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cops come on disturbance call, come inside and say they have to check to see if anyone else is home. see the 5 tiny seedlings, i get popped for cultivation. never got read my rights.

7,500 bail later.

I read the code for 11358.

am I unlucky or lucky?

court in a month, best course of action?

Thanks for reading!

- Nug

:moon: pigs


Sorry to hear your luck. When the cops come to your door walk outside with them and close the door. Tell them if anyone else is or is not home and they need a warrant to search otherwise. Seedlings/growing and "disturbances" do not go together well in our field. Good luck.:joint:


Rubbing my glands together
Here in my state, they can enter your home during a disturbance call to make sure no one is detained, hurt or dead. No warrant needed.


Freedom Fighter
Hate to say it, but as fucked as it is, on Disturbance and Domestic Violence calls they can "Give a cursory search, just to ensure nobody is in there in trouble or hurt--" They use the fuck outta that one too-- If you have any chance of beating it, it will be with a good Lawyer--:fsu:


:yeahthats Any time you are popped for any crime , never say anything and allways get a lawyer. I don't care if its a speeding ticket , if not it allways cost's you more in the end.


Can you provide more info?? What was the "disturbance" that was happening?? Was this just a lie, or was there really something going on?? Were you the only person in the house the entire night??


Listen to me jerky
I'm gonna assume that you didn't have your babies very well hidden. This sounds like one more reason to keep things on the dl. Even if you only have one little girl.

Edit-Sorry to hear about this. Lawyer up and good luck.


Patient Grower
The Miranda warning is not a magic spell that the cop has to chant in order to secure a conviction on a criminal charge. Only needed if he wants to question you and use your statements against you.


Active member
yes, tell us whether the "disturbance" was a real call at your house.

Good reason to ALWAYS have the grow behind a locked door. They may still force you to open it, but if they truly are just looking around they won't care. Also good reason to have the house looking clean and like an accountant's house.

Most likely someone ratted you and they faked the "disturbance" to get in. They didnt' have enough evidence for a warrant.

It sucks, all the cops have to do is have a friend or someone else call in an disturbance at your house.


Active member
♥Mo♥;2613926 said:
Sorry to hear your luck. When the cops come to your door walk outside with them and close the door. Tell them if anyone else is or is not home and they need a warrant to search otherwise. Seedlings/growing and "disturbances" do not go together well in our field. Good luck.:joint:

yes that is very true WALK OUTSIDE CLOSE AND LOCK THE DOOR . I had the same thing happen a while back but instead of seedlings i had 13 big busy moms in a locked bedroom ,and they insisted on opening the door(because there might be someone tied up or hiding in the house) but had to get a search warrant to kick it in cause i said i didn't have the keys (at the time i wasn't legal in THAT STATE ,but they didn't honor my Cali rec and it was current)they got in tried to pop me for 2 felony Charges but that was unsuccessful. because after i exercised my right to remain silent they kept questioning me.so i was blessed but i did spend 2 weeks in jail and got a misdemeanor.no fines no probation:woohoo:


Thanks for the informative replies!

Disturbance was screaming kids outside. Check the home for "other people"

You might not be in trouble, I don't even care...
can i look in your closet? uh,
can i look in your closet? uh,
can i look in your closet? uh,
can i look in your closet? uh,
can i look in your closet? uh, no.
We'll just call the task force.
can i look in your closet?

Then they go and look some more all while simultaneously questioning me about the reason they were called.

Been reading around the leagal issues forum.

I went to the arraignment. In addition to the 11358 cultivation they tacked on a 11357c misd. possesion of oz+.

Will be meeting with the public defender before next date in a month. If needed will fire.

Will post back when new info comes in.

Thanks again!


Public Defender?? my experience tells me to hire a lawyer and a good one.. pay him whatever it costs..Peace and good luck..


You need an attorney if you actually want to have a chance at beating this thing.. My gues is your going to cop a plea.. I don't see what else you could do.. Especially if the disturbance was only kids yelling outside.. Maybe you have a shot, get back to us and let us know how things went.. Goodluck..

Minnesota Nice

maybe next time you should tell those screaming kids to get off your goddam lawn


Active member
This is why I hammer home the 4 Ell's.

1# Don't Tell

2# Don't Smell

3# Don't Sell

And the one most everyone forgets to add on here....

4# Don't Yell

If there is anyone that lives in or near your house that they themselves, or their friends, have problems maintaining a civil attitude and voice level, you shouldn't be growing there. Peace and harmony need to be reached BEFORE you begin growing, not to create it.


cops come on disturbance call, come inside and say they have to check to see if anyone else is home. see the 5 tiny seedlings, i get popped for cultivation. never got read my rights.

7,500 bail later.

I read the code for 11358.

am I unlucky or lucky?

court in a month, best course of action?

Thanks for reading!

- Nug

:moon: pigs
they dont have to check for shit. tell them to show you a warrant or go jerk off in the squad car with their thumbs in eachothers assholes.

and how could they tell it was marijuana seedlings? it could be friggin tomatoes for all they know.


they need to describe, on a warrant, the things they are attempting to seize. they cannot look for a person, see a plant, and confiscate it because it might be marijuana. fight the shit out of this one. get a real lawyer, not some pd that will probably just work with the prosecutors office.

and next time, dont talk to them. if you see some cops at the door, lock it, ignore them, go right to your grow, and flush it down the toilet.

and remember, anything you say WILL be used AGAINST you.

good drown

they dont have to check for shit. tell them to show you a warrant or go jerk off in the squad car with their thumbs in eachothers assholes.

and how could they tell it was marijuana seedlings? it could be friggin tomatoes for all they know.


they need to describe, on a warrant, the things they are attempting to seize. they cannot look for a person, see a plant, and confiscate it because it might be marijuana. fight the shit out of this one. get a real lawyer, not some pd that will probably just work with the prosecutors office.

and next time, dont talk to them. if you see some cops at the door, lock it, ignore them, go right to your grow, and flush it down the toilet.

and remember, anything you say WILL be used AGAINST you.
i remember a cop coming to our elementary school and telling us this...
if a cop hears a scream, and goes into the house and a women is getting beaten, then beater goes to jail, case closed. but if he comes in the house and see's the ladies poodle took a huge liquid shit on the carpet, and next to that is a pot plant, there is nothing he can do. that was 20 years ago or more though

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