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"bumped" in back by cop (off-duty)


h^2 O

i forgot about this - about 2 hours ago I'm in the convenience store, and as I'm waiting this tall, fat sunburned "man" with a crewcut comes in blabbing on his cell. Well on his way to the line to the register he somehow "tripped" and he basically palmed the small of my back and said sorry.
Cops do this to see if you're carrying a pistol. It's worse than racial profiling, basically assualting people to see if they have a gun on them.
I don't carry a gun but from now on whenver I go to that store im putting a bb gun in the back of my trunks and hope that bloated, lobster-looking charity case does it again.

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Or you find out 2hrs later that the bloated, lobster looking charity case who bumped ya made off with your fucking wallet hehe :) I'm in the city riding public transportation often LOL I get bumped and the first thing I make sure is if my wallet, watch, chain, smokes, and shoes are where they supposed to be... In the front pockets of course hehe.

Forget about the bb-gun.. Pack a whoopie cushion :)


Pick pockets often bump you so you feel the bump and not their hand in your pocket.

If you really think this is a cop doing it call him out.

h^2 O

okay well everyone know now i hope - if someone with a "relatively" (and I use that loosely) clean-cut appearance bumps your lower back they basically just violated your civil rights - you can't just go patting people down


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
I second the whoopie cushion. Also I recommend yelling out loud and whipping around saying something along the lines of "GOD DAMMIT I KEEP TELLING YOU I'M STRAIT. I DON'T CARE IF I LOOK LIKE YOUR EX BOYFRIEND, QUIT TRYING TO GROPE ME IN PUBLIC YOU PERVERT."

It's worked wonders for me in lines before. It's also made my wife tell people she doesn't know me.


Doing what we do because we are who we are
don't carry a BB gun ill tell you first hand... to them a gun is a gun toy or not!!!


Maybe he was hittin on you....hopin you would turn around and bump him back. LOL! I would hang around and hope he does it again. Then get him for sexual harrassment!!

As for the BB gun thing, I would think twice. They don't care if its real or not, they will take any chance to jump on someone if they even THINK they have something they shouldn't!

that nugget

damn good thing it wasnt me that got bumped into. i always pack heat nukka...

jk... thats beat that cops do that call him out next time


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
i didnt even read the story.. I am just assuming.. lmfao... OK so what in the world were you doing with a cop in yer bedroom.. And lettin him bump you in the back.. Do not make this I repeat do not make this a brokeback forums yea heard meh....?? Lmfao.. J/k water.. Did ya kick his off duty ass? peace.
