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How to open a co-op


So im curious about la county, what are the guidelines, requirements, etc....is it even possible with the moratorium in affect? If i do everything correct with ca state laws will i be able to open? any ideas or links would be helpful


Freedom Fighter
If you do not have a hundred grand, and 2 years of doing paperwork...don't try-- (Purely my opinion..based on real life stuff...take it or leave it--):2cents:


Freedom Fighter
It is tough to open a legit Dispensary..It takes countless hours of petitioning City Counsels...asking for Permits, Zoning...it is possible to open one without all that...just ask some of the ones who got closed down--:noway:
(But...if you get it done right...it is worth it--:yeahthats)


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
It will always get more and more difficult to open as they think of more reasons to loophole them. Even with city/state laws in our favor we still have troubles getting these opened.


okie, so what do i need in order to be legit, i now this isnt going to be easy but id like to know what i need in order to be legit.
I am not trying to be a trouble maker or a smart ass here.

I would start with the AG guidelines and make sure you understand that these are suggestions not law. Then look to the community's position via the local laws and provisions for opening a dispensary if that is what you wish to do with your co-op. Try and pin down exactly what is expected of you by everyone with the authority to screw you up.

When you get the answers contact some attorneys and put the one you like the best in charge of keeping you out of jail and helping you set up the business.

I hope this helps a bit, I am not sure it will being that I am on an Island where we are the government, and there is no jail, well we do have the bamboo gorilla cage but we never use it.
Judges really like suggestions. As do LEO and local govt. Makes things easier for them but very complex for a new operation.

Depends on how much you like the option of being in front of the Honorable Judge and his interpretation of what the State Atty General might have meant.
Personally, If the sign says "live land mines under your feet, just waiting to kill your ass", I don't take it as a "suggestion".

Nor would I like to be locked up while it goes to appeal for 3 years.

Otherwise, it's great info. Just make sure the atty you hire to set up isn't looking to defend you later as the LA "hardship" coops found out.

PM if you want the name of a good atty versed in the new AG "suggestions".

Still, if you got a lot of time to do the time, go the cowboy route. Your family will hardly miss you.


my family will hardy miss me?! really was that necessary? all i asked was if people knew the proper way of obtaining licenses and permits in which to open a store by california laws. not to be insulted.


Active member
From what I have read, a few years ago LA imposed a moratorium on dispensaries but, the way the moratorium was written there was a giant loophole that actually allowed a proliferation of un-regulated dispensaries under a "hardship clause". Supposedly, LA now has a real moratorium on new dispensaries but, who knows, it might have loopholes too. You really should consult an LA attorney who is up on the current situation.

...and maybe call the City and ask them what their current policy is.
