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My Wife, I Hate Her.

I would have to agree with those who said not to wait for another arguement or worse to occur.... I come from a family where my parents stayed together for the sake thier children and it only made things worse..... If you are convinced that things are not going to work out, it doesn't make sense to wait until the breaking point before one of you takes action. I know you are kidding when you say you want to lop her head off, but the fact that she is bringing these emotions out of you show how bad things are. My worry is when a really big arguement happens one or both of you can't or won't be able to control yourself (be careful with people who know how to push your buttons, you could end up in jail for responding to her baiting, especially since she has threatened to call the police for you grabbing her wrist!). Now, if you aren't convinced this is headed for a bad place and that the relationship can be worked out then by all means try to work things out with her. But, not allowing her to control you like that anymore would be my first step if you are going to try and work things out, otherwise I'm not sure what good prolonging the relationship does...

It sounds like she has the upper hand in the relationship because she is holding your kid over you when things heat up. It also sounds like she knows how much this would bother you and is using that to her advantage....

I guess if it were me I would be planning for the "just in case" ..... As others said before you don't want to be blindsided if something goes down, you will be emotional and it will be hard to think straight (I know when I am that way I tend to make bad decisions)..... If you can make plans now, when the situation occurs you will have options instead of thinking "what will I do now?" along with all of the confusion and other questions that go along with asking that.
i'm sorry for your troubles man.. Women are psychotic, it's just their nature. Bottom line is you have to do what's best for you, because what's best for you is best for your son. You don't want him growing up in a household where mom and dad hate each other with a passion. Definitely not good.. Best advice is turn a new leaf over man and start a new. We can all at least hope that there is at least one perfect companion out there for us and we don't have to smoke it, right? Peace be with ya man.


I think the best choice I made in my life was to remain unmarried. My Mother disagrees of course, but based on what I see happening to the majority of my married friends, it's pretty obvious I made the right choice.

I never got fat, and since I have avoided at least 10 years of major stress I now look younger than all my married friends by those same 10 years.

That said, I do have a few friends who are truly happy in their marriages, but it's extremely rare. I'm happy for their luck.


moral of the story, wear a rubber when the girl had a bf when you hooked up,my buddy didnt too (hadd 3 kids)and he moved out to ca for a while too, she was cheating on him with someone at her work and only found out because the guy slipped a note to him in her back pocket and found it doing the laundry. now hes currently with this hoe with 2 kids, i always tell him he should leave her or at least be cheating on her,he did once with this girrl at work, and on her last day she told the managers he stole from her and no one belived it...fucking WOMEN

if you ever want to get serious again i would hunt for a foreign chick(that hasnt been americanized yet),get her a nice place to live,internet,running water, take her out for walks or the movies, they would love for you to work all day and hardly be home. its important for the women to be working or going to school for some type of career, they'll be happier in the end because of it. which should help you suffer less. most american girls are just.. blah..

Moldy Dreads

Active member
IE2K, the two of you are playing a game called brinkmanship. Neither of you know just how far the other is willing to sink and pull the other down. Before you do or say anything to your wife, ask yourself would you do it to anyone else? Would you do it with somebody standing there watching you?
I agree. I was in your position in January of this year. I had a nervous breakdown, kinda like you, because my chick was tired of MJ, growing, etc. So I finally put my ego aside aside and said "Ok, then there's the door."

Ever since she has been a different person. I think your chick is "certain" you are too scared to throw in the towel...The kid will be fine, you won't be out of his life unless you want to.

PS- Do the DNA test too, fuck it, throw in the towel for good..Stop growing and if she says you grew before, it's a lie...
You guys are falling into the sibling fighting syndrome that happens to alot of new parents and young couples.
Tell her you aren't leaving the kid, but you are definitely separating from her..Don't be a pussy, ditch her first..She will come back and will walk on eggshells if you are the one doing the dumping.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
You need to talk to a child psychologist on what is worse for a child. It is far worse for him to see you two fighting every day then it would be to see you divorce.

My advice? Have someone come to your house and pretend to buy all of your equipment. Have them take it all with them. Have a friend send someone to get it that she doesn't know so she buys it......That way when you do split she can't hold that over your head. But if you are not going to leave then you need to stop fighting in front of your son....

Quoted for truth.. DEFINITELY do both of those things.

Keep documentation that you spoke with the child psychologist.

You have to get out ahead of this situation before you make any stupid moves.

Find a good divorce & custody lawyer if you don't have one in mind already. Beat her to the punch by filing for divorce or separation and request full custody of the children at the same time. Even if you want a 50/50 split in the end, come strong about wanting to be the custodial parent (the one basically in charge of the kids) from the beginning, as it will shape how you are perceived by the judge.

In court, conduct yourself with maturity and obvious concern for the welfare of your child. I would avoid speaking poorly of the ex to the judge unless you absolutely have to. Let it be in response to the judge's questions, and make it seem like you are reluctant to speak poorly of her or on a he said she said topic.

Here's a little tip for you though.. While you cannot speak poorly of the ex unless you absolutely have to in order to illustrate a *relevant* point to the judge, your friends and family members can. Be careful about it, but, they are the ones who can slip in additional specific information about the ex which will damage her character in the eyes of the judge. If she cheated for example, you will only look angry and like your head is in the wrong place if you mention it. But, if your friend or family member is up there speaking on your character or whatever, they can totally mention it if the opportunity arises.

That's about the best advice I've got.. Good luck man.
ie2ks.. man I feel for you.. I saw my parents going through shit .. they stayed together for the kids as long as they could 12 yrs.. in the end. all it did was have me and my bro see some fake ass marriage that now makes it tough to believe what its really supposed to be like.

And it seems like the usual.. money is the biggest problem.. 3of the last 4 real lasting GFs i've had in recent years.. all had the same problem.. they all had finished school recently or were trying to.. and either couldn't handle working 40hrs a week.. or couldn't take the pressure of living a grown up life(paying bills and having fun w/ not much money so you can save).. I felt that way at some point in time too.. but never took it out on the people i loved.

I would say do what you think is in your heart.. do you love her? if you dont move on.. that doesn't mean giving up on your son.. in fact if she bad mouths to your son while your away... YOu CAN WIN CUSTODY. Stick with him and be a dad.. he'll respect you for the rest of his life.... IF and only if you take the time out of your life.. to show how much you care for him. Play with him.. take him places.. and most importantly talk about life with him.. dont ignore feelings and shit.

I'm much happier seeing my parents be with separate people than fighting with themselves. it takes years or even decades to get to the point were everyone agrees.. but in the end its prob for the best.


Let me say a few things from painful personal experience.

Parents who stay together for the kids are kidding themselves. You think your son doesn't hear you yelling and fighting? What type of things are shaping his little mind? He sees violence and screaming. You need to take charge and think of your son. Get the fuck out and get a divorce. Don't wait for her to do it. Fight for custody if she lays one finger on you, sit on your hands and call the police. How are you going to leave your son with a unbalanced violent woman. When you are gone your poor son who looks like you might take your place as the target. I've seen it, I've felt it first hand.

I'm not saying anything bad about you as a father just telling you what I know. Your wife is completely unimportant your only concern should be that 5 year old boy. To assume that divorce means he has no father is a very bad stance to have. It won't be easy courts will be involved, it might get ugly. If she talks about you growing marijuana then deny it. Destroy all the evidence NOW burn it then throw it in the ocean 12 miles out then burn it again. If she has a domestic violence charge against her they won't give her custody.

Don't say a single word to your wife EVER again. Put 110% of your being into getting YOU AND YOUR SON out of this situation. Put web cams in your house that save to a password protected storage site on the other side of the world. If the cops show up and don't believe she hit you show them the tape.

Never ever as long as you live say your son won't have a father and fight with every breath in your body to make it true.

FIND A DAMN GOOD LAWYER! sell your car sell your cloths sell anything and everything you have to get the best lawyer in the state.

BTW i've been married 5 years also and she is my best friend and the love of my life. We treat each other with respect and with out her I would be lost and not even 10% of who I am today. Marriage isn't bad just make your choice wisely. People who marry because of pregnancy almost never work out.


Active member
Kush, I feel your pain brother. I too am married, and have 2 kids. Previously in my life, I have been in relationships very similar to yours (my wife is awesome), and being the child of a divorced home(raised by my FATHER, and as I believe we're currently in the same state, you know how rare that would be in THIS political climate) , my best advice to you is to divorce her and move on. Sue for custody of that little boy, and don't let her raise him in the environment that is driving your family apart. My father did, and I will always love and respect him for that. My mother had just about as much crazy sitting around as your wife, and I have no doubts that if the situation were different and she had raised me, I'd be sitting in an 8x8 cell right now.
Edit: Hit me on PM IE- if I'm right about where we live, maybe we could burn one down to get you away from the woman for a while-
Take care and be safe bro-


weed fiend
IE, I agree about being in control and getting one up on your wife. But only when the split is definite. Staying with your wife is all about coexistence. Try to maintain coexistence until you make your break. It's the best thing for you and your kid. If it doesn't help the wife maintain a little self control, that's the breaks. I hope things get better for you dude.


I feel for you I really do mate.........

Mmmmmm where to bloody start, I’ve been thru what your going thru & 10 x’s worse!!!!

You said.......

“There’s a lot more to it, but that’s kind of the cliff’s notes version.
I am not innocent by any means either.
In this time the last few years my attitude towards her has been not very nice. I have a lot of resentment towards her, and of course, she says that she acts the way she does because I am such a jerk. But she has always acted like this, so I don’t get it. I would think that anyone in my shoes would not be very nice to her, and even so, I still don’t beat her, or cheat on her. But whatever.”

I think this is a large part of your problems man, YOU have to accept that it was YOU who is responsible for getting her pregnant!!!!!! YOU and only YOU are responsible for this! SHIT I know it sound harsh but it’s the truth, NO woman can trick you into having a child if you do not want one ;)

I know mate as I also REALLY resented my partner for falling pregnant :( We had only been together for 10 weeks, me 27 (still living at home) she 32! One day she tells me “OPP’s Honey I forgot to take the pil one morning & now I’m pregnant!!!!!!! She goes onto say that she is NOT having an abortion as she’s had too many and promised herself the last time that she would never have one again.

That left me with 3 choices......

* Leave and have nothing to do with her or our unborn child

* Leave her & still be in my childs life

* Try to make a go of things

Now the way I was raised I could only ever see number 3 as my only option! But I really resented her for a very long time for putting me in this position & it was not until couples counseling that I realized that I was the ONLY one that put myself in this position. Imagine how my partner was feeling knowing that I hated a part of her 24/7?

As I said I had seen it all with her, She has broken my nose 3 times, put a smoke out on my face, bitten chunks out of me, stitches to the eye, stabbed in the leg, 100’s of scratches & bruises (did I mention that my partner do Mauy Thai for many years), destroyed a $60000 music collection, destroyed guitar’s (EXPENSIVE ones) and generally destroyed everything that I valued! Sent me to jail (for you know what) Yep she narced on me when she was being arrested for assault & she smokes like an old Rasta! She made threat’s, threat’s, threat’s & more threat’s (did I mention that she liked to threaten me...lol).

Well in the end I had to get out & luckily because I had records of all the abuse documented I was awarded custody of our two children :)

Now we had been apart for 3 months & I was just getting my new life in order & was very happy that things were over with her. On Xmas day I took my two kids over to see their Mum for Xmas, when my Ex-partner tells me she needs to talk to me & can she see me tomorrow.......... Well can you believe it she tells me that she is 13 weeks pregnant with our third child!!!!!!! NO FUCK NO, FUCK!!!!!!!

This really stuff all my plans up as you can imagine. Well anyway to make a Looooonnnnnggggg story short we got back together to give it another shot but I had a few terms & conditions this time as I really had the upper hand as I had custody of our children & she used to throw the old “Im taking the kids & you will never see them again line” all the time!

My 1st condition was that we start couples counseling straight away. This was great as I could never get a bloody word in when arguing with my partner but with a third person present YOU get a chance to speak :) BIG breakthru.....

After only 4 counselling session’s it was easy to see that my partner had many problems. She had come from a very abusive, broken household, left home & school at 15, had abusive boyfriends, had been raped, lost her little brother to an overdose, the list goes on & on......

Well anyway it was then recommended that she see a councilor by herself to work on some issue & she did & was diagnosed with Bi-polar.

Now with medication & a healthy respect for each other the last 2 years have been wonderful & we are enjoying raising our 3 children in a healthy, HAPPY home :)

Don’t know if any of that helps but I hope you can get something out of it, Yeah just remember DONT hit her as you will be the one with the most hurt in the end :)


first off, i read the OP, and have had a similar situation with my ex-wife. So i thought i would chime in quickly.
For starters, I would be the "FIRST" one to file for divorce. for some reason the law favors the person initiating the divorce procedure. Then I would take several deep breaths to grasp the reality that you might have to change your life. In the sense that you might not be able to grow bud for a while, until things are looking better. Or you might have to move into a friends or family house for a while to reposition your trajectory.. Also Try your Hardest to refrain from hostile emotional/physical attacks. It gives her less "ammo" to use against you, on your sons mental..
Just try and keep Honest and intellectual contact with your son. Us humans are tough creatures. Your son will remember his childhood; good or bad. Its up to you to show him the good there can be in life.
It sounds like your women is spastic. People like that tend to screw up.. like lose their Jobs.. Once she does,, YOU have to be Prepared to take some control back of your Son. and YOU mustn't be "inaccurate" with your push of control at these times. If the situation calls for a "minor" tug for leverage then only go that far. i.e. if she loses her job; a good position for you would be to try and get more time with your son. If she agrees then Log the increase time you spend with him. And then ask her to modify the time spent and any child support accordingly. If she gives you a hard time about that, then she is out for as large a child support check she can get. Hence showing you her angle. so Revamp your strat accordingly. You might have to take years of mental and emotional abuse from your soon to be Ex-wife. NOW for the trick.. YOU must have the utmost compassion in all situations concerning your child and ex-wife. You must Never "re connect" with her again, dont invite her into your life. Physically or mentally. I do this just by not talking to my ex about any other than our child. simple. And you can NEVER talk shit about your ex-wife around your Son.. That will come back to bit you later on.. Kids grow up and can figure out thing on there own (most of the time).
I had this almost same thing happen to me.. that is what i did, and i got full custody of my kid after 7 years (she was 9 when i got her). I kept in contact at every given moment, that i could get. I wasnt gonna let her mother "scrub" me out of my rightful place as her father. There are too many people out in the world to be stuck with someone you cant enjoy this life with. Just instill a good solid sense of morals into your Son. So he has a good chance of recognizing your rational. Peace to you brother.. I hope things work out for you and your son.. Even your ex-wife. You want her to find someone else. that why she is their problem:) it take the evil eye off of you :p best of luck..



I've been in that kind of situation a couple times myself with psycho's.

I married this girl when I was 20 years old. We had 2 kids, but I really couldn't stand her. She went out of her way to make me jealous every chance she got. She had hair down to her knees and thought she was the most beautiful girl on earth. And of course guys always checked her out/hit on her constantly and she absolutely loved it. Anyway, she started going to the bar every night all of the sudden. She was working with a bunch of college "sluts" and decided to become one herself. She started not coming home. The first night she didn't come home I woke up the next morning and had the worst feeling I've ever had in my life. It felt like every member of my family had just been murdered or something.

My parents divorced when I was 5 and I grew up with several different stepdads and stepmoms and absolutely hated it. At the time I was willing to ignore her doing all of this shit because I didn't want my kids to grow up in a broken home. But I finally got sick of feeling like an idiot, everyone that we knew knew that she was fucking every guy she could find and they all thought I was dumber than fuck for not doing something about it. She decided to come back here one night drunk off her ass and I had made sure before I went to bed that night that she couldn't get in the house. She busted the front window out and got in the house and I woke up to her choking me. My dad had been staying with me because my kids were pretty young and I was all screwed up in the head over everything that had been going on. He woke up to us wrestling around on the floor and he called the cops. She left here before the cops got here and decided to come screaming around the corner in her car while the cops were still here screaming at the cops that I assaulted her/beat her up and told them to arrest me. They put her in cuffs and took her to jail for domestic violence and drunk driving :laughing: (stupid skank bitch). I filed for divorce and ended up getting custody of the kids. My oldest son hasn't been to her house to visit her in about 4 years now and he can't stand his mom. He's 15 now. The youngest doesn't even remember his mom ever living here or anything and thinks the world of her.

It killed me to divorce her even though she put me through all of that shit but I'm really glad that I did now. I'm now remarried to a girl that I've always liked and have known for 20 years (we've been married for two years now) and couldn't be happier. If I was still with the skank ex-wife I'd be miserable if I was even still alive. I probably would have drank myself to death by now.

Why do you think that your wife would get custody of your son? When I went to fight for custody I was pretty surprised because I always assumed that they always basically automatically wanted the kid(s) to be with the mother but that's not how it worked out for me. The judge wasn't impressed with her at all. She thinks she's pretty smart and has always used her looks to try to get her way. That's her whole plan in life. But it didn't work this time. :laughing:

I almost forgot, she told everyone that I cheated on her at least a couple times and I never once cheated on her stupid ass. I never even touched another girl the whole time I was with her. Oh wait a minute I forgot I did touch her cousins fingers one time while I was teaching her how to play a Metallica song on my guitar. But that was the only time I ever physically touched another girl the whole time I was with that skank. She just wanted everyone to think she was the victim. :moon: She makes me sick.