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Does anyone know of any good security systems that can alert my iphone or blackberry if there is a security breach?

I checked out 420CAM website but not sure if they are legit and i always like to shop around.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :joint:
Why not get some security camera kits lets say at Costco. With those systems you can log on to the network and check out your place anytime as long as you have internet access. Even if you had one that alerted you, your still fucked either way "shrug".


I have a 2 board up to 8 camera system with 2 updated night vision cams that instal in your PC. Its made by Q-see, do a search. You can get the basic 4 cam system for about 200 bucks if you shop around well online. I currently run 5 cameras and i have my whole property covered and half of the neighborhood. For 200 dollars you really cant beat a 4 cam system with 2 regular cams, 1 inside cam and 1 night vision cam.. You can allways upgrade later to better cams like i did. Its a snap to install in your pc, a piece of cake. My whole neiborhood knows i have it and i was called a few times to review my hard drive because of teenage vandles. I love haveing it.


New member
I got access to some "NICE" systems for exactly what you want. Heck you can even control countermeasures, turn on a sprinkler and soak all the intruders....lol. If you're a DIYer, just "GOOGLE" your equipment needs. If audio recording is wanted, you can record intruders and perhaps gather info on that they say.



That panasonic is high dollar. This is what i started with. http://www.q-see.com/products/security-product.php?ProductId=2 I added one extra board and 2 high resolution night vision cams and i dont have much in the whole system. I love my system, if i hear a noise i look at it or if the dog barks. Its money well spent. I don't know much about the panasonic system but q-see has alot of options. I bought there basic system and added threw e-bay some killer cams.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
That panasonic is high dollar. This is what i started with. http://www.q-see.com/products/security-product.php?ProductId=2 I added one extra board and 2 high resolution night vision cams and i dont have much in the whole system. I love my system, if i hear a noise i look at it or if the dog barks. Its money well spent. I don't know much about the panasonic system but q-see has alot of options. I bought there basic system and added threw e-bay some killer cams.

The Panasonic system is also wireless, and you can view AND control it remotely via the internet (over your phone, even). It also has a built in mic, and a heat sensor. Pretty high tech for $240.


Overkill is under-rated.
Remember, any shmoe with a laptop can hack your wireless cam and see what it sees, especially if using WEP or PSKs. Hard wired is the only safe way to go.


I agree you can hack into any video on the net but it would be a pretty boreing site to see my neighborhood. I can take my system offline and its more or less hard wired but i do check on my house while away. I do have precautions for hacking but as a hacker i know i only keep out 95%. Like i said it would be a boreing view if you were watching. I still have video evidence if anyone enters my property as well as a hidden hard drive back up. The hacker point is a good point you brought up.


The only diferance between the panasonic and what i have is i get 4 cams standard instead of 1. That panasonic might be the shit but i am very happy with what i have, as a matter of fact there is security companies installing my system for 1600 bux and i got about 500 in the whole system but basic 4 cam is 200. Two of my cams can see in total darkness at 100 feet and very clear. I can add wireless cams to this system but i like hard wired for resolution.
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Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
The only diferance between the panasonic and what i have is i get 4 cams standard instead of 1. That panasonic might be the shit but i am very happy with what i have, as a matter of fact there is security companies installing my system for 1600 bux and i got about 500 in the whole system but basic 4 cam is 200. Two of my cams can see in total darkness at 100 feet and very clear.

I have no doubt your system kicks ass friend, I wasn't really trying to debate the merits of each, just pimping one I had my eye on.


Strong wireless privacy

Strong wireless privacy

Remember, any shmoe with a laptop can hack your wireless cam and see what it sees, especially if using WEP or PSKs. Hard wired is the only safe way to go.

The latest security standards for wireless data are rock solid. Even the best equipped hacker would not bother trying to attack WPA2-AES (either PSK - pre shared key, or RADIUS enterprise mode). Just make you sure you pick a LONG, RANDOM key and change the SSID.

All of the other modes are less secure. Don't use WPA-TKIP and NEVER use WEP!


My little pony.. my little pony
You dont need any encryption if you use common sense where you put the camera. Dont point it at the grow. Put it around the door pointing out of the grow. Someones still going to set it off going into your room and your not going to get as many false triggers from the fans and plants moving around.
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New member
I got access to some "NICE" systems for exactly what you want. Heck you can even control countermeasures, turn on a sprinkler and soak all the intruders....lol. If you're a DIYer, just "GOOGLE" your equipment needs. If audio recording is wanted, you can record intruders and perhaps gather info on that they say.


What would I goggle for remote controls of my system?


Freedom Fighter
You dont need any encryption if you use common sense where you put the camera. Dont point it at the grow. Put it around the door pointing out of the grow. Someones still going to set it off going into your room and your not going to get as many false triggers from the fans and plants moving around.

Great advice there!! Keep in mind, you do not want to give up evidence if cops ever get your shit-- I have a 360 view of my house...altho I only record at night, or when I am gone-- I don't really want to record every person that comes to my house--
I spent a little over $600 on my 4 camera + DVR system...it has very nice infra red view...great at night-- I can hook it up for notifications, Motion Detection...all that-- :2cents:


New member
Hide a small device, dvr, etc and record all audio and/or video. That way 99% chance some asshole intruder will say or do something to give you a heads on why they are there. Hook it up to a wall swtich, decora style, inside a 3 or 4 gang box. When you're not there, turn it on. Or if you are there, turn it on if time permits, and let it record for 7 days..... Make sure to hide it in an item or location that won't get searched. I've put a few in attics, and ran cables for mic/video cams to ceiling fixtures. Hide the dvr in the wall, cut drywall, mount inside, run power to a receptacle box. Put in a battery in case power is off.



Rubbing my glands together
Just remember that if you can see it online, chances are others may be able to also. Keep that in mind when you position the cameras.

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