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Nomaad's Outdoor Adventure 2009 v1.2


Active member
Thanks for stopping by esbe and kell...

Gonna drop a little update on the clone army (i am borrowing that term from try comb).

The Blue Dreams and Clueberries are showing great vigor in the rooting department. Very interesting on the OG tray where I have clones from 2 different moms. One is showing quite a bit more rooting vigor than the other. This side by side comparison is off to an interesting start.



I would love to find a clear tray for cloning that I could put inside a black tray so I could pay more attention to rooting progress. Haven't looked into it yet. Seems like they should exist.


You will not be forgotten
beautiful garden, everything is looking exceptional , looking forward to watching you finish out this grow and all my best wishes with mother nature , puff er easy :joint:


Simply, "Outstanding". Beautiful Plants Nomad,......... but please stop biting your nails. It'll give you tummy ache.
Haha, have a good weekend!


Active member
funny thing... i do bite my nails, but the ones you see clearly in that photo belong to the Sherpa. My nails are similar, but washed out in the other pic.

I know. Gross.

try comb

Active member
lookin good..........i just got all my clones planted and veggin under a 600 mh and 1000 hps........have u grown the afgooey at all?


Active member
negative, but a friend who's coming to visit tomorrow is running it exclusively in a garden similar to mine. its far away so I never see it and its actually his son and the girlfriend who run it, but I can ask him some questions if you have any. Might take a while to get answers back.

try comb

Active member
negative, but a friend who's coming to visit tomorrow is running it exclusively in a garden similar to mine. its far away so I never see it and its actually his son and the girlfriend who run it, but I can ask him some questions if you have any. Might take a while to get answers back.

mostly curious when it gets cut down and how the yeild is..........


Active member
that's my idea bro. respect. i keep a lot of my ideas for products to myself... my long term plan is to be growing for the head mostly and bringing in those fat checks from the line of products I have on the market.

don't make me break your legs. ;)


When Roots Organic came out with the dirt in the camo bag I was pissed. I thought of that shit ten years ago! Now the hillbillies around here are more likely to just throw them in the woods. I don't think that is what they were going for. If you get any more good ideas like that definitely don't let the cat out of the bag. All it takes is one sick product and you are on easy street.


Money, money money, all you guys seem to care about. How about forwarding the movement? :joint: What happened to our culture????:wallbash::mad:


I thought you didn't really want light to reach the roots...It impedes growth and can cause some kind of fungus/mold/rot/decay


Active member
yep. we're all about money... obsessed with it. pretty please gimme a fucking break already, dude.

is there anything wrong with making a living in this industry as well as supporting the movement and the culture? are the two mutually exclusive? The copious amounts of information I have shared in this thread speaks of a desire to share, learn, discover, prove and disprove. The detail I provide about my experience is obvious evidence of a deep desire to support the community and culture through the pursuit of knowledge.

right now, the most likely angle for broad spectrum legalization of cannabis in california (and hopefully someday the rest of the country) is the economic angle. If the state can be convinced that dire economic problems could be partially ameliorated by the normalization and taxation of cannabis, a long-time dream of the movement and the culture will be realized.

I went to the chiropractor today. He charged me $45 for a great adjustment. Should he do it for free? It only took him a minute... i mean... $45 bucks for a 1 minute treatment? He should be ashamed of himself.

My daughter starts kindergarden next week. She needs new shoes. Baby (literally, dude) needs a new pair of shoes. Shall I meditate on it and hope the universe provides? Or should I get a job at Walmart? Is that an honest enough living? Or can I just bust my ass in the garden for 50-60 hours a week, grow good medicine and sell it for a fair price and make a living that way.

Is it wrong of me or HL to get excited about other ways to earn money doing something I believe in when the discussion goes that way? Is it immoral to choose this as a career? What career would you recommend in which it would be ethical to make the required living to feed, clothe, shelter, heal and educate my children??

I'm sorry that money exists and it offends you. I get it. Capitalism is offensive. However, it is my belief that if we close our eyes and wish real hard for something not to exist, its still going to be there when we open them . I have a vibrant imagination, with which I imagine and work towards better things... but I am not going to count on it by itself to provide for my families needs and fund other good works for sommunity and culture on the side.

Am I some sort of douchebag for jokingly threatening to break HL's legs for his jokingly stating he was going to steal my idea? We have already established that you don't get my sense of humor (in another thread) so why not just go watch a different show... join a different discussion.

Please continue to bang your head against the wall until you a) beat some sense into it or b) knock some of the shit out of it.


Active member
I thought you didn't really want light to reach the roots...It impedes growth and can cause some kind of fungus/mold/rot/decay

You are correct. The transparent tray goes inside a black tray. its only pulled out to look at the roots. The oasis cubes that I use break apart from one another when you try to lift them up to inspect root growth.

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