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LED SUPERNOVA - 270W supposedly equivalent to a 1k watt light...



Some people doing grows with UFO led lights have reported them to be subpar. They produced very wispy buds that shrank ALOT when drying.


ufo looks like a joke to begin with

i know they make led panels but not for growing, what upp with that, i want panels not a smoke detector


i dont think the led tecnnology is there yet, it will replace all lights that we know of tho, its only going take time unless someone comes up with something better then a led


forget about it.

expect about 270w worth of yield...if your a pro.

LEDs DONT have the PENETRATION and DONT have the flower power. Period.

Maybe in the future..but it aint there yet..and I've been hearing about LED forever now.
If your looking for efficiency ..look into high output floros. I predict that Floro technology will always be a step ahead of LEDs..and at a way cheaper price.

My opinion.. and I'm talking about growing CANNABIS.
I'm not saying LEDs cant grow plants just fine..they do grow great plants.. just not great plants that yeild dense nugs.



i think the penetration problem is with small size of led, biggest led i know of now is only 15 watts, leds are way more efficent then floros, leds hasnt replaced floros yet because of the price
I outfitted for my first indoor grow @ a month ago and gave led fixtures a look

liked the lower heat output but I've learned with the 2x4x8 space I have available the single air cooled fixture with 6' S&P wired for 218 cfm keeps the fixture pretty much stone cool and I live in my adjoining den here in the midwest so it gets ac cooled anyway course winter months is free cool

mostly though the idea of after the 50,000 hours of operation when the led light fads to 70% out put(LumaGrow led rep specs) unless you have solder skills to replace those bulbs it's total unit cost for a refresh,he told no bulb change service is planed,there goes the savings compared to hid annual bulb replacements plus energy savings per gram production too

the choice was clears for even me


If I didn't need the penetration I would throw my 1k's away and use only HO T-5's... but never LED's. The only success with them has been when used with CFL's. Complete waste of money.


Ive done a 300W LED grow and got some really dank nugs, just not nearly enough of them. I didnt use a UFO and this is NOT a UFO. I agree that all the LEDs are lacking and way too expensive but both will eventually need to be figured out before they can become widely accepted.

As for this light:

The Enhanced Spectrum SuperNova includes six additional custom spectrums of LED light. These added LED’s extend the photosynthetic range covering the entire spectrum from 405nm to 465nm in the blue, as well as 620nm to 740nm in red.

thats the important part, no need to turn down either blue or red dial(just less energy going to your plants). the added spectrums MAY help them to finish flowering which is what added CFLs do for two spectrum LED grows.

I wont be testing them though... I already chased that goose.



what about if a guy would use them for vegging only? how much slower would the growth rate be comparing to a Metal Halide or CFL?


Nasa uses LEDs, why on EARTH don't you? lol stupid tagline from a magazine ad


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led test grow

led test grow

I've always been skeptical about the led over hps. I have people that wants to know, and I have people who has never tryed them but refuses to even listen about them, so I conducted my own test and I found in a 3 x 5 tent with a 270watt led UFO supernova light it produced very well. I costly kept 35 to 40 plants about 2 feet tall producing 14 to 28 grams in six weeks from clone to harvest. I cloned in my aeroponic cloner for 7 days then 7 days of veg in a 6 bulb t 5 andb4 weeks of bloom under the led. The nugs are a little smaller then my 1000 GPS but with half the power use age and zero heat issues the led is great. Don't expect to supply the whole state but it's supreme for 112 grams a week. I'm havin trouble uploading the pics, but il put it on YouTube soon