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Hello All...Please Help Me...


I cough up honey oil
I can tell you how I would do it. I would cram as many as I could with out overcrowding them when they are at the maximum height of about 2 - 2 1/2 feet with 600's. others might say to go as high a 3 or more feet. I like em short if I can ( some plants don't like being short). I go 4 feet with 1000's. 600's are great cause it's right in the middle. actually puts out more light per watt than 1000's. Its tough to tell you how to grow them without knowing all the factors I mentioned in my last post. I personally don't give a shit about plant numbers but I'm a nut/idiot. LOL I can't with clear conscious tell you to do the same.


thank you man....i appreciate it again..see where i am fucked up is...i am gonna make the biobuckets and if i have a lot of plants, the buckets will be smaller, but if i have less plants, the buckets would obviosly be bigger...thats where i am messed up man....which size do i got with, small buckets, or 5 gallons, and in order to get the answer to that, i need to figure out if i sould go with a lot of plants or a little...i realize the 1000 watters would penetrate more, there fore, maybe less plants would be better for that grow, but with the 600's i wanna do it with...less plants would seem more resonable....i just wanna find the way that would be better for me, before i buy all this shit, and build the main biobucket system, cuz once i do that....depending on if i use smaller or large buckets, there is no going back....lol....i am glad your givin me feedback here man...


I cough up honey oil
No prob fish83. I'm just kickin back watchin the flowers grow. Very smart too try and get as much info before deciding/purchasing anything. Let me think about it for a min. hopefully others will chime in too as I don't really know too much about bio buckets and try not to give advise about stuff I don't know anything about. Have you butted in on any threads that deal with same type systems your interested in running. I doubt they would mind if you popped in for a quick question.

Just be polite, humble, and thankful. I'm sure they'd be happy to share their knowledge with you. I'll check back in a few.


yeah bro...i have been doing that in a lot of different online forums, and have gotten both answers, but i cant decide man...i would rather go with less plants, and then again...more seems better for the lights...but i dunno bro....i just6 gotta get this down before i jump in....lol


I cough up honey oil
let me ask you, how many 600's and what are the dimensions of the area you plan to flower?

EDIT-nevermind. 4-600's, 8x8.
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1st you need to deturmine how much space you have. Then the type of growing method. Then you can figure out the lighting arrangement. Sea of green works good for a larger area. Just keep looking around and you will get some ideas. If you dont have experience its better to start small and learn from your mistakes. Then go bigger.


I cough up honey oil
HAHAHA I just re-read and then re-re-read my first post and..... GOD DAMN I was HIGH!!! LOL Could I have made that anymore confusing?!?! I gotta check myself! What a fuckin nutball I sound like. hahahaha

What I said still stands IMHO but.....LOL

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
I can tell you how I would do it. I would cram as many as I could with out overcrowding them when they are at the maximum height of about 2 - 2 1/2 feet with 600's. others might say to go as high a 3 or more feet. I like em short if I can ( some plants don't like being short). I go 4 feet with 1000's. 600's are great cause it's right in the middle. actually puts out more light per watt than 1000's. Its tough to tell you how to grow them without knowing all the factors I mentioned in my last post. I personally don't give a shit about plant numbers but I'm a nut/idiot. LOL I can't with clear conscious tell you to do the same.
I'm with resin here, (I'll agree with the nut:) bit but idiot?, never!) cram them in, get as many 3ft+ plants as possible, I'm about to put 36 under 1 600W hps and a couple of 125 cfl's, many would say it's too many, not me, and if my clones shape themselves they will be going in this round too, i like to treat my girls like sardines, they like competition, only one rule!, tons of airflow, fresh air is the key, sort that and you can have crazy amounts under each lamp.


awesome man...thank you both of you...maybe a sog method would work better for that, especially with 600's...i dont know why, but i have my heart set on the damn biobuckets...i have studied the shit out of them..lol...any more feedback would be lovely...


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
SOG users hate ScrOG because it's too damn much work. ScrOG users hate LST because it's too damn much work. LST users hate SOG cause it's too damn much work. They all hate soil for the same reason soil users hate hydro. You got it, too damn much work.

Never discount grower personality. The ONLY way to grow is the way that amuses you the most. The happier you are with your method, the more attention it will receive and the better your results. Maybe some dude down the street pulls in a couple more grams but, hey, you had fun, you have weed, you're golden.

Being a small grow guy, I can't point you to the better large ops (pico comes to mind though) poke around till something appeals to you and STEAL IT! just RIP IT OFF completely. Believe me, anyone catches you doing this with their technique will be flattered.

I'd use the biggest lamps for flowering and the smaller for veg. You may want to try a smaller grow the first time, see what happens and adapt from there.
I prefer scrog since im small time. But the biggest/ fastest yielders ive seen were SOG. There are many factors you need to consider. Like he said the big setups are alot of work.


Overkill is under-rated.
Yup, I dig the SOG, WAY less work than even my old bushes in soil, and sexy results! All organic, no res changes, no pruning even on the first run. Link in sig...

Great post resin_lung:joint:

You're right tho Fish...it can be a very complicated choice to make.
There are usually just two very important factors that set the scene for you to play in(especially if you need to supply your own cuts vs outsourcing them).

Total wattage available...and the plant count you're willing to possess.

With those two numbers..we can tell you pretty accurately what your veg time needs to be. And with that...you can predict an annual yield.


You are going to have co2 enricment and a great exhaust system?Thats contradictory unless you literally are willing to spend thousands and thousands of duckets.If you use co2 enrichment a sealed room with no intake/exhaust is the way to go both economically and in terms of results


You're getting way ahead of yourself. You need to start small and simple like FreezerBoy suggested.

I know this because I did the same thing you're doing three years ago. Designed the ultimate grow room before I really knew what the hell I was doing. That room has been remodeled three times now as my knowledge and understanding have increased.

I did coco, sog hydro on 3x3 tables (too many cloning hassles) and now have a multi-pot E&F. Do a few experiments. Buy a few hydrofarms and see how you like hydro large plants. That was eye opening to me. Just my opinion...

PS: 400watt MH are the most practical size for vegging. Or 250s if you're going small. They don't make 600watt mh so the next size up are the newer 750watts.

Owl Mirror

Active member
I am going to get some 600 watters with the Lumatek digital ballasts...I am going to have Co2, great exhaust, the works, and I will be using the "Bio-Bucket", method for the flowering room. I will have a great set-up thanx to forum research and everything else..I thank all who have helped me so far...

"...one video, a kid had 2400 watts with 300 damn planys, and another video had a guy with 2400 watts, and 24 plants. They both did well...but which would be better?

I suppose the first question is, what is your objective ?
Is this a business venture or merely a personal hobby?


Owl Mirror...

Why is that an important question? He could be a med grower too. He still needs to learn his shit first.

Fish...decide on a grow method first. Strain also depends on what you like to smoke. Yield differs and so does ease of growth. I balanced hybrid would be a good place to start, though Afghan is an incredibly forgiving strain that handles noob mistakes.


All the most fancy expensive equipment in the world will not compensate for inexperience. I suggest growing under 1 light for at least a year before you go all out on a room that could just disappoint

I am running a 600w air cooled in a 1 bedroom gonna be pulling the air thru a 50lb scurbber and dumping hot air into my attic, with this setup its theoretically possible to get 1lb every 60 days, when I hit that mark I know Im no longer a newb, still working at it though.


Agree ^ with the start simple thing

and with the ^ "no one agrees" thing!

Fish: there is no "right way to grow" but I am sure between us all we can sort you out. I think the most important question for you - it will help with answering both your questions - is:

How much height do you have to play with in your grow space?

As a rule of thumb: if you have lots of headroom (6ft/180cm +) then you can grow any way you like but it is ideal for:
growing straight up "natural" plants with little or no bending or training or pruning or topping (i.e. not SOG, SCROG, FIM, LST etc etc arrghhh! the acronyms)
growing SOG - if you have limited floor space but plenty of headroom, SOG is probably best.

The difference between the two styles is essentially the number of plants you pack into the space (more in the SOG, fairly obviously)

BUT I would advocate keeping it simple and growing straight up, natural style.

If, on the other hand, you have plenty of floor space but less headroom then you should grow a SCROG or LST your plants (i.e. a SCROG without a screen). This will mean fewer, bigger plants.

Which plants for which?
Well, for starters, if you are new to growing, grow something relatively quick and simple. AK47 and Big Bud I would say are fairly easy but maybe not beginner's strains but I personally have grown neither of them so I am only going on what I have read.

If your space is tall you can grow pretty much anything. The shape of the plant will determine whether or not it is suitable for SOG.

If your space is short and you decide on a SCROG, then you are more restricted in what you can grow (really, ideally, short bushy plants with rubbery limbs are best).

The Big Book of Buds series helpfully flags plants that are suitable for SOG and (though it doesn't flag them up) does also indicate some good strains for beginners.
Big book of buds 3, I think, recommends some SCROG varieties

My advice, if you want it:
do a straight up natural grow first off, to get used to the experience of growing
consider starting smaller (1sq.metre/10sq.ft and one lamp - a 600w lumatec is ideal)
pick a strain with a indica-sativa balance to get the best of both worlds
pick an F1 strain (for vigour)
and a strain with not too many strains crossed in (so no new 3 way crosses or 4 way crosses)
buy your seeds from somewhere reputable (their storage and age will affect their viability).
buy from a seedhouse with a good reputation (most of the old dutch companies, greenhouse, paradise, sensi, dutch passion, flying dutchmen, homegrownfantaseeds etc all do good seeds and have some good varieties for the less experienced)

I learned mostly from growing sensi seeds varieties and am a bit of a fan, not ashamed to say then that I am biased. Of theirs, the superskunk is easy and I would recommend it.

Also pretty easy and reliable, I'd have thought are the skunk#1 from dutch passion (or 'the pure skunk #1' from flying dutchmen), I understand the himalayan gold from greenhouse is pretty easy too.

Hope that helps you along



Overkill is under-rated.
Aye, and the plant count needs to be considered too if you're even thinking of SOG. I'm still trying to find out how many girls it takes to get the numbers I want per harvest, but you either need to be prepared to do a ton fo clones or buy them, I do the latter since it's easy and doesn't require me to have a veg room at all.

If I didn't have to break my setup down 2X a year for inspections I'd run two flowering rooms on a flip....mmm harvests every 30-45 days...