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Robbery on the nugget train - The story of Weedcity


New member
This is not from me, it was originally posted by Dumm-Patz but I thought that it is so great, I have to share.

Feel free to correct language mistakes, had to translate it from german :joint:

Our story takes place in Weedcity - anytime during the end of the 17th century.
As every year after the melting of the snow, the nugget train is on it's dangerous way at the east coast.



The worried faces of the passengers speak volumes - the train had been robbed several times already.


Also this year there seems to be a lot of trouble at the sativa creek


An ambuscade and the train is unstoppable nearing it


Will the nugget train be robbed? Will the passenger be kept as hostages? The destiny lays unknown.


Wads of smoke are visible everywhere. The nugget train jumped the rails and the greenskuff gang seems to be successful this year as well.


The evacuation of the nuggets is difficult, but not impossible.


This time hostages were taken aswell. But whom do we see there? Rose! The daugther of the major of Weedcity, kidnapped by the greenskuff gang.


Did they greenskuff gang overextend themselfes? Will there be an vigilance committee in order to stop the gang?


Weedcity is not at the end of the world, but visible from this place:


The last vigilance committee, questionable of the major will be able to recruit a new one:



Flames and smoke behind the indica hill can have just one meaning: Redskins!




The greenskuff gang feels secure in their camp. They consult if they should ask for ransom or sell Rose to the Horones instead.


Their prey was quite successful


Ghostrider was told by Chief Smokin' Pot (head of the redskins), that the train was robbed and that all passenger are being kept os hostage.

Fast as the wind he is riding on the horseback in order to rescue his true love.



The showdown at the sativa creek is ineluctable.
Agile as a weasel and uncatchable (does this exist? lol) as a shadow, Ghostrider managed to sneak into the camp of the greenskuff gang.


On of them is deadly hit and falls upon the ground.


While still riding, Ghostrider was able to free one hostage, but Rose is still handcuffed and is directly in the ballistic curve of the bandits.


The other criminals are preparing their last stand


But Ghostrider falls hit from his horse, a loud scream is leaving Rose's throat.


Well, unfortunately he never finished the story. Feel free to use your phantasy :)


New member
nono, ghostrider isn't indian :)
he is in love with rose and coming to rescue her from the indians.
he's a normal villager of Weedcity (and a hero who got shot :joint:)