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2009..my date with Density..

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I am missing most of mine. 6 to be exact. I only have them on my thumbs and index fingers for some reason
Yup...right again...:joint:

Most people have little or no moon on their little finger..
but if you count from there..
they go missing from the little finger to the thumb.
So by saying you only have the index and the thumb..you are looking at a guage of how long you have been depleting.
FIRST of all..it is a stored vitamin..a healthy person..will carry 5 years supply in the liver.
You were short of it 5 years Before any of your moons disappeared.
SO..about 7 years all in all.
for 7 years Part of your Pain could have been that.
But because you feel so sh*t with of the MS..you blame ALL the symptoms on THAT.
Not saying it will cure anything my m8..but it has Certainly helped me.
It won't HARM you and it should only cost about $10 to try for 3 months.
Trust me...it has taken me Years of research.

Asda/walmart does good at a reasonable price. You Need 1000 mg's per day.
It is a creeper..I didn't realise how much it helped until I run out...:redface:
and the shoulder/neck/spasm pains came back with a vengence.

One thing..you might get them cheaper on the net but they must BE
wheat/dairy/yeast free or don't bother taking them.

We need to talk further. Let me know when you get time to yap in mails.

Meaty..go to wikepedia and look up b12 deficiency.
I know wikepedia is not always accurate but they are quite informative on this one.
Look in presentation/symptoms.
Tell me how many of those are cross-over symptoms for your MS.
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Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
i bought a bale of potting mix from my local garden center. it didn't tell me the ratio of nutrients inside. i don't know if there was any at all. i bought it because i was told it was a very light soil. i gave them two feedings of pure blend pro. when i saw that they were starting to bud. i gave them a shot of bud blood. the last two feedings i have fed them with big bud and earth juice bloom. i'll be giving them one more feeding of big bud and finish them up with one feedings of overdrive.


Yup...right again...:joint:

Most people have little or no moon on their little finger..
but if you count from there..
they go missing from the little finger to the thumb.
So by saying you only have the index and the thumb..you are looking at a guage of how long you have been depleting.
FIRST of all..it is a stored vitamin..a healthy person..will carry 5 years supply in the liver.
You were short of it 5 years Before any of your moons disappeared.
SO..about 7 years all in all.
for 7 years Part of your Pain could have been that.
But because you feel so sh*t with of the MS..you blame ALL the symptoms on THAT.
Not saying it will cure anything my m8..but it has Certainly helped me.

Asda/walmart does good at a reasonable price. You Need 1000 mg's per day.
It is a creeper..I didn't realise how much it helped until I run out...:redface:
and the shoulder/neck/spasm pains came back with a vengence.

One thing..you might get them cheaper on the net but they must BE
wheat/dairy/yeast free or don't bother taking them.

We need to talk further. Let me know when you get time to yap in mails.

i only have these moon things on my thumb...


Active member
hey mossy i checked and i have all my moons, but, as you said, the little fingers have little ones, its more transparent then white, but they are there, does this mean im deficient or does a normal person just not have as large a crest on the little fingers?


lowrdr..How Old are you...you can whisper in my mails if you want.

Do you have history of arthritis..asthma...excema..psoriasis in the family
Do you have any other forms of nerve damage..
dairy allergy..
ginger gene...:yoinks:

Meaty..lowrdr..simple test before any of you worry too much..
get a digital termometer and take your temp for 3 mornings in a row.
Oral...just incase you are wondering..
and drop them in my mails for me.
Take it First thing in the morning..
eating..drinking and talking increase your temp..so do it first.

lordbudly..you are Fine and Healthy for vit b12 m8...
Just as they should be :yes:
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i don't know if there was any at all. i bought it because i was told it was a very light soil.
This is exactly where I am experimenting now..and results so far have been excellent.
In your hand..does it look more like light/wood/leaf texture..with perlite..
or it it more soily/gritty/dense..?


was a landscape gardener for 3 years and my sciatic nerves gave me a bit of stick but theyre ok now so dont think that would count as sciatica. defo NOT got the ginger gene lol or any of the others


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
it was very dry, light but not sandy, somewhat gritty. had a bunch of perlite. the guy said it was what they use for all their potted plants. it was a really hard bale. it broke down to be about 6 cubic feet. bale was labeled as 4 cubic ft. cost 27 bucks but was well worth it.


Well..Lads you are Never going to believe this..
over half of my big girls were Ripped last night.

It looks like they came across the roof of a neighbouring house..which is empty ATM.

I Think I probably disturbed them..I heard a noise and got up but thought better of it...thought it was the neighbour next door.
But I think the noise of me getting up disturbed them enough to leave.

I'll bring you the photos when I get time.

Me Poor Girls.

It could have been worse.
Plants don't Bleed and I am covered for pain meds so everything is fine
but I might not be in the next couple of days.
Things to do..measures to take.
Don't fret...I'll be in for the Friday Bud show if not before.

Worst thing is..they came equiped with something like secateurs..I can tell by the cut marks.
AND they knew they were there..so it comes down to friends.
Not saying directly..maybe blabbermouthing..but only 2 people know they are up there.

Now I have the decission whether to finish the job they started by taking the bits of the girls they left..down now...
and leave them nothing to come back for....
or leave them up and try to get enough time in to ripen the seed...
take the chance that they are not gonna come back for what they left behind.

Catch up with mails when I get back.


Active member
sORRY TO HEAR THAT mOSSY.I got colas cut off my plants right in my yard a couple nights ago..sucks.Worst part is its someone I know.Had to be..They came with scissors too.My stepson spooked them but didn't know it.(they dropped a couple colas)He thought it was the deer.So yeah it comes down to friends with me too.The person i think it was has a site on here too.Makes me sick.Plus the fact they weren't close to finishing..peace


that is bad!! it comes to something when u cant trust ur friends ! hope u sort it out mossy!

1 word, BASTARDS!


Buddle catch up with you soon
lowrdr.. cheers m8..

I stopped for a smoke..must have been good..because I got a laugh out of it after the day I have had..


Reasons to Love AF's even More..

Rippers only Steal your Long-Season girls...:bis:

and I have to Break some kinda Record for being the only person in the World to get Ripped 3 floors up..
Thats too bad mossy, Fuckin sad thing is it prob was ur "friends". I learned early, u cant trust noone when it comes to this type of stuff. Only folks that know where any of my outdoor stuff is my Pops. I started growing to supply him with meds. He is diagnosed bipolar, manic depression, degenerative bone disease, arthritis, and Glaucoma..:yoinks: So he needs a good amount of meds. :joint:

Sorry to hear about your loss man. I cant believe they came from the rooftops.. FUckers must have really needed it eh? Playing spiderman n shit.
Be safe bro.
Im gonna start working my way through this thread, and then we can get into breeding AF's ;)


La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
too bad mossy indeed a sad thing it where probably friends
if you needs some inca buds for the winter let me know .:joint:


Mossy, mate, you dont just get ripped off, you get ripped off by spiderman...Trip wires, see them survive a 3 story drop...:D

Sorry to hear man, i hope the whitey and be sick on themselves.....:yes:


ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear thieves got into your garden, mossy! Thats BS... Now all yer crops may be in jeopardy... I would lean toward cropping them early becuase these idiots might come back... Sucks... Security is a precious thing...
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