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True Blood.......



heehee, this show was OK, but not as good as last week.

did ya'll see that they ain't even gonna show another show till Sept 14... BOO HBO.

what the hell is that durn egg? Looks like ostrich. Maybe it is a new style Martha Stewart is coming out with. The African Bedspread! Feel like you are in Africa every nite... lol
im not sure whats up with the egg....but i did find it odd that it showed up after andy and jason were bullshitting about sam turning into a chicken.

HBO usually doesnt show new episodes on holiday weekends. (labor day) they pulled the same stunt for the fourth of july.

im still having trouble wrapping my head around all the possibilities that this episode brought up, but ill list a few of my thoughts here....

-doesnt "the queen" sounds a little young to be in her position? (speaking about eisenhower and the industrial revolution)

-does this information that bill has come up with mean that sam needs to die to rid the town of maryann?

-does that egg signify the birth of a new maynad?

-i see jason coming out of this whole thing alright...but something in my gut tells me that andy wont be so lucky

im preparing for some major disappointment in regards to the season finale. theres too many loose ends. i know they have to leave some sort of cliffhanger for season three (which has already been picked up) but there is WAY too much going on for them to be able to clean up even half of it in one more hour.

i know ive been saying something to this effect for the last few sundays....but that doesnt make it any less true. ...my brain hurts...


I think Queen is old, maybe Egyptian old Pharoah old. she got some Egypt decor going on at her pad.

They are gonna take Sam to Maryann, and if I understand, when she is Sleeping with the Enemy, so to speak, they are gonna take her out. I guess if you don't live up to MaryAnn's sexual standards, she cuts your heart out after and eats it.? Anyway, if I get it right, while Maryann is sleeping with He who comes or sleeping with Sam, trying to get the Guy to come; she is vulnerable to being killed.

Since Andy is Maryann immune ( remember when his arm got broke?) he should be OK.

Hoyt's Daddy is only 1/2 a man, 1/2 a man, we hear it all the time, and now we know he kilt himself. I wonder, if he was a beastie boy too, and couldn't take it? Maybe a Werewolf????? Aooowww!

Now ole Maryannn can force changes on Sam! Right? I bet we see ole Hoyt take his Mamma to the party, and then Maryann is gonna force him into turning Werewolfie... aooowwwww!

Poor Jessica! Everybody knows you can't eat your Mother in Law and get away with it.

Stupid, Tara, Stupid Sookie, Stupid Lafayette! Maryann done mojo'd em up! they should have stayed home.

Dang, I forgot to eat my budder for the nite. Later True Blooders.

BooHoo, how will I survive without TrueBlood for 68 more months? HBO never puts them shows out on time!!!

I want 13 episodes at a minimum per season, not 8 !!!! MORE MORE

at least there's a new season of Survivor coming up. Nothing funnier than city folk on an island, starvin and all... :biglaugh:
lola...you know that the season finale is the thirteenth episode...right?

i think hoyt and jessica will work it out. not sure if hoyt has any supernatural blood in him or not, but i feel that if he was a werewolf he would have experienced a change by now.

heres a prediction for you.... *looks into his crystal bong* i see....i see...true blood season two on store shelves just in time for christmas.



Lola, i can never make sense of your posts...lol

Cannot WAIT until season Finale!


New member
Remember, Sookie was already in the house and everyone around her was already turned including Lafayette. I think Maryann may have taken Sookie instead. When Bill brought Sam, they seem to already be in the process. And, I am sure Bill has a better plan than just to turn Sam over. Sam is rather insignificant with no real powers other than to shapeshift - which is why I think Maryann took Sookie instead - unless he turns into some kinda wild creature. So far, he's been a dog and a fly and a deer, I think. Besides the Queen said the maenad has to only think she's succeeded before she moves on.


danny karey

The queen is HOT!!! Really liked the show this week, can't wait for the next episode!!



Sunshine DayDreamer
I agree EvilRaven, there is too many story lines and not enough time in an hour to give them all a good wrap up... but of course they gott'a leave us hanging and hungering for more, eh?? :D

Thought it was funny when Erik refered to the kids as 'little humans' lol... he said, it's like their humans but smaller.. but he also said they are delicious is russian and that wasn't as cute..lol.. the show has some dark humor for sure..

I think you are spot on anthony, that they are in the middle and maryann took sookie instead of sam. perhaps because she's better vessel?? and Bill has to have a better plan than just to hand sam over..Perhaps a plan to make her think she's suceeded... Perhaps sam turn into whatever it is she's wanting him to??..

...and yea 79towncar I have read that too but I dont' think people want spoilers who are watching the show.. I also read that the show is not exactly like the books.. that some of the story lines are completely different.. small non spoiler example is: in the book Lafayette was the one found in Andy's car with the heart torn out and Maryann is not such a prominent figure... so, although I have thought about reading the series I don't expect the stories to be identical.. and who knows maybe that'd be fun... BUT i'll keep the details to myself cuz I would not want to spoil anything for the viewers of the show here in this thread....

AND WTF is up that the EGG indeed.... and why is that guy Tera's BF named Eggs?? (did i miss that somewhere)... and yea, jason talking about sam laying and the consuming his own eggs, WEIRD ASS SHIT! ... dark comedy indeed...

Not enough sexy scenes with Erik this week damit.. ony him on that ladies head talking to Layfayette.. and him with the Queen in the preview.. Ya think The Queen has taken a liking to Bill??? :chin:

Two Weeks.. dam.....


Well, I can answer one question!

Eggs real name is Benedict, for some reason they nicknamed him Eggs.

I think Sam is gonna be the vessel, so Maryann can hump him and then they can kill her while she is humping. :)


The egg is going to be a dragon baby!

I'm sure a dragon will come in somewhere, We have every other mythological creature..lol

Seriously, these writers need to speed this shit up a little. I'm all for some suspense, but this has to be the slowest show ever.


i agree nosaint, cause it would be okay if there was a new episode every week till next summer or something, like in the olden days of TV. Reruns for the summer only.

somebody hack into HBO and steal this last show for us. :)

The season finale better be 2 hours long, is all I got to say.

I can see the headlines now....... "Fans riot over HBO's True Blood"

I am sick of HBO doling out little dribbles of their series. Whatever happened to Deadwood? It was supposed to come back on, never did. And they really tortured us with the Sopranos, so I am sorta glad that one ended. Anybody else aggravated at the miniscule portions of the series. I love BIG LOVE too, but, come on, it barely got started this season and then it was over till next year. aggravatin. more episodes!
Lola im pissed about deadwood as well. i own all three seasons on dvd. there were rumors of a pair of two hour "movies" to finish the story, but the cast has since moved on to other projects and the set has been sold off.

that was the moment i swore off HBO's series. then they fuckin hooked me with this one.

*shakes fist* damn you HBO!! ...hurry up with more true blood....i need my fix


I agree with all who lament the poor teatment of Deadwood, and I might add to that Carnivale. I must declare the best mini series/series on HBO was Rome it was only slated to run 2 seasons but I still hated for it to end. Lucious Vorenus and Titus Pullo are the best buddy team ever written. I cried like a baby when Vorenus died.

Too much fluff in this weeks episode, stick to the core story line and get on with it. You know they will leave us hanging on until next season to see what happens with Maryann and Sookie, the bastards do it everytime.

I agree with all who lament the poor teatment of Deadwood, and I might add to that Carnivale. I must declare the best mini series/series on HBO was Rome it was only slated to run 2 seasons but I still hated for it to end. Lucious Vorenus and Titus Pullo are the best buddy team ever written. I cried like a baby when Vorenus died.

Rome was an amazig series, ill give you that. My big gripe when people mention Rome's run being a bit short....at least they gave it an ending. The story was allowed to come full circle, because it was early in season one that Pullo bedded Cleopatra. It was only in the final episode that Pullo was reuinited with his child.

another great HBO series that got what most didnt...an ending.

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