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Should I get this CO2 regulator?


Hi, I'm thinking of getting this CO2 regulator and timer, http://www.planetnatural.com/site/CO2-system-with-timer.html
I'm trying to inject a sealed room with CO2 without a expensive digital controller.

I was wondering if anyone has had experience with it or something similar, also I'm wondering what kind of CO2 canisters I'm supposed to plug this on. Is there like a standard opening size for them? cos where I'm at they only got industrial 30 liter tanks so I'm wondering if I can slap one of these on. Peace


I cough up honey oil
Personally I wouldn't. I use Co2 but find it can get you introuble if your not careful. Too much can cause all sorts of grief. I wouldn't use it without having COMPLETE control or as close to that as possible. I find co2 is best used ONLY when ALL conditions are perfectly dialed in., includung the CO2! hope my:2cents: help :ying:


resin lung what are you using for CO2 control? I really can't afford one of those 400 dollar gadgets right now!!


I cough up honey oil
I use $400 gizmos. LOL I'm running a cap PPM-2A and a few greenair CDM-6's. I like the CDM-6's better but I've been using them longer. I completely understand both not wanting to and not be able to afford these things. They're expensive as hell. But I don't think that a timer can keep co2 levels at the optimum level. For what you would gain versus what could go wrong, I'd say nay. Co2, if Kept at optimum level under optimum conditions will only yeild you so much more. but if its too much can cost you much more than that. these are my thoughts and am 100% sure others have had success with those kind of setups but, for me, I wouldn't.


I use the cap PPM-3 and I think its the most inexpensive controller out there.Uncontrolled co2 is a total waste of time and money.If your co2 level fluctuates more than a couple hundred PPM throughout the day the plants never get a chance to adjust to and utilize the extra co2.I set my cap at 1500 PPM and it fluctuates from 1450 PPM where it kicks the burner in to about 1650PPM where it stops and starts to drop very slowly back to 1450.Dont waste your time with co2 unless you have total control over it.And dont even bother without a minimum 50 watts sq ft and you have control over temps and humidity.