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Dreamscape's first growshow [6+ strains] :o)



This is the thread for my first grow and instead of you having you read through each post in order to pick out the goods and bads I figured i'd edit it for you and just give you the quality info.

SO - after 3 months of punishing myself with mistake after mistake and stunted growth after stunted growth this is my tried and true method.

#0. BEFORE YOU HAVE GERMINATED ANY SEEDS or PLANTED CLONES you MUST have your ENVIRONMENT calibrated. Or you will end up like me and blow time , money and energy out of your asshole because you were too lazy.

- A/C and or Exhaust for heat regulation is KEY. I had an A/C in my WINDOW for my room. A/C's actually recirculate the air in the room and dont actually blow it out the window. Just make sure you use some cut up cardboard and plastic and duct tape to seal everything up around it and you'll be safe.

- FANS ... you absolutely need a Fan blowing over your plants at all times - simple and plain. It doesn't have to blow them over just make sure they're jiggling a little bit and you're good.

- Hygrometer ... buy one ... NOW. Measures heat and humidity and some also have "maximum/minimum" readers that record the highs and lows of the temp and humidity. This is KEY to calibrating your room.

- Carbon Filter ... In the first few weeks you wont need it but after that the stench will permeate your house - BUY ONE with a fan ... simple and plain do it.

#1. Its all about the SEED. But as a beginner you will learn more from MISTAKES and experience than ANYTHING else.

I was given advice by a grower on these forums that I should have started with a couple of bag seeds just to get my feet wet and used to the process. I should have listened to him because it would have saved me a solid 150 dollars in dead babies.

EXPERIENCE is your BEST TEACHER. That goes for ALL things in life. Hands on versus book reading is KEY. Master this habit and master your life because you learn MORE from mistakes than from success and thus progress faster :D

When you feel you're ready to actually spend some money purchase from either Dr.Chronic's website or Gypsy Nirvana.

#2. The seed needs a special medium to grow in. As a soil grower I will share a piece of advice I once read "feed the soil not the plant".

For seedlings I germinate in a wet paper towel stuck to the sides of a glass and wet daily until they pop within 48-72 hours of darkness.

After they pop I put them into Fox Farms Light Warrior medium for the first day or so under humidity domes with 1 or two sprays of liquid water under the dome for humidity. Pick up the dome and air it out everyday. They stay under there until they develop their first set of true leaves the rounded cotyledon leaves.

I then remove the dome and feed them only water until they develop their 2nd set of leaves or first set of "true leaves" with the serated edges.

- After this I transplant them into 16oz. cups filled with an all organic , all Fox Farms soil mixture recipe called the MoonShineMan Mix which can be found as a sticky in the Organic Soil forum.

I put this mix into 16oz. solo cups (NOT clear). I take a Razor blade and slice 8 slits from about the neck of the cup to the bottom of the cup all the way around for drainage. I also poke atleast 8 holes into the bottom of the cups with a kitchen knife. This is to prevent EVERY BEGINNERS WORST ENEMY = Overwatering. You only want about 10% runoff out of the bottom of the cups. Even then - it is NOT needed. You could water a bit less. I like to water at about 1/4 - 1/2 a cup of ph adjusted spring water (6.3 - 6.8) in the beginning when its once every 5 days or so.

AGAIN , at this point i'm watering ONCE every 5 days or so ... or more importantly "until the plants tell me they're thirsty" ... This is KEY #1. I ONLY water when I notice the leaves starting to droop about 45 degrees or more. And usually a bit more because that means the roots have had time to search for more water meaning they grow a faster.

When the plants are happy the leaves are at a 90 degree straight out from the sides angle. When they droop little more than half way its time to water them. This continues until they need water Once a day instead of Once every 5 days. This means the rootball has filled out and they are ready for transplant again OR in other words "potting up" to a bigger pot. At this point i'm watering somewhere between 1/2 a cup and 3/4 a cup of ph adjusted spring water. And again ... all those holes you put into your cups are they to help you by draining the excess water. Its generally better not to SOAK the medium but rather to get it about 75% wet or a little less.

- They are then transplanted into 1 gallon "smart pots" with fresh MoonShineMan Mix which are actually made of layered cloth and rock maximum ass for air flow into the soil. they also autoprune the roots causing them to multiple - RAPIDLY. Again i'm watering every 5 days or so - moderately - not soaking the medium and getting maybe 10-15 % runoff from the bottom. This continues until , again , i'm watering Once a day. Then I "pot up" to a 3gallon smart pot with another fresh batch of MoonShineMan mix. This is when I will then flip them into 12/12 and begin flowering and grow MONSTERS.

Since this is as far as i've got in my grow I will stop here and finish when I've actually finally harvested.

But I will leave you with this ... Everytime you water your Organic Soil use Liquid Karma (or something similar) and Blackstrap Organic Molasses from "wholesome sweeteners" and you will see your plants grow rapidly. At this point i'll also be adding hygrozyme from time to time into the watering schedule. From my research these 3 addatives are the 3 kings and you need NOTHING ELSE.

goodluck and thanks for hanging out :wave:

always pay it foward :)


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
u got some stretch goin on bro, bring thoughs plants right up 2 inches from the light they should b good. maybe a light feeding would help them along also.


poke a bunch of holes in the bottom of the cups and over watering should be some what hard.:2cents:
and i would bring the light down some.:2cents:
i would fert them with 1/4 strength first and 1/2 second week after that i go full strength.:2cents:
gl on ur first grow.:headbange
ill be keeping an eye out on your grow.


I've got the lights down to an inch or two away from the plants.

The babies that were stretched - I ended up burying them deeper in the cups to make up for it ... although in retrospect I probably should have buried them even deeper , right up to the neck of the plant.

Right now i've got 60% Fox Farm Ocean Forest and 40% Light Warrior for my mix and it seems to be doing ok so far. I think i'll just water for the first 2 weeks and then start the floranova feeding.

Anyone out there use Liquid Karma and Hygrozyme for their Babies ??

If so ... at what strength do you think I should use them considering the soil already has some nutes in it??

@Aero and Lurker - thanks for hanging out and offering some knowledge :D

time to burn a lil somethin' :joint:


UPDATE : Day 29

After hitting up a couple of festivals for the long weekend I came back to drooping babies ... I had assumed with the watering I had given them they would have been alright for the 4 days I was gone ... I was wrong.

I had to transfer them from the clear 32 oz. cups down to 16 oz. red solo cups because I spotted algae on one of the clear cups earlier in the week. I had also thought that maybe this would help them to develop their small root ball quicker before I potted them up again ...

Williams Wonder in the front + SSH in the back

White Rhino in the front + Bubblicious in the back

WR in front + BBL in back + a bag seed baby

At this point they're looking sad for some reason ... I'm not sure if its just because they haven't recovered from the watering or if they've reached the point where I have to start feeding them as well.

My initial mix has been 40% light warrior and 60% ocean forest which has nutrients in it already ... Seeing as its day 29 i'm guessing they're probably getting hungry but i'm just a beginner so i'm not positive.

Also you'll notice that the lowest nodes on most of the plants are yellowing pretty bad ... What do you think this is??

And also ... on this Williams Wonder plant there is some spotting going on that I dont recognize either :

I think I may begin with the hygrozyme and liquid karma soon as well as the flora nova ... What do you guys think:1help:
i think your watering too much. for a month old they are VERY small. you need to put those in 1 gal grow bags with FFOF and perlite and let the dirt really dry out before you water again. plus the shock of smaller cups...you cut the size of the container in half instead of making it bigger. i think your doing shit backwards.

bigger pots, less water, better soil. and i would run straight water for a little while before you start dosing more nutrients.


Hi Teer,

Initially I had a bunch of problems with them from the point of germination onward so I think there was definitely some stunting in there.

Also they were grown straight from seed and between the 2 transplants i'm pretty sure I tore some of the roots out of some of them.

As far as going down smaller - I could find cups that where bigger and NOT clear so I went down. Plus ... the root balls on them were taking up less than 1/3 of the bigger cups anyways. i've read , on this site, multiple times that maximizing medium and root ball space is most important before potting up to something larger. This way the roots concentrate more and spread out less.

Over watering ??? I watered them once in four days and didn't even completely drench the medium when I did it.


I began feeding them last night with a 1:1 floranova grow solution that had to be doctored for crystalization. I documented the process here:


Upon checking them at the beginning of their light cycle today they appear to be the same without much , if any, change.

At this point i'm going to wait a solid 3 days before even thinking of watering them again and seeing what happens ... that is unless anyone else heavily objects.

all the best
~ dream


Things are pretty much the same although a few of plants have noticeably perked up. Not sure if its the feed or just the new growth.

I'm hoping that the ones that are still drooping are only doing so because they need more food.

dunno though



After determining that the pH had gone alkaline - over 7.5 - because it was lacking nutrients I began the surgery.

One of my other main issues seemed to be overwatering = water taking too long to dry out and suffocating the roots in he soil.


1st - I used a small steak knife and popped atleast 6 more holes in the bottoms of all the cups making it so there are atleast 10-12 holes on the bottom of the 16oz cups. I also added 7-8 slits with the same knife around the sides of the base ring of the cup.

2nd - I flushed the hell out of them until pH got into the 6's. Each was a bit different cause I was using a General Hydroponics Liquid Dropper tester. Does the trick but i'm getting a bluelab pH wand.

3rd - I then fed them 5ml/gallon of Floranova Grow , nearly saturating the medium.

and now they're all showing new growth and lively again a day and some change later.



10 plants remain.

All have been transplanted into 1 gallon smart pots using the moonshineman mix from the organic soil thread. so far so good.

Majority of the plants are still under 1 ft. tall @ 80days in Veg. Oh the glory of stunting plants 5 times your first grow LOL.

I'm hoping to pull atleast 2 solid moms out of the group.


Thanks man :D

I was close to giving up a few times ... especially since i'm in around 80 days of veg and still have plants that are only a foot or so tall.

It just goes to show you how bad stunting can really fuck up your plants.

But thats what the first grow is for , right ??

Gotta learn by your mistakes sometime.

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