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Help me ID these bugs (photos)


One of the best things about Floramite is that it's a selective poison...it won't harm your beneficial mites. I repeat...IT WONT HARM PREDATORY MITES. Not many insecticides are like that. But, if you use Floramite, why waste you money on Predator Mites? This stuff kills the eggs, too. And any target mite feeding on treated foliage.


By the time you get the predator mites in place an working, things will most likely to far gone to come back. Once those mites get to a certain point, they reproduce quickly.

I'm hoping my plants can hold up for 10 or 15 days more so I can collect as much pollen as possible. I only have males indoor.

Maybe if u get the garden in control, then introduce the predator mites or lady bugs sounds more like a plan. I prefer lady bugs.
Sounds like a plan.

Ohh ya. in flower, killing off bugs with dips sprays etc will slow an sometimes halt your flower development.
Crap. I didn't know that. You think neem oil can do that too? Thanks for all the tips man!


Well-known member
neem oil

neem oil

neem oil can slow your plant flowering. It basically will clog your leafs pores and your plant cant transpire. there fore there gonna be little slow on water uptake, then slow your flower development. Then the plant will probably drop alot of the alllllllllllll important fan leaves.

With that said. maybe one dunk its not as noticable. but 3-4 dunks and its night to day that plant slows right the fuck down.

BUT, if u dip in the solution, wait an hour, then dip the plant in FRESH water it will remove alot of the neem. After an hour the neem has already done its job of suffocating the mite anyways. This will help yor plant to breathe once again. The mites have no problem with dried neem oil.

Also, after like 10 plant dunks in the solution, i always add more dish soap. And probaly another tbsp of the neem & garden insecticide to the solution.

Important.....When u dunk the plant your basically seing the underside of the leaves. when the dipping solution stops wicking, it will create spots that didnt get covered. these spots will most likely be on the " V " portion of the leaves in between the leaf & the vein portion. These spots are eithe because u need to aggtate the plant up and down in the bucket more then u have already, or u need to add more dish soap.

That's important, cause when u start inspection your plants for mites, u will learn they like to hide around the veins.

At the flower stage this is why i said i sometimes will just trash the plant. This teaches me to spend more time preventing them.

Depending on the flower stage, it may not be worth saving. Possible mold from wet buds, u could be infecting new plants, slowed bud development are all possible reasoning to rid the plant.



neem oil can slow your plant flowering. It basically will clog your leafs pores and your plant cant transpire. there fore there gonna be little slow on water uptake, then slow your flower development. Then the plant will probably drop alot of the alllllllllllll important fan leaves....

Thanks again gmanwho. I hope my cindys aren't slowing down because of applied Neem oil substance. I am noticing dropings of fan leaves. Hopefully it's not Neem and just nute def. Diping is out of the question. They're big (2x2) in 5 gal coco pots. Will try a product called Celaflor now. Watering them with it's solution supposedly helps a lot. And since August is comming to an end this means temps will drop and moist will go up and those are the conditions that doesn't favor mites. Last resort is a product called Vertimec. It KILLS! :D



Well-known member
Thanks again gmanwho. I hope my cindys aren't slowing down because of applied Neem oil substance. I am noticing dropings of fan leaves. Hopefully it's not Neem and just nute def. Diping is out of the question. They're big (2x2) in 5 gal coco pots. Will try a product called Celaflor now. Watering them with it's solution supposedly helps a lot. And since August is comming to an end this means temps will drop and moist will go up and those are the conditions that doesn't favor mites. Last resort is a product called Vertimec. It KILLS! :D


neem will produce these dark green spots and the leaves fall off. Im taking a stab at a product called azatrol. apprently it targets the reproduction hormone's and preventts them from laying eggs. So we'll see about that.

you'd be surprised how big of a plant you can stuff into a 5 gal. if u push up the branches to bring them to a center, then feed the plant in a cork screw fashion you could get a 4 footer in a 5 gal. once u feel the top of the plant hit the bottom, start turning the bucket as you feed the plant in. it amazed me

Azatrol has quite a list of bugs its effects. gonna try again since the other day i noticed a break out. fucking mites are relentless. They love the summer heat.

B-safe and best of luck...


neem will produce these dark green spots and the leaves fall off. Im taking a stab at a product called azatrol. apprently it targets the reproduction hormone's and preventts them from laying eggs. So we'll see about that.

you'd be surprised how big of a plant you can stuff into a 5 gal. if u push up the branches to bring them to a center, then feed the plant in a cork screw fashion you could get a 4 footer in a 5 gal. once u feel the top of the plant hit the bottom, start turning the bucket as you feed the plant in. it amazed me

Azatrol has quite a list of bugs its effects. gonna try again since the other day i noticed a break out. fucking mites are relentless. They love the summer heat.

B-safe and best of luck...

Can you please describe this dipping proces in more detail please. If possible with some pics. Do you mean you dip the whole plant into insecticide solution? Wouldn't that require turning the plants upside down and a large container for solution? Or do you mean dipping the plant's grow medium? Somehow I fail to visualize this. :D


Well-known member
Coxswain, what i do is mix a batch of insecticide in a 5 gal. Using rubber gloves, I take the plant starting from the bottom and push the branches upwards slowly and toward the center to create one big cone. One big center cola so to say. i then hold the branches with one hand and then i grab the bottom of the bucket and tilt it toward the bucket with insecticide. lifting the bottom of the bucket at an angle and guiding the top of the plant into the insecticide. I then lift and lower the plant up and down a few times. The last agitation i lift the plant slowly out of the solution. As the solution will really wick at the surface level when the plant is removed slowly, observe it and u will see. Still got areas of the leaf not getting covered? admore dish soap.

the whole time trying to keep the top of the bucket slightly away so minimal medium drops into the lower bucket.

if the plant is large, i feed the top in till it reached the bottom of the insecticide bucket, then i spin the insecticide bucket, feed more plant, spin the insecticide bucket another few inches, feed the plant, spin the bucket. i have put a 4-5 footer into a 5 gal before. but now i try not to get plants that big anyways.

After all my battles with mites im finding that the use of neem will work, but it slows the plants alot. I try to stay away from harsh insecticides duie to family and pets and im after all smoking the final product. BUT, i started using floramite with the azatrol.

Mind u its summer, and bugs tend to multiply much faster, atleast in my neck of the woods. Since i started using basically 1/4 tsp floramite per gal and whichever the bottle says for the medium dosage of azatrol, it has stopped mites seriously.

I have a decently powerful medical grade microscope that i observe the mites and monitor the eggs with over time.I wanna know if my my insecticide is working or not.Theres alot at stake here.

Since using floramite an azatrol my plants seem to barely slow, if any. And in most cases snap back and are fully erect again after a dip within 3 hours or so.

With floramite the eggs hatch and die. I think it says its active for 21 days. but i dunked at 3 days after first initial, now im at every 7days. And i will keep at it cause the mites can come from somewhere else other then the plants. So i try to be carefull and clean, which adds more time to my already overly busy life.

The adults skin degrades and bleeds. the adults will convulse, almost like a 3 second video clip being repeated over and over. they stay in one spot and convulse and eventually die within 24hrs. When the eggs hatch, the mite gets what seems to be about a few millimeters from the shell and dies. Some mites implode and looked like there skin is there and there insides where sucked out.

Im a humane person for the most part, and i can tell you thou,i do get satisfaction out of seeing what this mixtures does to the mites.totally fucks them up. But in the back of my mind i am still questioning how safe it is for us humans.

If floramite was 700 a bottle,double its cost, for the minimal dilution strength its used,1/4 tsp to 1/2 tsp per gal, its still well worth it.

I hope this time i can rid them for a long time. my buddy has been rid for over a year now using floramite, and or using another called talstar which is much cheaper then floramite. He is still using all the same gentics that were once infected.

Hope this helps, b-safe


Thanks for your time and extensive answers! Your method is radical but I guess it works for you. I finnaly got some chemicals. Vertimec to be specific. Mites ARE DEAD! :D


Well-known member
Thanks for your time and extensive answers! Your method is radical but I guess it works for you. I finnaly got some chemicals. Vertimec to be specific. Mites ARE DEAD! :D

I wouldn't say its radical, it just makes sense to dip the plant verse spraying the plant. Think about how much surface area you can miss when you spray.

Good luck with the vertimec. seems like it could work. you should reapply it a few times every 3 days. then go ever 7 days for awhile. Hopefully with dedication they will disappear. Dont take any chances...
