legalize or do DEA still crack down and harass people in forexample Cali just like they used to?

I bet that the big organized latino gangs that I've read about that establish giant farms in norcal\oregon and other southern states doesnt help your cause though...


it just makes me glow with pride when i read them announcing their once yearly canna-roundup in all the papers and interwebs; it's just SUCH a canadian thing to do. Even if it is countering our efforts, they arent secretive and 1/365th of a year is about as good as it gets until legalized.:joint:


It used to be accepted to throw anyone kind of strange into the insane asylum. Nowadays "minor offenders" end up in prisons. Someday prisons will be widely considered offensive and useless.

Is it just me, or are the helicopter blades and the removal of your property similar to Nazi boots marching and removing your property?


damn choppers

damn choppers

have any canadians seen the chopper already this year? just wondering cuz in my area its always between sept. 1 -15. always waiting for the day to come and go so i can rest easy. someone should tell them they will never stop us and that cannabis is all love anyways. peace guys and gals good luck to alll ...respect and love rasta ozzy

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