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The Beer Cup Challenge(FUN!)


Denial N Error

Yessir 16oz is a pint. Nice idea on the upside down solo cup also.


oh man, i wanna play! Here's a pic for inspiration...mainly because I want to decrease height this time and increase the weight. Peace - ogh



Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Damn old gray...very impressive bro...what was the weight on one of those cups (dry nug)...just curious..peace

Great thread cant wait to see what comes from it


Pleasantly dissociated
Holy Balls.

Thats insane from a beercup. Lol.. What medium?

holy balls <3 deeze balls, this gonna be fun, that was inspiring, please more info on those blue cups, was it the blue instead of the red, i was reading some shit a while back, :abduct:


haha! Thanks guys, hopefully i can do better this time!

The medium there was a mixture of perlite and vermiculite....now i just use perlite alone....hempy style with a drain hole about an inch up from the bottom and water every day or two depending.

Dry weight on those varied from 5-7gr. The 2 liter was done as a comparison and yielded 10g.

I'll get some current shots up soon, have some Papaya going in 16's right now.

peace - ogh

edit - nutes are simple lucas formula with GH micro and bloom, anywhere from 5ml/10ml - 8ml/16ml depending on age and stage.

lol - you can actually get the same results from the red cups.
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Denial N Error

Sweet. I was just gonna start a hempy style one too, im gonna do one now for sure.

Very nice ogh.
Personally I dont get much done when I "think"..

DO! :joint:
Dude this will require a lot of thought, it is gonna be a highly engineered 16 oz grow machine capable of commercial style poundage...

...or at least a really cool budweiser cup with an airstone in the bottom maybe.

I know what you mean bro, I'm gonna do this thing. :canabis:


Dude this will require a lot of thought, it is gonna be a highly engineered 16 oz grow machine capable of commercial style poundage...

...or at least a really cool budweiser cup with an airstone in the bottom maybe.

I know what you mean bro, I'm gonna do this thing. :canabis:

:yeahthats Can't wait! Love the "out the cup" thinking :joint:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
I'll be watching and maybe join in.. I'm just so friggn noided about posting pics still... lol.. Good luck competitors.. bbl. peace.


Big D

So you must drink a beer from the cup before planting. No VIRGIN cups. Hahaha.

Anyway I'm in!

Denial N Error

Dude this will require a lot of thought, it is gonna be a highly engineered 16 oz grow machine capable of commercial style poundage...

...or at least a really cool budweiser cup with an airstone in the bottom maybe.

I know what you mean bro, I'm gonna do this thing. :canabis:

Hahaha. Sounds good. :joint::nanana:


I love my life
I understand no cutting out the bottom, but can't we punch some holes in the cup, and if the roots come out so be it?

There will be clones made for this ASAP.

Peace, :joint:

Denial N Error

Yes punching holes in the bottom is obviously allowed, but it cant be set in another container with more medium.

Holes are fine.

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