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Any REAL Doctors here?

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
I have a question about some strange symptoms my wife just had.

She had stabbing, labor-like pains in her stomach, on the left side. It got really scary. She vomited, her body went into a cold sweat, and her hands seized up as if cramped in an open position. She said she felt like there was a lot of energy coming from her hands.

All she ate this morning was a little watermelon and some grapes. Last night she drank a Coke from Mexico. The Coke is the main suspect at this point because she hasn't had soda in a year and a half or so, except for the odd organic soda. But certainly no corporate sodas. I found these Cokes made in Mexico that used real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup, so I bought two just to try them. She drank about 1/4 of a liter last night, but she didn't feel anything from it last night.

She woke up feeling about normal, nothing too out-of-the-ordinary. Ate a few grapes and a couple bites of watermelon, then the symptoms came on. She said it felt like someone was stabbing her in the gut. Her tight hands were strange to me, too. I was trying to pull her hands open, but they were completely cramped up. Strange.

If anyone is a Doctor or know what these symptoms are from, I'd appreciate an opinion.


P.S. I rolled her a joint of SFV OGK and she's feeling much better now. :)


all praises are due to the Most High
hello CC, I am not a real doctor, but she should go get herself checked out by one, sounds as if the coca-cola could have irritated badly the gastric mucus and got her an ulcer.

hope it is nothing though and just an odd thing.

much peace and good health


Sounds like an ulcer.

I have one and soda will made me do that. I would stay away from acidic foods, carbonated beverages, and spicey foods until you see a doc.


european ganja growers
i aint no doctor bro..
but the same kinda thing happened to my wife but it was after eating keish (night bfore),,,,she had stabbing pains in her belly/gutt/ all night...we had to call out the Doc,,she got some sorta pills off the doc (anti spasm) and it settled down...she got referred to the hospital.. thay checked her out and found a 2 cysts on one of her overys ....easy to sort out but can be a painfull....
hope all goes good bro

keep it green

hope all goes good..


Active member
You should visit the Doctor sooner than later, it could be a very small issue, but if it's bacterial you don't want to let it get bad.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Thanks, guys. Well, as the day went on, the wife has gotten better, but is still having symptoms of food poisoning.

It got worse for the family, though, as the day went on...

My 3 year old daughter got it, too. The only thing they ate in common today were the watermelon and the grapes. My son and I also ate grapes, and I had watermelon, too.

I've done lots of research that suggests the rind of the watermelon may have had some bacteria on it. Looks like a case of food poisoning.

They've been getting a treatment of various herbal infusions and I made a veggie stew to replace nutrients and fluids. The herbs have been focused on calming the body and mind, fighting bacterium, increasing the function of the liver, and antivirals. There's a natural medicine for just about every ailment.

Looks like we're on the backside of this event now. Thanks for your opinions. Two are better than one. :)

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Well, the 3 year old is going to get it in her mouth, predictably. I don't know how the wife got it though. They're getting better now, so, fingers crossed. :)

h^2 O

i think the coke got to her for sure...could be ulcer, could be poor quality control on behalf of coke, could be really bad gas.
I'd take 2 tums and lie down with some water and a gas pill, and if it doesn't go away in a few hours go to the ER. I'm not a doctor.
Not drinking soda/garbage for so long and then bringing it back into your body may be enough to make her feel really sick too, after eating organic? for all that time. Also make her smoke a bowl to the head.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Always wash fruit thoroughly before eating it, even the rind that you don't eat........and even wash salad veggies e.t.c in a mild solution of iodine/pure water before consumption.....

....this has saved me from getting food poisoning for many years.....especially in tropical/humid countries.....

Good to hear that your family are on the up and up now CC......

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Oh she's been smoking all day, it's such a God-send miracle. The wife gets spells from time to time that are very violent and painful. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING even comes close to cannabis for alleviating pain and discomfort. We don't take pharmaceuticals unless there's been some sort of surgery and we need industrial strength pain relief. Herbs and roots for everything, here.

I'm pretty sure it was either the grapes or the watermelon in this case. My son is complaining a bit now, but it might just be that he's had a rough day worrying about his Mom and Sis. He's just conked out a little bit ago. I'm fine, knock on wood.

My wife has a very sensitive immune system. She had a tumor in the center of her brain that was inoperable. We went to the best brain center available, for a few years, and eventually they told us there was nothing they could do but give her more and more prescriptions. She got worse and worse. I figured I'd be a single parent soon. Seriously. Then we switched to organic food and drink, and replaced pharma with FARMa and used herbs and roots to cure her. She's not in danger of dying anymore, which is nice. :) All it took to get her better was to stop relying on doctors' prescription pads.

As if we didn't already know it... HERBS are the way to go. :)


all praises are due to the Most High
Melons in and of themselves are a bit toxic too. some people simply will not digest them. and indeed, tons of people never wash the whole fruit well before peeling it off, i was once fired from a kitchen because it kept annoying me how the cook and helpers were so lousy when it came to washing veggies and fruits before preparation.

CC, if you already are not, hook them up with some ginseng, will boost immune system and help them feel stronger.

much good health to you and yours :)

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Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Right, so, this morning the wife and daughter are fine. The daughter is better than recovered, she's back to her normal, tip-toeing through the tulips in the nude self. :)

The wife is still tired, but that can be solved with some tea and veggie soup.

My son, now, is complaining of a headache... which is rare. He started complaining about his head last night around midnight. I made him a tea of rosemary leaves and honey, and he slept well. Rosemary is as good as any common headache pill, most people don't seem to realize that fact. So, his rosemary tea is done steeping. I'm off to sweeten the deal for him with some delicious raw honey, and hopefully get this all behind us once-and-for-all. :)

Peace, thanks for the concern, cc


ICMag Donor
A couple weeks ago my wife and son got a case of the stomach bug. A lot of people around here got it. It started with a headache and then went to the stomach. The good part it was only the 24 hour version. Good to hear they are feeling better....


Active member
Drink your lemons. Lemon is the ideal food for restoring acid-alkali balance. Drinking freshly squeezed lemon juice in water, or adding it to tea, salad dressings (in place of vinegar), baking or cooking, helps maintain the body's internal "climate" at a pH which supports healthy bacteria instead of the viruses and harmful bacteria which thrive in more acidic environments. Apple cider vinegar is another great way to improve your body's alkalinity, but the taste of lemons is much more pleasant!

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
JJ, sounds familiar. I still haven't gotten it. Maybe I got lucky this time.

TNT... our only drinks around the house are spring water, organic herbal teas, and hand-squeezed lemonade.

The family has been drowned in herbs the last two days... Chamomile, ginger, motherwort, st johnswort, rosemary, tea tree oil, dandelion root, peppermint, slippery elm and popsicles made of 100% fruit. :)

At this point everyone is just sore and tired from the bodily assault. Looks like it's pretty much over.

Been wondering if this was that swine flu thing.

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