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hash pipes


Meerscaum is the shit!! but expensive... in norway we mostly get moroccan so i like to smoke a meerscaum chillum!:) best hit/taste!


And u never can go wrong with our popular jordhuga!! just make a hole in the dirt for ur hash and poke a smaller hole beneath the first.. chop the bottom of a coke bottle and use as a bong to inhale the smoke tru the dirt! that shit lays you flat on your ass!!:)


Good post Limey!

I can tell you've hit many a chillum late into the night...

Logic therefore dictates that IF you believe chillum smoking is a ancient rite, you should NOT smoke tobacco in chillums.

nevermind ancient rites and logic.........the chemically fertilized, stale, adulterated shit masquerading as real tobacco that mass produced cigarettes are filled with that is meant to smoked with a filter should be the last thing that any sane person sticks in their pipe or chillum with hash.

Well made, relatively clean commercial hash that is not filled with parrafin wax, preserved fruit, petrochemicals, colorings and other goodies is actually quite good. The true test of any bud is to see just how many calyxes it takes to get you high, the same applies to hash, use the size of a match head as a guide. If it takes more than two or three match heads worth of hash to get you high in the morning, then that's nature's way of telling you to improve your hash making techinique or source out better quality hash from your suppliers, trust me, your lungs and head will thank you. Life is too precious and too short to waste and dull it by smoking anything that is not clean and excellent.


Making pipes is great, I've been doing it since I started smoking...maybe before. It's actually evolved into me blowing glass now but that's a different story. Anyway having a small wood or stone pipe just for hash is very nice. Post up some pics if possible.

I've seen bong slides for hash that look pretty much like a crack pipe with a bend in the stem. Pretty sweet, no butane in your smoke that way.

Good post Limey!

Life is too precious and too short to waste and dull it by smoking anything that is not clean and excellent.


Purple kush...one calyx got me a little high, one hit off a full bowl...very high! It just tastes so good it's hard to only take one.


New member
I as a fellow "blower" of pyrex just use a standard glass pc but i use a marble to "cap" the bowl when smokin bubble...no loss of smoke and no burnt fingers !
I smoke a sebsi all the time, Although it's a better smoke with Kif.

hey man, i was just reading your sig...and had a question...i always thought kif (in morocco) was a mix of drysift resin and tobacco, but your sig says its chopped up marijuana and tobacco.... is it still this way or was that in the older days? off topic, but was curious..

love the pipes