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CANNA is manufactured for cannabis plants, also.
they used to have a .nl site that had tons of great info including pics of pit plants with different deficiencies/lockouts. i can;t seem to be able to acceess it anymore... was pretty cool though.

this thread kinda of reminds me of the thread about being at a sporting event and being chosen to compete at halftime for $100 sponsored by a beer co and the op feeling like he didn't stick up for himself by saying 'i smoke pot' instead beer co's name and getting $100 for it... different angle/same tune = weak sauce.


Canna is another company, thanks Greyskull! I wasn't sure so I didn't write it myself....

I'm confused as to where you see similarities between the thread you are talking about and this one though, I just can't see any connection or relation.


Canna has certainly changed their tune.
You can't even get on their USA web site without agreeing to a huge 500 word disclaimer.
A little excerpt:
Canna Continental (Hortisol USA Corp) does not endorse, profit from or recommend any product, process or service that is intended or designed for use in the manufacture, production, processing and/or utilization of controlled substances, including, but not limited to marihuana/cannabis/hashish or other substances defined and prohibited as illegal in the united states and any other country for which such is intended.

Again, just being smart and covering their asses.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Where I disagree with Hoosier is how our medical laws are a joke, and I am sorry he lives in a place that has no such laws and is still in a "draconian" setting. These laws are a small step in the right direction, for as many people on this board knows, it helps MANY different ailments/conditions (where is Granny's list when you need it?!). I also think that if we band together and take a stand, we can continue to make progress for ourselves to lift us out of said draconian laws. We can only do this by working together though, not with this in-fighting.

I am not disputing the medicinal properties of cannabis. My rant is directed towards those who would carry a medicinal canna card when they have no ailments. Which I am certain is the majority of card holders.
Even more off topic...I have another pet peeve...
those who grow pot for what they call "their patients". Give me a break, Dr. Killdare.
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Active member
Fox Farm can lick my ass. I don't use them anyway but fuck them for trying not to be something they are.


In the USA there is a thing called the RICO act. I am not aware of it ever being used against a nutrient company...but in theory, it could be. Doubtful that a jury would convict...but that isn't the point. Regardless of being found innocent the financial hit would be substantial. These companies have lawyers, those lawyers are advising their clients on avoiding conspiracy charges. The companies are doing the financially prudent thing and taking that advise.

Does not change one bit the fact that most of them make perfectly suitable for mj nutrients.

Just like going in a head shop and asking for a water pipe instead of a bong. Doesn't change the fact that it is excellent for smoking mj out of...but it does provide a small measure of protection for the store.

Boycotting a company for protecting their financial interest is rather narrow minded in my humble opinion.


those who grow pot for what they call "their patients". Give me a break, Dr. Killdare.

But 1000s of kids die every year because the oxycodone companies give free pens, note pads, trips, and other crap to our doctors. They are openly supporting the heroin trade now?

Medical Benefit, the word benefit is subjective, who are you to say what "stoner joe" needs or not ya know.

Slot machine manufacturers that distribute to indian reservation casinos, are they openly supporting stealing land from and killing of an entire people? Or just participating in free trade? If they refused to sell their machines to some casino that is their [legal not moral] right.

It seems like this whole thread is debating morals vs the law. Morals are subjective though ( not saying the law cant be subjective too in alot of cases )


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
Hey JD man why dont u go somewhere else with your negative vibez?


Fox Farm has some of the best customer service I have seen. They are a US company selling quality semi-organic ferts. It's in their interest to not support breaking the federal law as a law abiding business. I can't tell you how many smelly dank ass tomatoes I have picked thanks to them.
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Blue Dot

Boycotting a company for protecting their financial interest is rather narrow minded in my humble opinion.

Funny that you think exposing hypocrisy is narrow mined.

Wouldn't the definition of narrow-mindedness be protecting ones financial interests ABOVE the hypocrisy that it sends to america?

Maybe if everyone stood up to this hypocrisy, the consumers as well as the producers, then this hypocrisy would end in america.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Fox farm is JUNK,and so is Advanced Nutrients.

Caveat Emptor,muthafuckas!!

Lol, i put caveat emptor in google thinking it was some kind of brand. Touche':dueling:

Let me be the first to say im satisfied with ff and their products :joint:
Funny that you think exposing hypocrisy is narrow mined.

Wouldn't the definition of narrow-mindedness be protecting ones financial interests ABOVE the hypocrisy that it sends to america?

Maybe if everyone stood up to this hypocrisy, the consumers as well as the producers, then this hypocrisy would end in america.

Bluedot, your last line is my point exactly, you just made it more concise then I could.... I get a bit long-winded when I smoke sometimes :joint:
Fox Farm has some of the best customer service I have seen. They are a US company selling quality semi-organic ferts. It's in their interest to not support breaking the federal law as a law abiding business. I can't tell you how many smelly dank ass tomatoes I have picked thanks to them.



Active member
ICMag Donor
Maybe if everyone stood up to this hypocrisy, the consumers as well as the producers, then this hypocrisy would end in america.
Yeah, and if frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their ass.

Would you jeopardize your company for a stand against hypocrisy?
I highly doubt that you would burn one on the courthouse steps to make a point, aye?

Please folks...this is reality, not some make-a-point game here.
And as we are stepping into one of the most fucked up administrations this nation has seen, ever....I suggest it's quite wise to at least put on the appearance of conformance.
IMO we have yet to see any jack booted thug activity, although many think the last admin was jack booted thugs...BUT, with what I see happening now, fascism and tyranny are at hand.

In fact, soil mixes in bags will probably be the last of our worries very, very soon.

Blue Dot

And as we are stepping into one of the most fucked up administrations this nation has seen, ever....

Did you just say that the Obama admin is worse then the Nixon admin or the Bush admin?

Because if you did you're insane and actually all the other inaccuracies in your entire last post proved it.

Your just angry because your state doesn't have MMJ.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I am not angry.
In my state it is a misdemeanor to grow 4 plants no matter weight.
That is not the issue.

And yes, the obama administration is doing the exact same things the the left has tried to warn us about the right for years. Jack booted thugs that want control of the country.
It is happening right before your eyes, and I suggest you take a big dose of fuck you before you start calling me insane.

I highly doubt you know anything at all about Nixon, and all you know about Bush is what your left winged leaders want you to believe.
Just like now, they are trying to blame all the financial woes on Bush...when the majority of the Bush years had the US in some of the best economic times we have ever seen.
If you want to find out what really caused a financial mess in this country...follow the left.
Specifically Barney Frank and his band of gay caballeros, who managed to fuck up the housing sector real good. Bush tried to warn the Congress on multiple occasions that this would happen, yet was turned a deaf ear to...and why? Because the left is all about taking control, and using the less than learned mindset of their constituencies to perpetrate their schemes. The banking sector was also fucked up by the left. Making it mandatory to lend money to those who cannot, and will not pay it back.

Wait...yes I am angry...at those of you who speak about things without first taking your head out of your ass. Discuss things fine...but when the name calling starts, you better have your facts and shit together when you debate me on these things, because I do NOT wear rose colored glasses, and I use facts, rather than my emotions to make my points.
I am also not one of the dumb asses in our society that is used by the left to further their agenda's. And the majority of the lefts constituencies are dumb asses that only know what the left wants them to know, and how they want them to know it.

You want to discuss this or call names?
I bet that made you feel real good to call me out and throw a name at me, didn't it?

Blue Dot

I highly doubt you know anything at all about Nixon...

I know that I was alive before he was Pres. Were you?

I also know he created the CSA and the DEA and for you to say obama is more dangerous than that per this disscussion in the context of this forum is, well, INSANE. lol

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