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Neighbor got drive-byed last night!


Overkill is under-rated.
Me and my girls were sitting in my living room, trimming up a storm, keepin one eye out the window and watchin each car go by, when one slows next to my neighbors house and BAMBAMBAMBAMBAM 5 shots rang out and he sped off!

Crazy shit, that was my first drive by experience. No cops ever came, so I'm guessing homeboy is up to no good. We cleaned up FAST and started airing out the house because we were SURE the cops would be there any second, but nope!

Just thought I'd share...

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
Damn, not in Sanoma huh....That's crazy////Probably some crazy young whipper snappers...I thought I was the only one that looks out the peep whole & window everytime I trim>>>>LOL



Active member
Bloody hell, glad i don't live in your neighbourhood, that would send me on a major para, especially when i got a crop drying. Glad things turned out well.


that sucks. glad you are safe and no one was injured.

have you spoken to the neighbor at all?


wow....glad your not my neighbor.....he could be hit on his spine, dying on his floor, & your just happy the cops didnt come...thanks neighbor

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
wow....glad your not my neighbor.....he could be hit on his spine, dying on his floor, & your just happy the cops didnt come...thanks neighbor
I understand your comment but I wouldn't want to go rushing to a house that just got shot-up, matey could be lying there hit waiting for the first hero to poke their head round the door and can't hear you say "it's ok, don't shoot" because of all the ringing in his ears.


Overkill is under-rated.
Naw he's ok, I saw him (and everybody else on the street) outside moments later, milling about. I figured if he wanted the cops he woulda called them, if I were in his shoes I'd want to make that decision for myself I think. Not sure what he's up to, everybody on my street REALLY keeps to themselves.


hanging out man.
testing some fresh rasberry kush. waiting to make sure the mites are completely gone in veg (fucking chem 4 came with them) before i introduce them into flower. the trials and tribulations of a gardener....

its funny you have dudes being shot at next to you and i have cops arresting drunk people in my driveway. close calls....


Overkill is under-rated.
hanging out man.
testing some fresh rasberry kush. waiting to make sure the mites are completely gone in veg (fucking chem 4 came with them) before i introduce them into flower. the trials and tribulations of a gardener....

its funny you have dudes being shot at next to you and i have cops arresting drunk people in my driveway. close calls....

Shit, yeah I've had that happen, cops did a felony drunk stop a few months back not 40 feet from my room, I was trying REAL hard not to flip out!

Another buddy gave me some fluoromite, I freakin LOVE that stuff. Only takes a few drops per spray bottle and the mites won't touch em for a month. I even found a bunch makin webs on my coco chips but there wasn't even one on the plants. But I feel you bro, I've had that happen too and pissed me off!


Overkill is under-rated.
That 'splains it and I agree if you saw the dude out there after the fact, No Probs.

Yeah, I woulda done the whole boy scout thing if the situation called for it, but he didn't seem to be freaked out so I let it be. He might be on RUI or something right now posting about some cat who tried to cap him last night! :laughing:

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