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Small white/yellow spots....HELP!!!


New member
So for starters, this plant started off with a nitrogen problem but that has been corrected and since s/he has really taken off. I am growing in a mixture of organic potting soil mixed with vermiculite, worm castings and a bit of mexican bat guano. I keep the PH between 6-6.5. I feed with treated balanced water mixed with molasses, flora nova grow (1/2 dose), and a tiny bit of superthrive once or twice. I let the soil dry between feedings. I do not foliar feed as I am afraid of the light magnifying the drops. There is a layer of vermiculite on top of the soil because I noticed early off that flies love that guano...go figure. Anyway, yesterday I saw 2-3 small white/yellow spots on the top set of leaves. Upon closer examination, it looked like maybe some sticky sap or oil that the light was magnifying. I looked on top and under all leaves and I don't see any bugs. Aside from the 2-3 house flies that were in my grow room earlier, I haven't seen any bugs. Yet today the problem has worsened and one set of leaves is starting to droop. Does anyone have any idea what this could be? I read through my manual and nothing really looks similar. Can the molasses be secreted from the leaves? I flushed it just in case, but I won't see any changes until tomorrow. Currently on 18/6 schedule too, in case that makes a difference. I took some pics, hopefully someone has some advice. I'd hate to lose this plant as I've done alot to correct mistakes and just when it seems like it's doing good, the spots pop up. Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!! Thanks for checkin this out!


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Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I would say any problems she is experiencing is caused by " to much love". Alot of people encounter problems by either over reacting to fix what seems to be a problem, or to many nutrients. Personally I would not be feeding her 450ppm of flornova grow yet. Thats half strength flornova grow, I know because I use it. 1/2 strength in my vocabulary = 1/2 Lucas formula which = 4mL

Now if your going by the directions you are way overfeeding. Superthrive is a wonderful tool, but I do n ot recommend more then 1 drop per gallon of water. Also, be careful with youngins it is very potent and can do some major damage. I would be feeding those 2.5ml of grow/gallon if that. Not to mention your soil has nutrients in it as well.

As for the bugs I am not sure what those spots are, but could be related to PH in my experience. I would say back off the nutrients, test the PH, and be more careful with corrections and over loving your girl.


New member
Thanks Pure...I checked PH this morning, at 6.25. I only feed her/him half the seedling dose cause like you said, I've got nutes in the soil. And with superthrive, I meant I only have given it to her twice I think, just a drop per gallon. There are a couple more spots this morning, not as many that popped up yesterday though, so maybe the flush helped. I'm not sure, does anyone have any thoughts about the Hot Shot Pest Strips? I don't have a pocket scope yet, so maybe there are some pests that I just can't see? I'm gonna try and get a more accurate pic to show the spot of oil/stickyness that is causing the spots. Thanks to any who reply!!


New member
Ok got some pics, the first is a repost just to show how she looked 2 days ago. The yellow tint is because s/he is under a 400w HPS. Should I maybe spray the leaves before lights out tonite? Nothing could have gotten on the leaves as this is a walk-in closet that nothing goes into. I see no leaks, low humidity and I backed the light off a bit so that sticky shit can't laser the leaves as much. I have one hot shot pest strip that I bought awhile ago because we had some issues with bugs strollin around here before the door was replaced. Is it safe to use? And if so, where should I put it? I've got 2 fans directed up in there to disperse the heat, so it's a constant 75-80 in there. One more thing, I took the foil down yesterday in case that was lasering the leaves, although it's been up since she sprouted and I haven't had any problems. Anyway, let me know any thoughts...THANKS!!


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Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Doesn't look like any 'bugs' that I know of, and even if it were, I certainly wouldn't throw a no pest strip in there for some unidentified bugs that very might well be benificials. You do realize that there is such a thing as good bugs?


New member
Well yeah, but I'm sure a bug who chomps on all the leaves isn't categorized under "good," lol. I haven't put the strip in yet, cause like I said, I see no bugs. Goddess knows I wouldn't want super bugs who are immune to nuclear fallout because I dosed their ancestors for no particular reason. The only reason I'm really worried is because an entire set of leaves suddenly drooped. I'd hate for the rest to follow suit.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
If you look at the last pic, two of the spots are clearly something that splashed and ran a little down the vein, maybe you just dripped a little something during feeding, PH down for example will bleach stuff white almost instantly.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
FYI, you could do with your PH upping to around 6.6 to 6.8, your plants will do so much better in the long run.


New member
See that's what I thought too, but nothing has splashed. It's that oil/sticky crap...it followed the vein down after the leaves started to droop. I was thinking maybe the leaves ooze or bleed, if you will, if maybe a bug was chewing them. I feed at the very base of the plant with a watering container so there is no splashing because my bulb is bare and I don't want it popping by my head, lol. Do gnats hang out at the top of the plant? I shook the plant a bit and a gnat flew out. Maybe the sticky crap is just that...their crap? lol, I dunno. All I know is that the light is magnifying whatever that stuff is.


New member
Ok, so after flushing, all seems to be going well. Although 2 leaves pretty much bit it...the rest seem ok. New growth, and newer leaves are unaffected. I think this was a combo of overwatering and overfeeding. Too much molasses I'm guessing overload of nitrogen. Thanks for the help guys.