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My Wife, I Hate Her.


ICMag Donor
good luck kush, at least you 2 are talking, thats a step in the right direction, no matter what happens in the future.
way to go bud.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Kush....wow man.

Sorry I have not been around, surely I would have checked in sooner.

I can't tell you what to do with your life, but I can offer this as a last resort before you call it quits.

In the movie FIREPROOF, a couple dares to rescue their choking marriage from the flames of divorce and temptation using The Love Dare book as a guide. Now you can take the experience of the film one step further with your own copy of The Love Dare book. This daily devotional steers you through the fiery challenge of developing a strong, committed marriage in a world that threatens to burn it to the ground.

The Love Dare personally leads you through daily devotionals, records your thoughts and experiences, and ends each day daring you to perform a simple act of love for your spouse. This 40-Day journey equips you to melt hardened, separated hearts into an enduring love that can withstand the flames of fear, pride and temptation. The Love Dare book will help you reinforce and enrich your marriage, earn back a love you thought was lost, and hear more about the One who not only designed unconditional, sacrificial love—He illustrated it.

In a world that attacks, devalues, and redefines relationships every day, learn how to rescue and protect your marriage from the firestorm. Take The Love Dare and FIREPROOF your relationship.

Check this link

Shoot me a pm bro :joint:


Gro :friends:


Uh, yeah, didn't you see the picture I posted of her working out lol.


Active member
Get the fuck OUT of there,are you fucking NUTS??
While you're at it,on the way OUT,get a few pics of her passed out next to a "crack pipe".
Then,get ready to get your life back.
And for God's sake,don't EVER fuck her,again,or she'll have another kid,just out of spite.
I've sat across FAR too many Horror Stories like yours,I MAY have even lived one,myslf. ;)
Get the fuck OUT,ASAP,and quit waffling,she already thinks you're fucking spineless,or it would never have got as far as it has.
Buck the fuck UP,be a man,and do what's truly best for your son.
IF he's even yours,check DNA,imo she'd hang someone's kid on you,from what you posted.
Keep us posted,and I hope,sincerely,that you get a spine-no offense,bro,but she's a seemingly,seriously evil cunt.

All The Best.


Get the fuck OUT of there,are you fucking NUTS??
While you're at it,on the way OUT,get a few pics of her passed out next to a "crack pipe".
Then,get ready to get your life back.
And for God's sake,don't EVER fuck her,again,or she'll have another kid,just out of spite.
I've sat across FAR too many Horror Stories like yours,I MAY have even lived one,myslf. ;)
Get the fuck OUT,ASAP,and quit waffling,she already thinks you're fucking spineless,or it would never have got as far as it has.
Buck the fuck UP,be a man,and do what's truly best for your son.
IF he's even yours,check DNA,imo she'd hang someone's kid on you,from what you posted.
Keep us posted,and I hope,sincerely,that you get a spine-no offense,bro,but she's a seemingly,seriously evil cunt.

All The Best.

Can't say I disagree w/ anything that you have said. I appreciate your candor sir. Even if I was dead set on filing for divorce, I am still a short time from being able to as far as having my life in order to do so. In the mean time I will be willing to listen, and if there is any chance that she has "seen the light" which I will agree, is a fat chance in hell, but if there is any chance, then it is worth it to be ready for that in the same way that I need to be ready to step on out. Either way, in a few months, my life will be such that I will be able to pull that trigger in the blink of an eye, so if it comes down to that I am ready. If she is sincere, then I am ready to do what I can to give my son what he wants, his mom and dad together. I will know one way or the other soon enough, until then, I wait, save my money, and get my personal "house" in order.
But yeah, no offense taken at all, thank you for the post, it echoes what I have said in my own head as well, and it is entirely very likely that her seemingly complete and dramatic change in attitude will last no longer than a day or so. She realizes that she is on thin ice, and I think it finally occurred to her just what exactly is really on the line, I don't think she had ever really thought through just what would happen if she ever did follow through w/ her threats. As someone else had said, I was simply empowering her by letting those threats dictate my actions and choices, and now that has been taken away, and for the first time she had to actually think about just what would happen. I could be wrong though, and she could just end up crossing that line once again, either way, one way or the other this is going to be resolved soon. I owe it to my boy to let her have a chance to keep true to her word, even though she has shown me many many times that she does not do that.
I completely understand and appreciate where you are coming from though.:joint:


Active member
Make the Stupid Bitch understand what the words thin-fucking-ICE really REALLY mean,and then stick by it,NO MATTER WHAT.
She can take many things from you,but only you can hand over your self-respect,that,she can't take,by force.
Log her bullshit,and call her on it-but seriously,if you have to do that,it's already FAR too late.

All the Best,and I mean that,bro.



Thank you sincerely, I appreciate it, much respect for what you say. It's a good feeling to know that folks here are passionate about helping me out, can't even begin to explain it. Will never forget it. It's going to be work everyday, for a while until I will be able to say yea or nay, but if she is willing to put in work, I will as well. But I will re-iterate to her the rules, and that she can get mad as hell, disagree, whatever, but under no circumstances will she ever treat me like that ever again. One way or the other, the last time, that was the last time, period.


Hmmm. how about a Post nuptial agreement right about now?

See if you can con her into signing over full custody papers. Tell her if she behaves, you won't file divorce papers. The price for you staying and trying to work it out is that you are sure you get custody no matter what happens.

If she goes for it, maybe it will take the pressure off the relationship.

just another evil plot from my lawyerly brain.

full custody post nup!


what did chris rock say??? "i would never hit a bitch but i'd shake the shit outta one!"

who was it that said you never been in love unless you drove around with duct tape, rope, a bag of lime, and a shovel looking for a good place to bury a body?
i think it was chris rock or chris tucker...peace

Rez is spot on,,,,definately bro stand up to her for your son 's sake as well,,,he needs to see that you have to have dignity and respect for yourself,,,try to make it work if she's willing but don't do the work for her,,,peace and good luck,,,
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who was it that said you never been in love unless you drove around with duct tape, rope, a bag of lime, and a shovel looking for a good place to bury a body?
i think it was chris rock or chris tucker...peace

definately bro stand up to her for your son 's sake as well,,,he needs to see that you have to have dignity and respect for yourself,,,try to make it work if she's willing but don't do the work for her,,,peace and good luck,,,

LMFAO, I hadn't heard that before, that is fucking funny!
For sure, even if it fails, and she reverts back, I know that my son will eventually understand, once he can comprehend both sides of the story. Even if he ends up hating me for it initially, in the end when he matures, I would hope that his take away would be, do not let anyone run over you. He may not get that for 10 years, but he will eventually. I do not want him to ever get involved w/ anyone that would do him the way his mom has tried to do me. Hopefully, all goes well, he won't ever see her do that again, and he will start to see his dad be kind to his mother as opposed to being always stressed out and angry. Hopefully my kindness will be reciprocated and he will begin to see his mother treat me better. At the moment, I really think that he just thinks his dad is mean and his mother is an angel. I don't blame him for it, and don't even try to address it, I don't think that it's appropriate to try to put him in a position of judging his own parents relative to good, bad, mean, nice, etc...
What makes me feel more horrible than anything, is trying to crawl into his head and see this from his POV, makes me want to cry at times. That alone is all I need to end everything, and that, (him being witness to the bullshit) is enough to put an abrupt end to this. I won't allow myself to act in a way that I would be ashamed of and I will not let her do it either. Alot has to change for us, hopefully it will, but if it doesn't then at least I feel like I have an option now. That is a far cry from the way I felt when I started this thread, I have all of you to thank.:joint:


Meant to post this earlier, but forgot. Many of you raised the question w/ regard to whether or not my son is mine. Well, great minds think alike, what more can I say lol. I had those exact concerns, for a few reasons, shortly after he turned 2, we did have a paternity test done, needless to say, she was sweating bullets, (I know whY), but suffice to say, he is mine, the test came back confirming such. And now that he is 5, it's pretty obvious, I couldn't deny him if I wanted to lol, it's freaky. But yeah, way ahead of yous guys on that one, like I said, great minds...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
get a few pics of her passed out next to a "crack pipe".

:biglaugh: I don't think that happens very often, if at all :biglaugh:

I think what you meant to say was "heroin needle" or "opium pipe".

:bigeye: or maybe get a few pics of her cracked out dancing on the countertop with the cat :bigeye:


Wow, I am a delusional fucking idiot. I don't even know why I got my hopes up for those few minutes, oh well. Fuck her. I cannot wait to get on w/ my life and raise my son, as much as I can anyway. I just hope that w/me not around, that she doesn't end up destroying his spirit, and that he will understand eventually. God damn I fucking hate her, hate hate hate the bitch. She should thank her lucky stars everytime she takes a breath that she is my sons mother, it's the only thing that is saving her from being completely destroyed.


Oct 16th

Oct 16th

Due to residency laws in this state, the first day I will be eligible to file will be Oct 16th, I cannot fucking wait. I can finally put an end to this horrible chapter in my life and begin a new one, thank god. Should be tons of fun, I wonder how hairy this is going to get, I have looked on line, and it seems like there are some cheaper option available, but it does also seem very complicated. Luckily we basically have nothing, no money, just bills that will be considered I guess. I know that eventually she is going to end up in another town most likely, unless she makes the commute from where we are now. He is already enrolled in school here, so I dunno, seems like a lot. I pretty much cannot afford an attorney, so it's either go the hoakey online route, or DIY. Either way I bet this is the best thing that I will have done in a long long time. I may not be posting for a bit, I have alot of reading and learning to do, but then again, I always seem to find time to come here so who knows.
I can see the finish line, I am almost giddy. :laughing:


New member
been through a separation my self son is now 5 we still dont have much to do with each other. it is def worse before it gets better dude sometimes you just need to go for a walk and get some air because the last thing you want to do is put hands on her (even though that is what you want to do) she will go loco and call the fuzz best bet is to call a good lawyer. as a married person you do have equal rights not sure what state you are in but fathers do have rights too but depending on what state you are in some are better then others. also if she is carrying on like this in front of or in ear shot of the child that is abuse! it can be a simple a spousal abuse or as complex as a child abuse case which would then give you bargaining power. sometimes these chicks get their heads so full of shit they dont remember which way is up. MY ADVICE TO YOU IS, call a lawyer get several buisness cards from him and let her find one when convo perks about the topic and she gets out of hand (which you know she will) tell her you spoke to lawyer and if divorce is something she wants to do then that is fine but she should speak to lawyer about visitation. next if you dont have anything growing now call the fuzz dude be as calm and rational as possible be sure to make no threats even an empty threat will fuck you over my man. have her craziness documented that way you can do the fucking good and proper. good luck dude been there and not easy