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need quick ph help

yes i have another thread going about this issue , but it has turn that i have a ph problem like they said .... causing lock out ... i had the cheep dropper ph tester but it was very old , i tested 3 dif water samples and they was all the same . so this made me think maybe its bad . i i took some ph up and put in the test water and no change ...... so the readings i have been getting from my plants are all wrong ....

i got a new test kit and my ph is like at 5 on my run off .and my tap water is 7 .....
so my question is ... should i add water with ph up in it .... or should i flush the plants out then make sure all water going back in is ph checked ????

also what would make the ph drop 2 digits from when i get it out of tap to when i test it out of bucket run off ??

please help soon, they are not looking the best and quickly are looking worse. thanks in advance
anyone ? im trying to start what ever i need to do to fix this first thing that is am ,,, so please respond if you know what will help me . thanks


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Hey bro good you found the cause i would start flushing with 6.5 ph'ed water until your runoff is about the same then you can start feeding normal
You were in soil weren't you

If the soil is acidic say at 5.0 this will make your water ph drop 2 points until the soil ph is changed
But i dont grow in soil so i'm trying to help you the best way i know how
thanks man , yes its in soil . and its a kush plant well 8 . yea my tap water is good , just my run off is way low . so i should flush them instead of using ph up . ok will do , imma get on it here in a min or two ...

how would ones ph drop like that.. i haven't really seen many other problems with the plants . but not all the leaves are all going nuts. lol

but like i said the plants where still a seed in my hand july 4th i put them in dirt / about 3 weeks later i started nutes ( general hydroponics ) . and burnt them . people said it was cause my merical grow dirt , but sence then i have transplanted into half and half (mg) and (mg organic ) ... and i haven't feed them sence . here are a few pictures that was taken like 6 days ago ... before the sighs of the problem .



I was just gonna ask you if it was MG soil!!!!!

MG soil tends to be acidic,( low pH). To avoid this, always add lime to the soil mix when mixing.

It's gonna be hard to get the runoff pH up at this point, but at 5 pH, you better try something quick!

I would flush the soil with pH adjusted water of about 8.0. This is not going to get the runoff up much though. Go get some lime and add 1 tablespoon of lime per pot to the dirt. Mix the lime in really good!

This is going to slowly raise the pH. The ole MG soil has lots of sticks and bark in it and it will break down and start lowering the pH!!!!!!

MG soil can be used! Don't let anybody tell you different! I add about 3 handfuls of lime to a bag of MG soil, mix it in really good, add perlite and worm poo.

If you can replace the soil in your plants with new lime additive soil, you will be better off! IF not, then try adding the lime!

good luck.


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Nice looking plants bro nice and bushy

The ph will drop when flushing because you are washing out the built up salts which is changing the ph of your water

You might find you will have to flush the pot 3 times its capacity so 1gallon pot will need about 3g to flush clean but keep checking runoff between flushes

The soil ph might have been off from the start

And from what i have read this type of ph problem can show over a period of time from not watering with enough runoff to flush the built up salts

Good luck


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Thanks Lola soil isn't really my thing i new to add Dolomite lime when mixing soils but i wasn't sure if he could add it to the water thanks for helping
You must spread rep before you blah blah
ive used the soil before ( same type ) .. and dident have a problem ,,, but i beleave what you people are saying ... so i have them in 5 gallon buckets , can i just mix the line in with the water ?? then add it to the buckets . with the palnts being so bushy ... it will be hard to mix it in with the dirt. ..

if i can mix the lime with water what would be a good amount to use .... i have 5 gallon buckets .. like maybe how much lime for each 5 gallon bucket , or how much lime per gallon of water ...

thanks for the quick reply's
im looking at this stuff will this work ???


OK, that's the rub. The lime can be mixed into the water, but it tends to just wash through the soil, leaving you not much better off.

I've used MG soil exclusively, and have had this problem every time I don't use the lime.

Be careful not to get the Ph of the adjusted water higher than 8.0. Any higher and plants will not like it.

The runoff is gonna be like 5.3 or 5.6, even with the water at 8.0 going in.

The best thing to do is sprinkle some soil/lime mix into the pots and bury. I use the crushed lime, but adding the dolomite lime in pellets is the thing to do here to keep the pH up while you are blooming.

It's gotta be done, or your plants will die off. Sorry! You must've got an extra bark-y bag of MG soil!

I have less trouble using the MG organic in the orange bag, still use lime with it too.

Flush your plants with 15 gallons of pH adjusted 8.0 water for each 5 gallon bucket, and that will make em feel better today.

Then add the pellet lime to the pots! You are in bidness. good luck.


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
hhmm yeah 5g buckets that would be an effort to lift and to re-pot, its a hard one to find a good solution i'll keep thinking i have a large garden center that i might consult 2morrow

Thanks Lola we dont have that soil here but some stuff similar and i had the same problem with it but as i said i dont grow in soil much well not mj anyway so i thought it was something i was doing wrong


Yup, that is what I use. It is better to use the pellet lime for long lasting soil adjustment, but that works for me, since I didn't have access to the pellets.

Do you have pH up from hydro store? That is what I'd use to adjust the water to 8.0 if it were me.

The lime works best if mixed in the soil from the jump. You are gonna get really high pH of water mixing lime and water. It will be like a 10.5 or 11.0, which IMO is too high!
ahh to my luck i have ph down ,, just looked . doh ... anyways . would ph up from the pet store work , i know its for fishtank but is it the same stuff ???

also if i get ph up , i wont need the lime right .. id just kep flushing with 8.0 water till i got a better flush reading ? sorry im trying to understand this asap .


No, don't use the pet store stuff, IMO.

I would go to WalMart or something and get the powdered lime. Use one teaspoon per gallon of water and mix well. Flush each 5 gallon container with this solution. (That makes 5 teaspoons per 5 gallons of water Make sure you use a measuring teaspoon, not a real spoon.)

While at Walmart buy some pellet lime and mix into your buckets.

Also get a new fish tank pH kit while you are there!
thanks gal ,,,,,, i have a new tester already,,, that's how i knew i was at 5 . ok im heading out to get the stuff i need , don't want them to suffer more then they have already
ok before i go to store,,, i just tested the rest of the plants and everyone is at 6 but the one i tested last night witch is below the yellow mark on the tester.
so my ph is 6.0 on the 7 others ...... so i have 3 in the tub and ran the shower into them for a good wile .. when i return i will ad a bit of lime as suggested and then start on the others .. sucks i have to wait for the first 3 to drain out before i can move them i have the plastic planter water collectors from walmart under buckets there about inch tall and fill fast .. lol ok off i go to the store .
ok i have that same lime i posted a picture of , and it says that 6 pounds covers 1,000 sq. feet . they dont brake it down in smaller amounts at all . is someone really good at math or does anyone already know how much of this i should use ???

they did not have powder lime so i will hit another store that has it for sure tomorrow .... but for now trying to figure out how much to use in a % gallon bucket ..

The Strain Man

get some powdered lime that prilled lime takes too long to break down. also in soil you want your ph to be 6.5-7.0 , 6.0 is too low for soil

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