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Germination Help!!!


New member

Noob all around here. Starting my first grow and i am having some germination questions. I tried germing 6 seeds with the moist papertowel and a plate method. I have saran wrap over them and they are in a warm and dark place. Two seeds popped the rest have not. Im going on 6 days now and im worried that the other four will not pop. One has cracked and barely has a little white root showing. This seed in particular has been like this for three days. The root is barely showing though. I was curious with this seed if i could go ahead and move it to soil or is to soon? It has not made any progress in three days.

Is it to late to try the water and cup method with these last seeds or should i keep them where they are and give it time. I have seen that it could take up to 12 days so when should i consider these seeds trashed?

The other seed that did pop has not sprouted and it has been 4 days since it has been in soil. Maybe i just dont have enough patience. I hate to have only one plant veging to find out its a male.

Please help


Active member
I've always hated the "paper towel" method.

I soak seeds overnight and then plant them. I always get good germ rates.

You need to get those seeds in the dirt... IMHO


New member
I've always hated the "paper towel" method.

I soak seeds overnight and then plant them. I always get good germ rates.

You need to get those seeds in the dirt... IMHO

so even if they havent popped yet i should get them in the dirt? another question is that i am not that familiar with the shot glass method. when the seeds sink do you place them in the dirt right after? or should you wait for a root? or should you place them on the moist paper towels and wait for it to root? ive heard so many theories on this to where its quite confusing.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Just to get things really clear, you have placed your seeds in moist paper towel, you did not soak the seed for 24 hours first?, thats really what you needed to do, to be honest I don't use the tissue , just soak till they sink and pop them into coco. If you didn't soak then your seeds may still be ok but need a proper soak to kick them off, I would soak them and the rest till they sink as I said and then pop them into your medium, then leave alone, they will come if they are going to, no amount of poking around will help, only hinder them.


Active member
so even if they havent popped yet i should get them in the dirt? another question is that i am not that familiar with the shot glass method. when the seeds sink do you place them in the dirt right after? or should you wait for a root? or should you place them on the moist paper towels and wait for it to root? ive heard so many theories on this to where its quite confusing.

Yes...take everything and plant it...yesterday would have been better...do it ASAP. If you've got roots sticking out...they should already be in the soil. Those root tips are delicate...and they're looking for soil.

MY way to germinate... Fill a glass with water...drop in the seeds...place a paper towel over the floating seeds to keep them down in the water completely...let it sit overnight, about 12 hours...and plant, point down.

Most of the seeds will sink overnight or as soon as you touch them the next morning...it doesn't matter. Plant them all. You should see a sprout within 3 days...give it a week to be sure, some are late bloomers. Keep the soil moist until it sprouts...then be very cheap with the watering until you get some good veg growth. DON'T OVER WATER young seedlings! It's the #1 killer... I look through the infirmary and see 80% of the problems caused by over watering and overfeeding. I'm guilty of it too! I want to love them to death... It's hard to resist a little water...a little food...every time you visit them... Practice tough love! At least until you get good at this...

Keep it simple...don't over think things. Do the simple easy grow first time. Some bud is better than no bud. Go for yields after you can successfully raise a crop...


Active member
I feel someone has to stick up for the paper towel method. It's always served me well. Sometimes takes 3 or 4 days but I usually get 95% or so. I don't even bother to cover, just keep the paper towel wet and in a warm place. This is not to say soaking is wrong, it's just an extra step I don't take. Maybe you get a better rate and if you're paying top $ for seeds you want to get max results. I've always figured the paper towel method pops all the viable seeds just fine

If you've gone 6 days without germ they might be immature seeds, too old or some other problem.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Paper towels have no magic powers of germination. Mold, rot, starvation, root breakage and death are the sole benefits. Soaking in water provides no special benefit either. Placing a seed in wet soil does NOT dry it out. Placing a seed in warm soil does NOT cause it to freeze. Now, scarification is a different matter. Sand, scrape or shave seed edges (simulating winter damage) before planting to help speed up stubborn seeds.

Scarify, drop seed in warm, moist medium and walk away.

Some seeds take a month or more. Go to K-Mart and buy a big bottle of patience.


LOL Freeze!

I agree, just put it in the dirt, water, and then place a light over the tray.

Works just fine.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
To maintain soil moisture PRIOR to popping, OK. Once they sprout, ditch the cover. High RH is lethal.


on my actual grow (ill start a grow journal/diary thing later lol) i threw 3 seeds straight from the breeders bag in soil and 2 in a paper towel......the ones in soil are growing all 3 ..... only 1 of the 2 paper towel ones popped open :(
I stick my seeds directly in the soil with no soak. If it doesn't pop then I didn't want to grow it anyway, if the seed is good it will grow like a WEED.


I use a damp paper towel inside zip lock baggy
I place seeds inside on the damp paper towel so i can see one side of the seed and the other side of the seed is touching the paper towel
Then zip the baggy closed and put in a dark place like a drawer
Wait 1 to 3 days and you will have a tap root and then i move them to soil

I'm sure others have said the same thing I'm just confirming it.