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Do Your Critters Like to Get High?

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dogs get high for weeks if they smoke...not cool

no fuckin way, is that true? hahahaha

i got my dog stoned a few times and every time all he wants to do is go into the bathroom or the garage and lays like a seal on the cold concrete or tile, nowadays he does it without getting stoned but he definitely discovered the sensation with herb.

every time a subject like this comes up anywhere its always the one crowd who thinks its abuse, the second who don't give a shit and the third who swear on their mothers that their dogs and cats are hash fiends.


every time a subject like this comes up anywhere its always the one crowd who thinks its abuse, the second who don't give a shit and the third who swear on their mothers that their dogs and cats are hash fiends.

:yeahthatsAbsolutely true!
But my point of view is that people have their own mind and plan things so your mind gets prepared for the thing you are going to do(like getting high)so you can really enjoy the feeling, but animals they just go with the instincts and getting them high just makes them confused and unpredictable... Sure maybe THC affect dogs brain the same way as ours, but I dont know if they have the same proteins that gett affected with THC. Sorry about my english, but I hope everyone understands what I want to say.


Thats why the Brave outspoken dog in the anti pot commercial says " i like you so much better when your not high"

but its ok to let turtles smoke because there already slow.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Didnt read anything but for me theres a fine line for animals who like to get high(yea they are out there) and animals you force to get high... forcing is never kool...

Post by PTB...


New member
Who are we to tell about connections between animals and plants.

Forcing isn't nice in any form, but you got 2 eyes and a head you can use to see if the animal actually likes to be in the smokey room or not, for example.

I've seen cats lying around in coffeeshops full of smoke when they clearly have the option to go out. Some dig it, some don't. I have 2 cats myself, one clearly likes to get baked, other one clearly doesn't.

Just because we like to be overprotective about our animals doesn't mean we're necessarily the best "parents" for them. I let my animals choose what they want to do.


I agree that it depends on the animal. My dog sometimes comes around when we smoke and I blow her a hit or 2. She sometimes leaves or shys away from it, it just depends on her mood I guess. Our other dog loves it. both come and go and they please, forcing isn't cool or fair to the animal. give them a choice I guess if that makes sense.


Is a waste of hard work and money.

Ill be your pet if you want to get me high when ever I want.


Listen to me jerky
Letting an animal eat some of the plant/flower is one thing. Blowing smoke in their nose, ear, whatever isn't cool in my book. I used to have a buddy that's dog would scarf up any herb that was left out on the table unattended.


Pets are like children, you are responsible for them in every way. Would you make an 8 year old get get drunk or high....

I dont find anything comical or cool about any of that shit, grow up.

- Jenn


New member
My great dane lab mix is 12 years old. Diagnosed with osteosarcoma. Back leg is eaten up with it. She gets around really good stillHer name is sensimilla. We call her milla for short. They have her on tramadol for the pain. She is still getting around and doesn't appear to hurt but then again I don't really speak dog. I do understand my dogs emotions and when she's into anything or when she isn't into something. I had made a batch of cannibutter and thought I would see if she would enjoy some of the same cancer meds so many humans find relief from. She did. Her mood did seriously improve, and she just seemed generally happy.

So am i to be now lumped in a category of abusive douchebags or ignorant stoners. Not in my mind I'm not.

And most importantly not in my dogs


This little cat just started dozing after a good meal of already flowering cindys :D
He was clearly high. Didn't want to play just sleep. And he walked funny. The look though ... now that was a clear giveaway :D. I felt bad for the pour kitty. He snapped out of it after munching on two bags of cat food.

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