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Insight on greenhouse growing, starting indoors.


Hi all. I am making plans for next years GH grow. I have zero experiance here since all my grows have been indoor. I am wanting to do a couple monsters for fun. I already researched what months others plant for out door harvest in my area. I am curious how long I can veg indoors? My GH has 20' vertical clearance. Also what might be a good strain to grow hempzillas? What else might I be considering. The GH is climate controlled.

I guess basically I am unsure when I need to plant my seeds to grow huge plants, started indoors and moved into greenhouse?

Thanks in advance. t


i live in california. i started my plants indoors mid march, give em month indoors then move em out end of april right before may, you dont have to worry about frost in greenhouse which mite allow you to get em out before end of april, which is cooool.
ok just realized your in salem. im pretty sure if you move em out too early before may they could possibly be induced into flowering due to light schedule outdoors..
try and replicate outdoors natural light cycle indoors, or slowly bring the light down to outdoors light cycle, so theyre used to outdoor light cycle and dont try to flower if the days are too short still.
im slightly new to growing. had three outdoor grows. but just giving you something to think about. good luck
hopefully someone with concrete facts will chime in.

edit: id say bigger the better before putting em outdoors. have em atleast established in one gal just ready to be transplanted to bigger pot, which will be easy. the bigger the pot harder to transplant without damaging roots obviously


Usefull info, thanks. Pot wise...I have recently been looking at the smart pots and refuse to pay the price. Instead I purchased a roll of 1/4" plastic covered steel mesh wire, made a 1 gal pot and filled with coco. Once the roots come out I will transplant the hole thing in to a bigger DIY pot , so one and so on. I am curious, what happens say if one veges indoors for 2 or 3 months (I have the room) and moves to green house in say may? My green houses are connected to my indoor grow room so moving the plants out wont be to big a deal. t


very nice my man. i use 3ft chicken wire, and line it with tight weave burlap sheets, its like a smart pot, air prunes and allows loottts of oxygen to flow to roots. i do have one 20gal smart pot though, and im very impressed, its doing the best.

i dont think anything happens if vegged for 2-3 months indoors than moved outdoors. just will be hard to transplant to final pot once its been 2-3 months veg, imagine trying to transplant a plant from a fairly large pot into its outdoor final pot, will probably destroy alotta roots. i think thatd be the only obstacle.
never done more than a 1.5 month indoor than out. cant see any reason it would be bad though... hmm


holy shit, thats genious!

that went completely over my head the first time around. yeah, cant really think of anything negative about that approach.


Active member
holy shit, thats genious!

that went completely over my head the first time around. yeah, cant really think of anything negative about that approach.

except nylon probably will slightly restrict growth, especially many layers heavy wrapped


yeah, id deff only do the last wire mesh pot into the final transplant, not put every previous pot into a new pot...

get the plant upto like 2 or 3 gal of soil in a plastic pot, fully established and ready for transplant, then put into wire mesh, then put into final pot out in greenhouse when ready


i've found there's a fair bit of good advice- and bad advice- on these forums. folks with GH experience should give advice, others not so much. as far as when to begin vegging- you can decide. if you have 20ft of useable vertical space- you have options. if you have a peaked roof that slopes to 8ft quickly, less so.

i would veg for a bit- you can certainly grow monsters in a GH if you start in feb or march, and put them out may 1st (or later). going earlier than May 1st is silly for most latitudes- the sun isn't that strong to promote vigorous growth, let alone going into early flowering- ambition can ruin fruition...

i would wait until at least may 1. May 15th, or thereafter, is a better date IMHO.

GH: ventilation is key. you can grow bushes- think width, not height, with plenty of airflow.

just my .02- after a couple greenhouse grows.


In-Out growing, Oh yeah!

In-Out growing, Oh yeah!

I have a 3x1000w 15'x20' grow room inside.

These plants vegged for 3.5 months before going out into my greenhouse. They're in 15gal pots. This time of year they go into flower immediately. Check out my Costco greenhouse grow post, too see what happens to them!


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