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3 plus 3=?


The Tri Guy
If Gypsy ever wanted to use some in high resolution, I have no doubt we could do a deal lol.


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
That would be alright,
I don't have any other email not linked to me, Where do i set up one?


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Alright i will look into later and pm you when i have it
Thanks mate


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
1. Whether the tri's have any advantage over standard plants depends entirely on your growing situation really. And also the particular plant. A heavy tri grown single cola will out perform a heavy bi, but a heavy bi will outperform a not so heavy tri. And once you top a tri, you have 3 growth tips instead fo the 2 from a bi. But if you start multi topping, then any advantage is lost really as you can get as many tops as you like from either. So ultimately, the answer has to be, because I can, or rather to be more precise, because I hoped I could but may not be able to , lol.

right ive gotcha - 50% more bud per node potentially! nice.

..... I consider phenotype and genetics to be one and the same thing, with the phenotype being the expression of the genetic code posessed. Of course I could be completely wrong there.

hmm i thought phenotype was the expression of the genetics in relation to environment. i was just wondering if the tri thing was caused by conditions or made more likely but i guess (and my plant biology is a but rusty) that the embryo inside the seed would have to have 3 cotyledons already. have you ever dissected a seed to check? or am i way off the mark...

it's a very interesting thread whatever, i still havenmt finished reading it yet though :joint:




The Tri Guy
I haven't seen the environment altering the phenotype expression of anything I've grown other than the size it grows to to be honest. To my mind, phenotype is set, performance is not.
yeah, tri's are created in the seed pod as they are growing on the mother plant. Whether they stay tri or not doesn't seem to be affected by temp, waterings, pot size, or lighting from my experiments. It does seem to be affected by leaf arrangement, which is genetic. A tri with an arrangement of leaves set at 120 degree intervals seems to stay tri, and a plant with leaves set at 90, 90 and then 180 degree arrangements tend to either turn quad or return to bifoliar plants. Though that's a rule of thumb rather than a set in stone rule. There does seem (from very limited numbers over a limited time period, which I realise can throw any inacurate appearances into the mix) that there may be some epigenetic factor to the ratio of offspring. I'll be doing another experiment on that when I find a suitable male to use with my chosen girls. So environmental factors of the parents may be an influence, though not the standard ones like temp etc listed above.
I'm amazed anyone can be bothered to read this thread now due to it's size. Smaller threads get so many more views/responses. Thanks for making the effort


gmt - nice hobby :)
love the search for the out of ordinary traits you are doing


The Tri Guy
r13f, thanks, it keeps me amused.

Thanks Strains, here's another pic to stop people getting bored. I took a few and will take some more when its dry. Just havent got round to sorting them and picked this one out to post.


wow, that looks amazing, cant wait untill im able to grow again! all i have right now is a plant in my window, its about 20 cms tall and all bud :) but still, things are looking beautifull GMT!

"edit" dont forget to show me that stem once youve smoked the rest of the bud ;)


The Tri Guy
Ah Strains, erm, yes, well I did take a pic that you can see the stem slightly in, Its flatter but more like a double barrel shot gun. Ive chopped it up now and its sitting in a jar, I'll get a dry shot or 2 of the main top of the bud and any stalk that can be seen.
here's that pic,

Big D

Hey G... hope you are well!
My gOOdness that is impressive!!!! Now that is production!!!! I'll be lOOkin' forward to those dry shots.... K+++!


Thanks GMT, i see it, defeninently looks like two stems fused together, all i needed :D Now see if you can breed THAT trait in with the tri's :joint: it looks fantastic, the structure of it, ive seen it in some other plants, and just wanted to affirm that it was the same deal! How big is that bud???


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Hey bro lets get things going again
I was watering today and checking for sex when i noticed this Norther Lights x Sensi Star (Breeder Benji) was a quad but checkout the strange growth at the top 2 leaves growing from the same side then alternating
Here are some pics

and now the strange branching at the top i think its trying to be normal

Hoping for a girl but i think its a boy a few more days and we should know for sure
Peace and happy growing


The Tri Guy
Sorry guys, I really neglected this thread. I'll get the individual comments up when i get some pics to post up. Hi Shaun, I didn't get a notification on the thread update for some reason, So I didn't think about it till I got your message. Yeah that quad looks very interesting. What ya gonna breed it with?


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
I have some deep chunk beans on hand that are begging for some breeding but room is a problem
Girls on hand now Northern lights X Sensi Star
Super Skunk X Sensi Star
Super Skunk x Norther Lights
Blueberry x Northern Lights
Bubblicous x Cali orange
Callaway Blue(mountain jam x kc)?
Karma's Jack'o'nesia (Amnesia x Jack herrer #22)
ojd's OG Kush X G-13
so there is a bit there to choose from and a few beans as well
Peace bro Stay safe


The quad looks like some kind of alien creature!

Great pics and thread, another that needs multiple reads before you get the most from it.


New member
Greetings GMT, after getting a tri and posting about it on another board someone told me to get on icmag and check out your threads. Only read through this one as of yet, but it had me absolutely glued to it for 2 days reading these 44 pages! It also has me hopelessly hooked on the tri thing now..:abduct:

I love all the pictures, I'm just sad I didn't get a chance to see many of the old ones. But like the plants they pictured, they had to go to make space for new ones I suppose :) Thanks alot for sharing!

I'm very excited about your project there, the moment I saw my tri pop out of its seed I got inspired to do the same thing.
My plant is a mdanzig Blue Streak, and it seems apparent that the tri-ness also in this case comes from dj shorts blueberry being in the mix.
So far it's 100% tri, and the leaves are spaced at 120 degrees. Hoping it will remain that way as I really want to breed it, and from your observations that seems to be the best starting point.
Unfortunately none of her siblings are tri, at least not as of yet, so I'll be off for a rough start...

Blue Streak is autoflowering, so breeding might be even more difficult when I can't keep quality candidates permavegged but will have to make up for that in quantity instead :laughing:
I started thinking a bit about the limited life cycle of an autoflowering plant when I decided to breed this, and what being tri might do to it.
I imagine that a tri or quad could actually make a much larger impact on yield and plant size than it seems to have on a "normal plant". That's what I'm hoping anyway, and unless conditions change dramatically here to prevent me from growing, time will tell.

I know I'll prolly get my head chopped off for this, but I have to say that I wish I could have seen that quad bud from a couple of weeks back seeded! I know most would disagree, but the formation of seeds in that wide bud could definitely be a spectacular sight.

Looking forward to more pictures, genetic theories, and amazing developments here! Hope you don't mind if I stick around, there's so much I still want to learn about this :jump:

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