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what would you do in this space


a 2x4 space and a 2x2 area? so you have 2 growing areas? can you set up ventilation and heat extraction?

if heat isnt a problem set up an hps, but if you cant get rid of heat use cfl's. you will probably want to use ak47 as it can grow large as height is not an issue


110watt pl-l lamp, maybe two of them. id skip the autos and grow something better...i know were i am(auto section) i cant imagine why someone would grow them inside when there stronger higher yeilding plants?? auto aks will have u at about 75 days from seed maybe longer, plenty of time to grow many many other better choices, autos in my opinon are for a quick outdoor run, inside they cost more to run for less yeild when u consider the electric bill of 18 per day on vrs 12 per day lights on, just my two cents-


110watt pl-l lamp, maybe two of them. id skip the autos and grow something better...i know were i am(auto section) i cant imagine why someone would grow them inside when there stronger higher yeilding plants?? auto aks will have u at about 75 days from seed maybe longer, plenty of time to grow many many other better choices, autos in my opinon are for a quick outdoor run, inside they cost more to run for less yeild when u consider the electric bill of 18 per day on vrs 12 per day lights on, just my two cents-

i agree, if you dont have height issues a non-auto strain will grow taller. however, as you said we are in the auto section so he will get auto advice :D :joint:


canned abyss1

i cant imagine why someone would grow them inside when there stronger higher yeilding plants?? auto aks will have u at about 75 days from seed maybe longer, plenty of time to grow many many other better choices, autos in my opinon are for a quick outdoor run, inside they cost more to run for less yeild when u consider the electric bill of 18 per day on vrs 12 per day lights on, just my two cents-

I guess you can't imagine harvesting several extra ounces from your veg room. Fortunately some of us can. I for one like utilizing the unused space in my veg room for some extra bud.


Active member
Personally, I would get a HO 4 foot shop light and a bunch of cfls and grow sog in there. depending on how tall the space is, you could even set up a couple shelves in there and nearly double the grow space with each shelf.

canned abyss1

certainly u cant understand that the starter of this thread doesnt have a seperate veg room? :moon:

Well considering he mentioned two spaces then why would you assume that he isn't considering using one as a veg room?
This was his question. "if you had a 2x4 space and a 2x2 area what would you set up? height is no issue"
I wasn't commenting on what he said I was commenting on what you said and your lack of insight on how to use autoflowers efficiently.


if the smaller of his rooms are 2 by 2, and hes going to keep moms n cuttings lets say, a few autos in the corner of his room most likely lit by cfls wont be an ounce like it is for you with your 400, more likely 5-ten grams. is that worth it?


its really up two you, both autos and non autos have benefits, with autos your stuck with limited choices,(types of seeds) very limited when u think about it as half of them share half their genetics for the most part. ive been smoking my auto diesal all day today and its potent for sure, so im not bashing the quality im just stateing that starting new plants from seed is going to be more work in the end for sure simply because your always takeing care of your males before they show sex, about 3 weeks worth of nutes,,water,tlc. When u take a cutting u just snip and plant and keep it moist, but its always non wasted work. and your males are wasted space, totally wasted space and u dont have that much to begin with thats the real point to make-


I'd think that 250w hid would be perfect for the area, given that height isn't an issue and you can cool it.


I have flowered in a 2x4 area and I used a 400w with an air cooled hood (super sun 2)... I would flower around 6 to 8 plants in small square buckets about 1 to 2 gal. and I got around 8 oz of nice bud per cycle...as far as the 2x2 room goes you could put a 4 bulb - 2ft T5 setup to cover some mothers and/or clones....these work nicely! Make sure you have good ventalation to keep your temps and humidity in the proper ranges...


leviathan, you menion wasting time growing the plants to then rip out males. but with clones you still have to plant the seeds,grow them out put them into flowering, pull out the males, then put them back into veg, then you need to pick your mother. once you pick your mother you then need to take your cuttings and get them to root. you will also need to keep this mother constantly vegging.

is a hell of alot more effort than planting seeds and pulling out males after 3 weeks.....

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