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True Blood.......


Sunshine DayDreamer

while everyone else seems under MaryAnns spell why hasn't Hoyt been
affected, or has he been spotted in any of the orgies by someone here?

I don't know, wondered the same thing and did you hear when his mother was fussing about his daddy, so it does make ya wonder where/what is his daddy ... However neither was Lafayette or Tera's Mother or Jason when he came back in town were affected either..
??so perhaps its whomever she been able to transform before now?.. *shruggs* or because they weren't in the vicinity when the spell was cast from maryann?...

Did you notice the new Vamp in the previews, that's prolly the Queen, she was prolly feeding or something and that's why the blood on the leg.. but hey, :D who knows.. only 2 episodes left..
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I am soooooo tired of this slow ass show. I want to see what happens and how they beat mary ann.... I understand the suspense thing, but it could move a little faster than this

danny karey

Did you guys watch after the show........They had the News on, the news from trueblood, it was pretty cool............



that was a really good episode last nite.

Let's see who is immune to Mary Ann?

Sheriff guy
Tara's Mom

Did I miss anybody? :biglaugh:


If i remember correctly from what my coworker from england told me, the UK is 9 hours ahead of the US? somehting like that

Lol, were 5 hours ahead of the east coast in England... but I think he meant how far ahead are you in the season??

Anyway its only just started on the TV over here, season 1 that is. But I dont have a TV so I just download it and i'm right up to date (lucky old Hoyt with the eternal virgin... I hope thats not too pervy for this site?)#
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I loved the first season but am very dissapointed with season 2 :mad:

I dont know whats happened but I now hate Suki for some reason. It seems like she's always angry and thrying to be hard and tough....urrrghh:wallbash: Its really pissing me off. Also the love thing with her and Bill is sickening, it just doesnt work!

I'll still watch it cos it makes me laugh and I watch anything that has people smoking weed in it :joint:



lol...I was wondering why he was asking how many hours ahead we are. Then i got to thinking, well maybe because he is waiting to see that episode and we are already watching it... My burned out mind can make anything work...lol

Lol, were 5 hours ahead of the east coast in England... but I think he meant how far ahead are you in the season??

Anyway its only just started on the TV over here, season 1 that is. But I dont have a TV so I just download it and i'm right up to date (lucky old Hoyt with the eternal virgin... I hope thats not too pervy for this site?)#
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I loved the first season but am very dissapointed with season 2 :mad:

I dont know whats happened but I now hate Suki for some reason. It seems like she's always angry and thrying to be hard and tough....urrrghh:wallbash: Its really pissing me off. Also the love thing with her and Bill is sickening, it just doesnt work!

I'll still watch it cos it makes me laugh and I watch anything that has people smoking weed in it :joint:



My little pony.. my little pony
Imo I dont believe anyone is immune to Mary Ann. I think that in order to be one of the black eyed peeps you had to be part of the bonfire trance sexfest.

And no one wants to speculate on what this newfound 4400 power Sookie has?



Whatever power it is, Sookie is gonna attract MaryAnn like a moth to a flame!

Bill's gonna have his hands full!

Queen Vampire may know what to do? I hope the Queen lets Bill drink from her to make him stronger than Bill's Maker! Maybe that's why she is bleeding when he gets there. She is gonna drive him wild with the old blood!

Sookie the electric mindreader!

It's getting good.

I wish True Blood would meet up with Big Love. That would be a hoot!


Lola Guesses What happens on Tomorrow's Episode:

Sookie is abducted by the Tennesee Valley Authority and is forced to provide cheap electric power all over the South.

Bill meets the Queen Vampire for the first time, and Queenie is the dead ringer for Sookie.
Bill decides to abandon Sookie and falls in love with the Queen.

Sam decides to finally get smart after watching a rerun of Forrest Gump. Sam turns into a bird and flys far, far away.

MaryAnn is enraged by Sam's escape. She blames the horny idiots from Merlotte's Bar. She proceeds to cut everybody's heart out and makes a giant hunter's pie. Still unsatisfied, MaryAnn hunts down Jason Stackhouse.

Jason is unaffected by MaryAnn's voodoo, but MaryAnn works her mojo on Jason anyway. Jason is just too horny to resist Mary Ann when she starts doing her Shake, shake, shake, shake your booty, routine. Of course, Jason will hump just about any woman in Bon Temps under 50.

After bedding Jason down, Maryann locks him upstairs in Grannie Stackhouse's attic, in case she can use him for bait to get back at Sookie perhaps.

Lafayette and Tara get tired of cringing inside and decide to go hunt down Jason and see if they can get him back. Unfortunately, Tara falls under Maryann's influence the moment she goes back in the house. Tara whacks Lafayette upside the head till the white meat showed through, then into the attic he went.

Lafayette wakes up with his head busted and in chains again. At least this time there is a small window in the attic. Lafayette vows never to help any of these dumb white people again if he can escape Maryann's clutches.

Jessica was last seen plunging her teeth into the neck of her Boyfriend's mother. Unfortunately, this fat old broad is drained of blood in about 2 shakes of a lamb's tail. While burping, Jessica apologizes to her boyfriend for eating his mother. Jessica is just too young to resist eating mouthy bitches who anger her while hungry. Too bad.

Jessica's boyfriend insists that Jessica must turn his mother into a vampire. He can't stand the thought of her dead and rotten in the ground. This is Jessica's worst damn nightmare ever! The thought of being linked forever to this beastly woman repels her, but to keep her lover from leaving, she agrees. Jessica drags the body out by the hair, digs a grave and covers them up. Jessica knows that this is gonna be a mistake she will have to live with forever.

Guess who's pregnant? That preacher's wife slut finds out that she is going to have Jason's love child. She decides to keep the information from her husband, and pass Jason's baby off as her husband's.

Tara is the only one of Maryann's followers to live except for Eggs, who keeps slapping Tara upside the head. Tara seems to enjoy this and another whupping scene ensues.

OH NO! Guess what? Those shape shifters are hard to kill. Maryann didn't know, but if you cut their hearts out and they are buried, guess what? ZOMBIES. Yup, Daphne comes back as a zombie. Daphne still is enthralled with MaryAnn, and comes back to eat her brain. Will she succeed? Maybe we will find out next week. And just what shape does a shape shifter take that doesn't need a heart to live as an undead zombie? It's pretty crreeepppyyy....

Well I am gettin scared, so I will hafta stop for now.

Wonder if I get any thing right? Can't wait to watch tomorrow.

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