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Huey's outdoor garden



Nomaad: First I'll touch on the subject of air-layering. It's a pretty awesome technique! Really easy too. What you do is find a branch you'd like to clone, I chose one of the two lowest branches, as I figured they would get the least amount of light. From there, you take a razor blade (cleaned with some Iso) and start stripping about an inch long layer of the outer skin of the branch all the way around. Place some rooting powder or gel on the wound (I used powder which was a pain, I think gel would be a better choice). I used a peat pellet (cut down the middle length-wise) to then surround the wound which I used twist ties to hold onto the branch, followed by wrapping it in plastic wrap (to help keep it moist). From there it's just a waiting game. I noticed roots about 3-4 weeks after I had done this.
A couple of things I would do different next time around is if I'm using peat pellets, let them dry out a little before using as when they are wet they're hard to use. That or use rapid rooters which seem really easy to work with (I wasn't able to find any at the time though). Also starting earlier in the season. The branch I tried to air-layer on the Mexican never took as it started to flower. It just is all ugly looking at the stop where I attempted to do it. haha
As far as the GreenCure...Silverback used to always recomend it and thats one of the main reasons I picked it up, but perhaps I'll have to look into Serenade...

Thanks Paddi, I'm sure your ladies are going to get sticky-icky! :)


Active member
silverback recommends miracle grow, dude. LOL. not that greencure is in any way comparable.

thanks for the air layer info... suck an awesome tehcnique. can't wait to try it... sucks that its too late this season. but next season I will have an air layered clone army that will be HUGE for the greenhouse when the OD is done.

ya good call nomaad silverback is all about MG.. So am i.. i dont know how you can not love it, use it as a combination in everything. veg\bloom these opium girls are in 5 gal and will bust out a lb thanks to MG


Active member
all that is 100% valid. but do you really want to eat or smoke it in your final product? this is obviously the most tired debate on any ganja forum out there, and I am in no way trying to revive it, just curious if that bothers you or not.

Me personally, I would never ingest anything like that if I could afford not to. Right now I am eating conventional produce that comes from wherever, but when finances are better I will eat only locally grown, small farm organics.

But i don't judge people who don't feel like there is any difference about the organics vs conventional... unless we're talking about proven environmental impact...
i flush my plants for 6 weeks, i have plants i dont use any chems on and they are just smaller.. there is no difference in taste. you cant taste MG. i know that you enjoy organic but cant do that where i play its not practical soo i do what others say is not possible with 5gal and MG.
i buy organic fruit as well as regular at the store and i sometimes feel like the fruit
that is cheaper and grown with chemicals looks and tastes better. is it healthier? who knows, i am already living on bought time. (done 2 tours with saddam)

but i agree the topic is like the dog killer Vick and the worthless Eagles.. Go Giants

live hard, smoke big, use MG


The only update right now is the Pine Mist is molding up, bad. :( I'm going to pull it within the next couple of days. I had to remove most of the larger buds. Unlike the first couple buds I had to pull becuase of caterpillars causing the mold, these i think due to their density and the fact that the overcast mornings have begun... The mold is bad too, you can't see it from the outside, but 50-60% of the nug is rotted.Oi'.
As far as a picture update, I probably won't have a chance until monday. Gotta work all weekend.

As far as Silverback and MG goes...I will say SB helped me both last and this season. The guy grows with MG, but he grows trees with MG...personally, I don't like MG. I find it hard to flush, and if not flushed, leaves you with some harsh buds, I still have some SSH that i'm barely smoking becuase it's harsh even small snaps through the bong (that and I don't really like the high, it's too antsy). However, SB and many other growers have had great success with MG, and I say all the more power to them. Everyone has their own growing style, albeit some better then others heh.


These pics are from saturday...but they'll suffice. Since these pics, the Pine Mist has been pulled, it was chopped down today.











Pine Mist


Lavender #2

Lav. 3

MTF and Bubbas

Unknown and J1



J1. Starting to get fat.

I think this is the unknown, i cant remember


Thanks Esbe!


Here's just a shitty cellphone pic of the Pine Mist today. I still have a few hours of trimming to go..the branches that are removed I have removed most fan leafs, but I need to trim the sugar leafs on them still. (The light was only there for the pic).


I got a really shitty call before class today.....most of the plants got ripped. They left the lavenders, but took all the small plants and striped the mexican. We're going to setup cameras...but i dont know how well that will help..my dad did get a glimpse of the guys who did it...some mexican teens..fucking pieces of shit. They have to be neighbors or friends of a neighbor.


that sucks huey, everything was looking so NICE! but hey what can you do about it... keep positive and hope those lavenders do some work...

good vibes bro...

peace keke :joint:


Ya I know I need to keep positive..it just sucks. I'll be going over there this morning, i'm sure it'll be heart breaking :(


I'm back from visiting...depressing...
What we have left is: Lavender, Lavender #2, and Lavender #3, along with one MTF and 2 fucked up re-vegging BluedreamxSkunk. My dad wants to put out some more clones, but I'm hesitant, I'm not sure it'll be worth it this late in the season (any opinions?)...

We're working on a getting a security system. We're also debating on whether or not to get the police involved. I have a feeling they wouldn't help us in my county unlike some counties up north...but if we are able to find out who did it, which we're working on, then just maybe we can do something. We have a strong hunch it's one of 2 neighbors behind us, as they're really the only ones able to really watch us..that and I know at least one family is mexican..

Ugh. I just can't believe that they would jack the plants that weren't anywhere near being mature (i.e the Bubba's and MTF, and the Mexican even).

Mean people do indeed suck. But karma will come back to them and they'll get what's coming.

3rd I

Damn Huey thanks sucks...no dog?...it'll come back around there way i'm sure...keep your head up bro...stealth cams are $150 bucks...at least you'll catch em' in the act...they make some that text you too...more $


No dog at that house, no. We're looking for a camera system now.

My dad did end up going to the police station and talking to them. They sent an officer over and my dad told him the story along with what parts of the license plate he could remember. He also had gone over to the neighbors house and talked to a guy he said looked like one of the guys, but he couldn't be positive. So hopefully the cop will be able to figure out the plate with the partial number and the car description and maybe we'll be able to get something back...


Active member
aw man... that sucks. i was just about to say how nice the lavender is looking... and then I read the ripper post. motherfuker. that just ain't right.

putting out clones at my lattitude would be just like putting them into an indoor as vegged clones and starting them right up at 12/12... if you had enough of them it couyld be a sick sea of green.


All the Lavenders were unharmed luckily (besides dirt getting spilled on the lav 2). And looks like i'll be getting some clones on monday...just start em in 1 gal pots...Should be able to get at least more out of em then what they'll cost.

And we've started to heavily secure the area now. For the moment, we just have a couple dumby cameras setup, but we're going to be getting a real system soon (within the week, or however long it takes to ship). My dad also picked up a cheap, but effective alarm system for the doors as well as the one gate. He also put a vibration activated alarm on the largest Lavender hehe

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