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Best CO2 setup for me?



Hello everyone,

I would like to introduce CO2 into my garden, and want to start out with the most basic regulator and tank system possible. I would like to purchase a kit that includes everything I need short of filling up the tank, and of course, the cheaper, the better.

I have a 400W HPS and the sealed area is about 10' wide x 10' long x 8' high. Obviously I do not use the entire room, but those are the dimensions that I will be up against. Right now all I have for intake/exhaust is a 9,000 BTU portable AC unit inside the room exhausting out the window, the rest of the room is completely sealed.

I am afraid the plants are not getting enough CO2 because the lack of fresh air, air is exiting via the portable AC unit, but no fresh air is coming in. The air is extremely hot outside, and would defeat the purpose of the portable AC and create major heat problems.

I have a few questions:

1) How much would I have to release given the above dimensions and light?

2) How often would I have to fill a 50LB bottle at the above rate?

3) What does the regulator hook up to? Clear tubing? Does it have to be suspended from the ceiling or? From the regulator, where does the CO2 flow, this is where I am confused.

4) Any links to your personal CO2 setup that you purchased?

5) Is it better to release at a constant flow all day throughout the dark and light cycles, or just dark, or just light, etc. What time is best to release CO2?

Thanks very much for all of your help!


Overkill is under-rated.
No CO2 at night, ever! your plants are giving off oxygen at that time and breathing very little. Many strive to do a "purge" so the room air is exchanged once with the lights off.

Regulator hooks to clear tubing, hang high in the room for a cascade effect, or strap it to the back of an oscillating fan and it will have the same effect.

Click here for a CO2 calculator: http://www.hydroponics.net/learn/co2_calculator.asp


I am afraid the plants are not getting enough CO2 because the lack of fresh air, air is exiting via the portable AC unit, but no fresh air is coming in.

Not possible my friend. If air is getting pushed out it must be getting sucked in somehow. Otherwise your AC fan would burn out or I guess your whole room would collapse in on itself. It's coming in somewhere.


Lazyman: Thank you very much for the link I really appreciate it, that will come in handy big time. Thanks for the information about the setup of the tubing and also not giving them CO2 at night! Major help, any other suggestions?

robbiedublu: Thanks very much for your reply. I just said what type of room it is. Besides the portable AC and exhaust the room is 100% completely air and light proof (or 99% anyway) I know the air must be coming from somewhere. Are you saying it is not possible for plants to not have enough CO2? Or did I misunderstand you? Thanks again.

Any links to actual kits that someone would recommend? That would be great, I need to pick one up and get started.


All i'm saying is if air is being pushed out, an equal volume of air is being sucked in somewhere. I'll have to let someone more knowledgeable than me answer your question about co2 setups.
you are going to go broke replacing co2 canisters if your running a single hose a/c. that bad boy is exhausting room air right out. i run a dual hose portable and it still exhausts alot of air. i dont run co2 cause id be paying to blow it out the window . get a better a/c system before you run co2. also for just 400w i dont think its economically sound to run co2, youd be better off getting another light

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
you only have a 400w in a 10x10 ? i think you should buy more lighting instead of buying more co2. seems like you have lotsa space that can be used...

if you really insist on using co2, then get yourself a co2boost bucket...

but really, if you only have 400 watts running, you have other things you should worry about to increase yield rather then co2...

i say you buy 2 more lights THEN think about co2


i run a 4hunge and all i have is 25cm exhaust muonted high up near the top and a single pedistal fan,and theres no inlet in the room but you can feel air bein sucked from two drain pipes in the room wich is an unused ensuite. i havnt even thaught about co2 coz the plants have had no probs in that environment, unless you need co2 brush it and get another light or two like the others said,then you could load that 10x10 room up and get a few more bags for your trouble.


Lone Wolf beat me to it.I have an 8 by 8 flowerroom with 3 1K's and a co2 generator.Until you have a minimum 50 watts sq ft plus temp and humidity control,co2 wont benefit you.And if you do use co2 enrichment dont cheap out if you actually want results.A controller is an absolute necessity when using co2


Overkill is under-rated.
you are going to go broke replacing co2 canisters if your running a single hose a/c. that bad boy is exhausting room air right out. i run a dual hose portable and it still exhausts alot of air. i dont run co2 cause id be paying to blow it out the window . get a better a/c system before you run co2. also for just 400w i dont think its economically sound to run co2, youd be better off getting another light


Truth! I didn't catch the wattage, but instead of trying to increase yield by adding CO2, increase it by adding lights and plants instead, much cheaper and more reliable. In essence, CO2 is a great tool for rooms that are already running perfectly, nothing left to improve. Adding CO2 to a garden that has ANY kind of problems basically doesn't do squat.


Thanks so much everyone for your help!

I used to run a 2400W flower room and I know that a 10 x 10 space is WAY to big for a single 400W, but electric usage restricts me from using anymore lights, or I would just purchase 4 1k's and call it done. However, I am restricted to using only a 400W, and that is why I am looking to increase my setup in other areas...

Thanks again!


Overkill is under-rated.
Hmm, throw that 400W in a small tent and use one of those Co2 bucket setups then, cheaper than tanks, though less precise.


That sounds like an awesome idea Lazyman, I have never really looked into tents at all. Have any links? Cost is also an issue, looking for the cheapest way in reason here.

Do you have a link to the CO2 buckets, or an official name?

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Overkill is under-rated.
Cheapest way to do a tent is make one, buy a small gorilla rack or shelf, then wrap it in black plastic and add your lights fans etc... Check out Hydrohut, Darkrooms, etc...

Google CO2 generator bucket or search here on the forums for a DIY version...


Thanks very much, for the bucket, pump, tubing, and shipping it is going to run around $160, which is not that much cheaper than a CO2 setup with a gauge/tank/release right? Or am I missing something here?

Let me know what you think Lone, do you use the product currently?


Lone Wolf

Well-known member
See the thing about the c02 boost is that many people claim that it doesn't effectively raise the co2 to a beneficial amount of ppm's as opposed to using co2 dispensed via propane, nat gas, or co2 tank...

I have never used it myself because I have never felt the need to use co2. I have looked into co2 a lot and have been looking into trying out one of the new water cooled co2 generators- can't think of the name of it- maybe when I think of it ill come back and post.

Anyways, there are some people on these interweb forums who have used co2boost and said it worked great... Quite frankly I don't think co2 boost would be in business if it didn't work.. But who knows. Co2 is one of those elements that is just one big variable. Its not uncommon for the human eye to not notice any difference in a crop that has been infused with co2 versus a crop that hasn't...

I've seen too many people who have used co2 say they don't think its worth the hassle...

Then again, do I know if these people are using it correctly? Who knows?

All in all, do whatever keeps your boat afloat...


Lone, thanks so much for the post, I have a lot of the same questions you have floating around in my old stoned brain, and just want the best for my ladies... Maybe someone who has a ton of experience will chime in and straighten all this confusion out. Until then I am going to do some reading and get back here with my findings. Like you said CO2 Boost wouldn't be in business if the product didn't work, but on the other hand I have seen some infomercials for ridiculous products that I know are junk. I need to do some more research and find out what's really going on.


Besides not raising it to a sufficient level,it's uncontrolled and wont keep a steady level for long.Do you know what fluctuating co2 levels in a sealed room accomplishes?Your plants will grow 100% normally as if there was no enrichment at all.I'm sure you all are about tired of me and my obsession with controlled co2 but you can go about doing it like I did.And take years to finally see the results everyone thats been successful talks about.Or skip the silly buckets and formula's based on the size of the room and actually get results from co2 enrichment

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
Hey what's up sparky- you seem to know your shit- do you have a thread on this website where you illustrate and talk about your method of co2 enrichment? I would be quite interested in it. THaNKS!

Besides not raising it to a sufficient level,it's uncontrolled and wont keep a steady level for long.Do you know what fluctuating co2 levels in a sealed room accomplishes?Your plants will grow 100% normally as if there was no enrichment at all.I'm sure you all are about tired of me and my obsession with controlled co2 but you can go about doing it like I did.And take years to finally see the results everyone thats been successful talks about.Or skip the silly buckets and formula's based on the size of the room and actually get results from co2 enrichment

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