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Punctuation and Readability


Active member
I know most of you are stoned out of your gourd, but come on. Use those periods, commas, return key, etc... Soooooooooo frustrating trying to read through some posts that have interesting content but torturous punctuation. Its just begging for someone to rip on you. Unless you're a bong, I doubt you'll appreciate that. Geez.


The Hopeful Protagonist



Freedom Fighter
Fcuk, I so aerge wtih you! Pncauutotin is the msot ipmontart prat of wintirg.
Hpoe eervoyne sucmcubs to yuor Oesivsbse Cmplsiouve Dodriser--:nanana:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

i can normally figure most out, it is the page long paragraphs, with no breaks that kills me


Active member
Right on Dr.Dog. I can muddle through posts with no commas, full stops, bad grammer etc, but i usually just skip any posts that are long, and don't make use of paragraphs. Just can't stand reading huge chunks of text.


Active member
i get most my punctuation and spelling correct...that's a pet peeve of mine.

i also like to think that i make my posts very readable....w/ page breaks and what not.

i dont use capital letters in forums or emails tho...i figure just about anyone can figure that out, plus it's a waste of time to get that formal w/ this shit.

the shit that really, really, really bugs me is ppl that don't know the proper use of (there, their, and they're)....i'm not giving any lessons today tho.

some mis-spelling and funky abreviations i can tolerate...as long as it's not habitual.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
The better question is when did intellectual paucity become the gold standard of communication? Illiterate baby talk is used like some badge of honor. I can't believe how hard some people work to make their posts unreadable. If you don't want it read, don't write it to begin with.

....for Hal ....

paucity |ˈpôsitē|
noun [in sing. ]
the presence of something only in small or insufficient quantities or amounts; scarcity : a paucity of information.
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Pronunciation: \ˈpȯ-sə-tē\

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English paucite, from Latin paucitat-, paucitas, from paucus little — more at few

Date: 15th century

1 : smallness of number : fewness
2 : smallness of quantity : dearth


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
This place is for growers and people who have similar interests, not for English majors who scrutinize others' grammar skills - or lack of. What you have to do is have passion for the people who don't possess the talents of spewing proper English all over the place. What you need to do is be able to "interpret". Thanks for that, K420K.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
This place is for growers and people who have similar interests, not for English majors who scrutinize others' grammar skills - or lack of. What you have to do is have passion for the people who don't possess the talents of spewing proper English all over the place. What you need to do is be able to "interpret". Thanks for that, K420K.



Active member
You can post your messages like a 3rd grader or you could at least attempt to make the post easy to read. I'm calling for a dictionary or thesaraus as your mouse pad... but when someone rips into you for being a little slow, stop crying and catch up.
We already have a resident grammar cop, and I am sure she doesn't appreciate you stepping on her turf. You have been here all of a week at most and from your posts especially the one trolling thunderkle, you're off to a tenuous start at best. So chill the fuck out, here's :2cents: go buy a clue.

Your friend
Stagger :bat:

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