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Never, ever talk to the cops


Patient Grower
Here below we have an object lesson in what can happen if you do. In the story we have two enterprising growers that were pulled over in Florida. In conversation with the cop both admitted to consuming cannabis the day before in California. I guess they thought admitting to a civil infraction (in CA) committed in another state wouldn't get them busted, and it would make the cops like them for 'coming clean'. Instead the driver is promptly arrested for DUI-drugs. You see, FL is one of those zero tolerance states where the presence of any metabolites in your system makes you per se guilty of DUI drugs.

Safford Police bust hydroponic weed growers

By Jon Johnson
Assistant Editor
Published on Thursday, August 20, 2009 5:16 PM MST
Safford Police officers arrested two Florida men on a variety of drug charges after finding hydroponic marijuana and indoor growing materials in their car Monday night.

Officers also found United States Post Office receipts that led them to inform a postal inspector in Florida about possible drug shipments. The postal inspector confiscated two packages with about five pounds of hydroponic marijuana in each with a street value of approximately $50,000.

Matthew Bullard of Jacksonville, Fla., was booked into the Graham County Jail on charges of DUI-drugs, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia, and Eric Goode of Panama City, Fla., was booked on charges of possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia after their vehicle was pulled over for speeding Monday night. A variety of indoor marijuana grow equipment, including Grodan grow pods, various lights and irrigation equipment, a grow wheel and a training video, were confiscated as evidence and their vehicle was impounded.

Several pictures of hydroponic marijuana and a grow room were found on a cell phone the men had with them.

Officer Herschel Medlin was traveling east at about the 900 block of east Highway 70 behind the pair's Nissan Altima at about 9 p.m. when he clocked their speed at 55 mph in a 45-mph zone. As the vehicle approached the 55-mph zone, it accelerated to 65 mph, and Medlin pulled them over for speeding.

As he approached the car, Medlin noticed the grow room equipment in the back seat. The driver, Bullard, said the pair were returning to Florida after a vacation in California and asked if they were headed the right way to Interstate 10.

Medlin gave Bullard a warning for speeding and said the pair could be on their way but asked if he could first look inside the trunk. Bullard gave him permission to do so, and Medlin located more growing equipment in the trunk.

The passenger, Goode, said the equipment was for growing lettuce and that he purchased it for his brother after noticing the materials on the Craig's List Web site. Both subjects admitted to smoking marijuana the previous day in California.

At that time, Medlin placed Bullard under arrest for DUI-drugs and said Goode could not operate the vehicle either because of his admission to smoking marijuana the day before.

The car was then impounded, and during a vehicle inventory search officers discovered a heat-sealed bag with several hydroponic marijuana buds inside. A ledger containing phrasing consistent with phrasing found in drug dealing ledgers and receipts from the post office were also found. A cell phone was also discovered with several photographs of a Goode showing off marijuana buds and a grow room. Bullard said a package mailed to Florida from California with his name on it contained T-shirts.

The receipts led officers to alert a postal inspector in Panama City who intercepted two packages with a total of 10 pounds of hydroponic marijuana inside.


Overkill is under-rated.
Well, good thing for the morons of this world, they keep the cops too busy to mess with the rest of us. ;)


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
wow. imagine trying to live with yourself after that one? i would probably hang myself in my cell...........


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
getting pulled for speeding is so avoidable too - why do that when you are carrying something that might get you into trouble?

nearly all the story's of people getting caught start with them getting tapped for something else like speeding or shoplifting or not paying hire-purchase etc.

better to learn from other peoples' mistakes than from your own.

Just another case of people too scared or too stupid to refuse ALL questions profeered by a scumbag cop. Admitting anything is just plain dumb.There is NO need for any discussion with a cop. The guys got a warning and then of course the scumbag cop asked for consent...and the idiots gave it up!!

" Pardon me, can I take your pants down and rape you? Thanks!!!" My God, when will people involved in growing ever learn? Cops will lose the case IF they actually, and illegally, search you after your refusal to consent and find something. Those guys would no doubt have driven away and been fine if they had just refiused to answer any questions and driven away without comment after the cop gave them the warning ticket.

Just say NO to the cops!!! just say no. thats all. Lay all the heat on your attorney; just tell the pigs that your attorney told you to never ever speak to the police without him being present. Most cops know that mentioning a lawyer means they must be very careful from that point and not badger you to give up your right to remain silent.

Lets face it; if the cop is going to search and bust you anyway, you might as well win the case and walk by having done your part; Refuse consent, and refuse to engage in any conversation or questioning whatsoever. We do NOT owe it to a cop to be polite and speak to them; they are the enemy. We owe them squat. Thats what you should give them.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
speeding will do you in

what kind of car? I am sure it was not blending in.. And yeah admitting to smoking weed so nonchalantly, will give two uptight officers enough reason to suspect you of carrying at least a roach in the car. I know people who have done time for roaches..

and what is the deal with being in Cali the day before, that is a long ass drive, and very quickly aproximately.


Never break more than one law at a time.

Don't recall where I first heard it, but they apparently never have.


Patient Grower
A lot of people don't no how to say no to a cop asking questions, and the manner in which you do it is important. Also, it's easy to say "I prefer not to answer any questions officer" in a level, polite tone of voice but the first thing the cop does to counter that is to start asking questions. "Why don't you want to answer my questions?" "Do you have something to hide?" and the correct answer to those questions is "I prefer not to answer any questions officer" in a level, polite tone of voice. It is the fear within that must be tamped down, but it is that very fear that will do you in even though it screams in your mind that it will save you.


Active member
You didn't need anymore then just the title of the thread.
I just shake my head when I hear stories like this, how stupid do you have to be?
Anyone who has ever heard the Miranda rights should know not to say anything ever to the police, you can ONLY MAKE THINGS WORSE, never better.
"anything you say, CAN, and WILL, be used against you"
Why would you say anything knowing this^^^^^^^^


My little pony.. my little pony
Dude, Wheres my cell?

You are exactly right bro...most people give in to that FEAR, and they pay the price. Thats exactly what the coppers rely on: the use of intimidation and lies to get us to incriminate ourselves. Cops are actually pretty good actors: They pretend all day to have powers they do not possess, they act like authoritarian bosses in charge and assume that they have all power over us. When they lie, which is when their mouths are open, they care not one bit that they are ruining the Constitution and depriving us of our rights...rights are a joke to cops..they HATE for us to have any rights at all.

If you could get a cop to tell the truth, which is almost an impossibility, they would have to admit that they have total disdain and contempt for the Constitution...they HATE to be required to provide any rights to us or consideration of our legal rights..they wish they could enter any residence at any time with no warrant and search us at will. Cops hate to be limited as to their powers....they want it all.

Cops sneer at the Constitution and they hate defense attorneys because they provide the only means of navigating and or beating the corrupt system. A good lawyer is as important as a good doctor, and I stopped telling lawyer jokes when one pulled my fat out of the flour long ago; without his expertise I would have been screwed, but I walked clean.

EVERY lawyer, without exception, advises clients to NEVER talk alone to a cop. It is always the rule that if a cop wants to ask questions, at any time and under any conditions, they MUST wait until you have counsel.

Of course the cops will TRY to get the people to talk and explain why they are using their Rights...but we owe cops NOTHING...NOTHING. We do NOT have to explain why...or explain anything else. Just say the same thing over and over and the cop will tire of this and move on to more easy targets. They do not want attorneys on their backs and lawsuits, so they look for the easy pickings...people who react to fear.

I have advised people for years to practice...play act if you will..with a few friends some evening..take a few minutes and one guy play the hard ass cop and others stand firm and say only what is advised. Practice always helps when the actual blue lights come on and you pull over. you can take a deep breath and repeat it until either the cop relents and goes away or violates your rights and searches anyway, which would mean he loses the evidence at trial. you will have given your lawyer what he needs to help you.

All a lawyer asks his clients is to obey the law, and if you cannot do that, then at least NEVER give away your rights and his means of getting you off. An obviously illegal search will get tossed and the cop embarrassed, but it means you walk. So never ever answer ANY questions, no matter how seemingly innocent.

Cops will ask ; " Where are you going tonight?" and other innocuous questions just to get you used to answering them. Take a stand from the get-go and refuse to answer any questions, no matter what. If a cop asks where you are going, just say; " I never speak to police without my attorney being present". If the cops asks why, just repeat line 1 until it sinks into his ugly bald head that you are not going to be manipulated and screwed over and that you have a lawyer....that makes cops think twice.

If a cop thinks that you WANT him to violate your rights, he may think its a set up to get him...and he will flee from that. cops rely on lies and intimidation, and when those will not work they get uncomfortable and want out of the situation.

So practice and keep cool and limit your speech to cops to two sentences only: " My attorney advised me to never answer any questions without him "....and : " I do NOT give consent for any searches." If you stick to that, most of the time you will walk...and if you don't, at least you have given the lawyer something to work with....if you do not, all the lawyer will be able to do is make a plea, which means you are screwed . Stay strong.


Active member
These are all great points being made. It should also be mentioned that not "cooperating" can land you in jail just as well. I just watched cops last night where there was a domestic violence charge against a son and his g/f. The cops asked a group of men standing outside a residence who the father was.
No one said anything. After a couple failed attempts at asking them, it then showed the cops entering the residence and telling a guy (presumably the father) "Your under arrest" after the guy casually exits the back bedroom. They cuff him and the guy asks what he's being arrested for. The cop then says "Resisting an officer". I concluded it was for not answering that he was the father. There was no struggle, no guns drawn. It all looked very casual!

Cops basically don't care if they violate your rights because.......

1. either way you generally lose.
a. You go to jail, whether detained for X amount of time or arrested.....they don't care, they still go home at the end of the day.
b. They confiscate your personal belongings, and it's up to you to get it back.
c. You need a lawyer costing you money. Case dismissed....Well, your free but it still cost you money!

Nearly 99% of the time if there's ever an "Investigation" into alleged wrongdoings by a cop, the outcome is almost always favorable to the cop.


Listen to me jerky
Someone can be arrested for just about anything out there. Doesn't mean you can be charged. Yeah it might be a pita and a waste of time. But it's better then actually go to jail.

If a cop wastes your time like that and nothing comes of it do what you can to tarnish his/her record. File a formal complaint or do whatever you can to make sure it gets on the permanent work record. I've heard of people doing this, but I have no idea if it's something we can actually do.


This has been discussed a lot, and there are always people that claim saying nothing is best, but in reality this will piss a lot of cops off, and get you into some shit that could have been avoided with some choice lying. Not everyone is a masterful liar though.

For example, when I was getting my vehicle searched at the US/CAN border (going into CAN) they found a bubbler in the trunk I'd forgot I had there. So they ask me, "Where do you keep your stash normally?"

In my head I'm thinking, nice try bitch, you think you're gonna get me to admit to driving around with drugs in my car all the time?

So I just look confused and ask, "How is that relevant?"

Then the other RMCP officer gets in my face about how I need to answer the questions and stop with the smartass attitude. They claimed they wanted to make sure I didn't get busted on the way back thru US customs with bits of weed.

I just told them no there's no stash spot. I'm sure they would have gotten more heated if I told them "I wish to remain silent."

Also, I've tried using the old "I don't consent to any searches" trick and still gotten my car rifled thru and almost arrested for DUI until I finally told them I'd take a breathalyzer and I blew 0.00 to satisfy the fuckers.

Bottom line is you need to read the situation. If you're going to jail for sure, remain silent, but other than that just lie your ass off and try to appease the pig to get out of the situation unscathed.

One time a cop was in my apartment on a Fire call and found a bit of weed. He looks at me, knows I'm high as fuck, and tells me do you want to do this the easy way or hard way? I know this is a more lax POPO dept so I say "Easy". He says do you have any more drugs in the house?
I say no, and he starts getting pissed and asking why I shut the door to my room?

This is a crucial decision making time. If I tense up and tell him go get a warrant or "I choose to remain silent" then its quite likely he makes a show of tearing thru my shit and arresting me for something.

Instead, my quick thinking prevails. I know that I have to show him something or he's gonna search, so I say "I have some pipes in there"

He looks at my glass collection, says "That's more than a pipe!" and proceeds to flush the .3g of shake he found in the baggie and leave my glass alone to be smoked out of another day. Then they left.

Btw I had felony amounts of ganj in a kitchen drawer.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I think these guys had a stamp across their forehead saying "take me to jail".

I had a run in with the cops over an expired tag once. I answered a question or two, where ya going, yada yada yada. Then while he was writing me a ticket, his assistant got out and tried to search my car. "I do not consent to a search" sent his ass right back to the cruiser, and I was clean. They stole my drivers lisence though, bastards.

The only two sentences said to police should be "My attorney advised me to not answer any questions without him" and "I do not consent to any searches".

If you don't stand up for your rights, you do have any!