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Foodsaver and mold



ok got vacuum sealer and took 1/2 lb of bud that was hung dry for 4 days crisp to touch. Will it mold once vacumsealed if its only dry to 20% in lieu of 10?


If it's only been hung for that short time and you seal-a-meal it, you'll definately ruin it. I let mine hang 10 to 14 days before trimming it. It then spends a few days on screens. It then goes into 2 gallon glass jars for a while. I check it daily at first and then less frequently. When the moisture level is stable, it's dry to the touch and pliable, it;s essentialy cured at this point. Nothing is going to go wrong after it's in the seal-a-meal, so I seal it up and leave it alone. Doing it this way I never have to open it up again to check on the moisure level/mold. Don't be in a hurry to see your weed in plastic bags...I've seen a shitload of new guys do that over the years and wind up with really crappy weed, when they had excellent weed to start with.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Totally in agreement with KH. Slow drying is the way to go. Any way to try and speed up the process will comprimise flavor and final bud quality.
tru tru tru....couldn't have said it any better -- we all flower for 60 days or more ( you sativa lovers ) , so why rush the final stretch.... patience is a virtue, and smoking doobage should be one too :)


As a test i took a small amount 1/2 pound sealed at 4 days and left in pack untill just now and as fresh as when i put in. I have another 1/2 im gonna go a few more days with...im not trying to save for weeks just a week or so .... so far it stores better then in ziplock opened with fan on it


It's dried but not yet cured .

Just not worry about curing ?

I just got gifted a vacumsealer , happen to be way ahead in the med. dept. and was gonna seal up a bunch . But it's already cured .


No not worried just storing it until i cna get it to a safe place thats all...


LOL, we are all shopping for the same thing! Foodsavers!

I have seen a doohickey from FoodSaver I am going to get. It is a thing you put on a Mason jar, and it sucks the air out of the Mason jar and seals the jar.

Only one doohickey is needed, and you can store all the jars you want with it.

It is $10 and you use the air hose attachment with it.

This might be a good curing tool as well?

I am sure with an airtight seal in a Mason jar, the cured weed will keep for at least a year or more? If seal leaks, just reseal!

Neat! huh?

They have them at Amazon. Get the kind for wide mouth jars! No bags to buy! No lost trichomes :)


Hmmmmmmmmmm ,
Ima look at that Lola .
Damn things probably cheaper than lookin for replacement bags for this relic / handmedown someone gave me . I still lose all smell and flavor both in 1 gal. glass jars in an 18 mo. time . Vac. the jars themselves might be the answer Sis .
Crispi :hotbounce


Definately keeps smell. I didnt check 1/2 lb for 3 days and was scared shitless when i cut it open today to my surprise no mold and smelled perfect....the other in baggies didnt smell nearly as fresh (ziplocks that is)


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If it's only been hung for that short time and you seal-a-meal it, you'll definately ruin it. I let mine hang 10 to 14 days before trimming it. It then spends a few days on screens. It then goes into 2 gallon glass jars for a while. I check it daily at first and then less frequently. When the moisture level is stable, it's dry to the touch and pliable, it;s essentialy cured at this point. Nothing is going to go wrong after it's in the seal-a-meal, so I seal it up and leave it alone. Doing it this way I never have to open it up again to check on the moisure level/mold. Don't be in a hurry to see your weed in plastic bags...I've seen a shitload of new guys do that over the years and wind up with really crappy weed, when they had excellent weed to start with.

I dont know how you guys do 10-14 days....must be in florida or something?.....I cant go past 5 days hanging or I have DUST....I normally do 5 days then 1-2 days in a cardboard box, then bagged and sealed for months if needed....no mold ever....and this is with critical mass, no light fluffy haze

very low humidity here


Definately keeps smell. I didnt check 1/2 lb for 3 days and was scared shitless when i cut it open today to my surprise no mold and smelled perfect....the other in baggies didnt smell nearly as fresh (ziplocks that is)

damn you got to stop the vaccum & seal before it crushes your bud.....and trim a few of them tree trunk out of there! =)


Glad to help out Crispi!

I been looking to get one for my own use. I had to really research it to figure out what it does. You put a regular lid on the jar, then the foodsaver sealer doohickey, and then attach it to the machine.

The doohickey takes out the air, and the lid seals tight, till ya pop the lid off.

The lids are reusable over and over, so no cost after initial purchase of jars and doohickey.

one doohickey does as many jars as you like, just seal a jar and move to the next jar with the doohickey.

Foodsaver wants you to think you need a doohickey for every jar, they don't really advertise the fact that it works over and over from one jar to the next.

I think they are basically putting themselves out of business, cause before, you had to use one of their patented plastic jars.

Now the mason jar sealer doohickey is gonna put em out of business. Buy one afore they figure out what happened!

Those plastic bags are so expensive!

EDIT: OK here's a pic from Amazon ad.
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yea thats why I only did a small amount 1/2lb live and learn did 1/4 today and stopped it half way and it was perfect....but damn dont let it run till it stops youll have mexican brick lol...np....it broke apart and mixed with fresh looks fine


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I dont know how you guys do 10-14 days....must be in florida or something?.....I cant go past 5 days hanging or I have DUST....I normally do 5 days then 1-2 days in a cardboard box, then bagged and sealed for months if needed....no mold ever....and this is with critical mass, no light fluffy haze

very low humidity here

If i hang for 4 days buds crunchy but stems dont snap 5 days they snap...if i did 10 days i would have some swag ass bud....guess it varies by area...dry room is 74degrees 40% h


wet weed stored in a foodsaver bag = mold. It's just a matter of time!

It WILL work with cured buds and Mason Jars though! :)

Plus the plastic sticks to the resin and never comes off the plastic. You would have to smoke plastic to recover that resin.

Use jars and it will work really well for our uses! Mwahahahaha


LOL, we are all shopping for the same thing! Foodsavers!

I have seen a doohickey from FoodSaver I am going to get. It is a thing you put on a Mason jar, and it sucks the air out of the Mason jar and seals the jar.

Only one doohickey is needed, and you can store all the jars you want with it.

It is $10 and you use the air hose attachment with it.

This might be a good curing tool as well?

I am sure with an airtight seal in a Mason jar, the cured weed will keep for at least a year or more? If seal leaks, just reseal!

Neat! huh?

They have them at Amazon. Get the kind for wide mouth jars! No bags to buy! No lost trichomes :)

Yep thats it not cheap ione but middle of road 99 is what i paid


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OK guys, this is a special ATTACHMENT you buy to use with your existing Foodsaver!

The attachment for mason jars is $10 on Amazon. It comes in wide mouth size (get that) or regular size (can't get your hand inside jar opening).

The attachment goes over the metal lid, attach hose to doohickey and push seal on the Foodsaver.

This takes the air out of the jar, makes the metal canning jar lid hold airtight seal!

Since the jar won't squish in on the buds like a bag does, it is basically like a jar of planter's peanuts, waiting on a shelf!

Lola's Buds in a Jar. :)

I think it will help cure buds as well! Of course to cure jars would have to be resealed 3 times a day, but big whoop! I bet it would taste Oh so nice! Anybody tried it yet?