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ROOTING CLONES on the MOM !!!!!!!


No Longer a Human Watering Can
yea yea !!!

the main goal of my test was to do this with no rooting hormone or scaring .. so it was a bit different

.... i will get a pic up for ya soon i just transplanted her a couple of weeks ago into a 3 gallon pot and ive already taken 4 or 5 clones from her

all and all if ya need to keep plant #'s down and need large well rooted clones this method will get them to ya in about 2.5 to 3 weeks and it is a full sized plant ready for flowering or cloning

Budley Doright

Active member
Nice job jack....

Ive been following the air layering experiments for a while now...

Yours showed with very little extras you can get a large branch to root....

Im very interested in trying this but cant for some months.....

Im still hoping someone with a hankering to go one step farther than you might volumteer to conduct the experiment and do a thread.....

Maybe if we offer ourselves as 'consultants' we can find a suitable grower.....


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
never saw this myself,

want to check my moms now and see if this is faster/easier or if anything SOMETHING to do different and say "look at this".

Either way, SWEET.


No Longer a Human Watering Can
well here is the rooted clone in its new home

a well established bush in about 4 weeks thats perty good :joint::abduct:


Invertebrata Inebriata
Think this will work on my dog?


Ok, this thread inspired me to try this, but I have a few questions now. How do you treat them with nutrients? My plant is still in veg but it's covered in preflowers. After roots form and I sever it from the mother plant, do I treat it just like a new clone? Or can it handle more nutes since it's more mature than a standard clone?

BTW, I scarred the stem and used rooting hormone to speed things up. I plan to flower the mother in a week or two.



No Longer a Human Watering Can
i treated mine just like a standard clone untill it had spent about a week in the new big pot


this is an interesting thread if i must say so myself! It would be interesting if 50 cuttings could be rooted on the plants, maybe with plastic wrap and layers of RW??


Active member
ok i know this is an old thread but i wanted to add just a little bit. as jack mentioned this isnt an original idea. we all know that.. but what i did want to add, is another type of layering the same as this. but what u do is tie ur plant over so the branch touches the ground. then pile dirt on top of the branch. where the branch is covered in dirt, it will root there. no hormones, no scaring, no wrapping contraption, no special watering. true it takes longer but it is just another way to layer.
obviously this technique is best for outside, but perhaps u can just bend a branch over an empty pot of soil, cover it, wait a while and cut the branch and already have it rooted in the pot lol. good stuff none the less

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