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The Beer Cup Challenge(FUN!)


Denial N Error

The Beer Cup Challenge

You must grow a plant from seed/clone in a container no larger than 16 ounces. I would prefer to see 16oz beer cups, but will accept
16oz mountain dew bottles, or 16oz water bottles. If you feel brave you can also go with a smaller container.

Run any light schedule you want, use the nutes you want, any medium, and any strain... indoor our outdoors..

This should be very straightforward, run a plant out in a beercup or less completely and post your results. There are no prizes!

ONLY PRIDE! and giggles! :D Any questions just ask!

I'll be starting one in a pill bottle shortly..

Here's my first entry! She has some weeks to go though..

Let's get this goin'! :joint:

PS. There is no scheduled "End time" to this challenge. This challenge will go on until the end of time!


Well-known member
Schweet.....the REAL contest
"The other is just a Cheeeep copy"
WTG Denny take charge.
12/12 from seed it will be here.....:nanana:
let the fun begin
I will be running a
Geisha x (LadyG x XCaseyJones)
Finishing in a Beer cup......
I hear them playing my song

Denial N Error

This should be right up your alley DrBud.. I expect buds!


Pleasantly dissociated
the real beer cup challenge is in here, i use the styrofoam, insulates the beer or whatever, also good for coffee and easier for drain holes, lil reflection too

Denial N Error

Im soaking a seed now to go into a 5-6oz pill bottle container, that one I will name "Piglet"


how much is 16oz in ml im from england we dnt do liquid oz measurements here im up for giving this a go


so a cut down 500ml bottle of pop will do deffo guna do this
Throwing this out there for someone else since I won't be properly set up for a while... Turn the solo cup upside down and affix a new bottom (perhaps screen for a bit of air-pruning?) and then cut a small hole for the stem to come through the new top. Minimize surface evaporation, maximize root space usage. Theoretically you could use the resultant root mass for a game of baseball.

Just a thought.

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