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11 yr old abducted, found at 29 with kidnapper and 2 kids


h^2 O

just saw that they just found a girl who had been presumed murdered at 11 years old - they found her, she'd been held captive by this creepy couple and had given birth to two kids via the kidnapper. One kid is 11 and the other is 15. What hell is wrong with people.


Getting to be a trend, what with Fritzel and now this dude. Unfortunately for this dude he's religious so cant do the honourable thing.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Thats horrible, the wife even helped him! What the f*ck?!? Some seriously screwed up stuff right there! :fsu:


Pleasantly dissociated
yall dont have a sex slave in the basement next to your grow? ddid these kids live in cages too? i saw on the news but didnt hear about the kids

bens lab

Thats so fucked, this guy should be kept alive and tortured for as long as possible. Put him in a shed on life support and torture the fucker for at least 18 years.


I get the impression he managed to get a Stockholm syndrome thing going with them. Apparently he is going to come out and make a big story about how he was a lost sheep who did bad things and then god told him to sort his shit out and he got religion and set himself straight.

Nothing a .303 wouldn't sort out in a jiffy.


Sick mofo.
Like, time for an eye for an eye shit....
Lock the shit dude and his horror bitch wife up in a cage and rape them daily for
18 years, OR put em to work in the field and take their cash to pay for the lost life
of the young girl with the two kids who had their lives so totally screwed up.
Sicko shit....


Active member
Poor kid is going to have issues for the rest of her life, but at least she has a life now.

On a grow related note, if this guy could kidnap and hold a girl at his house for 18 years without anyone noticing, it makes me feel better about keeping my little grow secret.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
I get the impression he managed to get a Stockholm syndrome thing going with them. Apparently he is going to come out and make a big story about how he was a lost sheep who did bad things and then god told him to sort his shit out and he got religion and set himself straight.

Nothing a .303 wouldn't sort out in a jiffy.

This guy, I like this guy! :yeahthats DogBoy for President and Executive CEO in charge of .303 distribution! :nanana:


Cannabrex Formulator
A .303 is way too quick and easy.

I personally think those two evil fuckers should be kept dosed to the gills on really bad drugs and then tortured (slow flaying, gang raping, forced auto-cannibalism) daily on a special pay per view channel.

All profits from same would go to the girl whose life they destroyed, to support her and help pay for the decades of therapy she is gonna need.


A .303 is way too quick and easy.

I personally think those two evil fuckers should be kept dosed to the gills on really bad drugs and then tortured (slow flaying, gang raping, forced auto-cannibalism) daily on a special pay per view channel.

All profits from same would go to the girl whose life they destroyed, to support her and help pay for the decades of therapy she is gonna need.

Mailing my lifetime subscription now...


Active member
The stepdad said what most guys would say in this situation "give him to me" I feel bad for her and that whole family.As for this guy His kidnap/child molester story has been all over the news, Im positive he'll get his once he hits CDC/Federal pen.


And he is a convicted child molester, on the sex crime list and no-one ever looked twice at him. If he had one plant in his backyard he would've got busted within a week.

And how is it these "people" have a dungeon in the backyard and no-one noticed?

I say give them both a daily molasses enima, followed by a seat on a fire ant nest for the rest of their lives.


weed fiend
Last place I thought I'd encounter a caliber I've never heard of...

.303 just sounds cool.



Active member

I don't believe in or support capital punishment.

That said, cases like this certainly do push the above principle to where I'm wavering.

Sad thing is, no matter what is done to this man and his wife (and she's as much to blame as him), this poor girl's life is utterly destroyed, no matter what.

And that's sad -- damned sad. :cry:


weed fiend
He'll get worse than death. By now, even he knows prisoners hate child crime perps worse than the rest. Prisons ought to quit providing any housing other than general population for these fucks. Let them suffer the same forced sexual encounters they committed and they'll see the error of their ways.