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800 Watts N 4 Girls

800 Watts N 4 Girls

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:joint:2 x 400 watters. 4 girls in 5 gallon buckets.
Strains- White Russian, BubbleGum, AK-47, 47-Special
Foxfarmsoil with extra perlite added
used foxfarms grow big, liquid plantfood, superthrive, and king bat guano for 3 week veg period. Right now they are in week 3 of flower.
for flowering using foxfarms liquid plant food, tiger bloom, superthrive, nytrozyme, big bud, n sweet leaf. They are doing excellent right now. Still got 5 more weeks to go yet. I will post up more pics when ready to harvest.
This is what i should have got if anyone here sees this and reads my previous threads of my heat issues. I had to shutdown shop and the result was me flowering out my moms in the bathroom. it sux. but everything is going smoothly again now that these are going to be done and installing an a/c unit in the new room(old room). peace

This is the AK-47 colas. I topped and trained of course cause they were my moms. But they are thriving like crazy and getting huge quick. I love how this strain grows.

This 1 in the front is the White Russian. Very tasty.

The 1 in the left front is the 47-Special. Not so frosty but nugs are already gettin dense as hell. The bubblegum is in the back. cant see it to well but she is a frosty one.

This pic right here is of the last run when I was having super bad heat issues. I only got a 1/2 lb out of 9 plants under 800 watts cause of heat and bugs. very depressing. but as u can see problem solved above.:laughing:
Did I mention in this pic below that it was already 8 weeks into flower?
yeah. very bad. this is what heat will do to your plants if not in right conditions.


Active member
looks good man.. you will notice a difference if you put some good reflective paper on the walls.. more light to lower buds... means more yield..

keep it up bro..


yeah i know. i had to move the grow to the bathroom and out of my sealed room which is in the last pic due to temp issues. waiting for a/c to get my 20 clones under them in there at my own temps. thats the only reason they in the bathroom. so we can get some harvest and yeild while waiting for the a/c unit. check out my photo album of the ak wr n big wreck. that was in my sealed room. but had to shut it down for now till we get a/c unit. only need it in the summer though. peace


Here is my 2 x 400 watt sealed room.

Here is my 2 x 400 watt sealed room.

This room is currentley down right now due to waiting for an a/c unit. so for the mean time i opted above:laughing: to flower out my moms so that I can get some yeild while I have to wait for a/c. but anyways here are the pics of my heat stressed perfect room. everything fucked because of no a/c unit. i shoulda got it before i through my 9 girls in. but o well. still got a 1/2 lb out of it. not to bad for high 80's and 90's in temps.






This room should be back up an running after the moms are completely done. I will also be putting 20 plants under 2 x 400 watts hps. Using hortiluk bulbs. Also sticking with all foxfarm products but still going to use some advanced nutes like big bud, scorpion juice, mycrohyzeya, superthrive n guano. Ill be trying to keep everything in this thread about the updates. last pics will be before harvest. They got about 3 more weeks for my moms


See the difference temps make. look at my grow in the bathroom and check it out in a sealed enviroment. what i got in the bathroom is what i should of got in the sealed room but didnt due to bad temps. TO EVERYONE OUT THERE IN SEALED ROOMS. MAKE SURE YOUR TEMPS ARE IN CHECK. DONT LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU. I lost over a lb in yield cause of it. but we get that back. back to the grind. stay green everyone.


Nice plants man! They look good, so you vegged them 3 weeks? How tall were they when ya flowered them?

Keep up the good work


they were around 2 feet or taller. i tied them down so they dont look as tall.