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MasterKahn Micro Overgrown



I am in the begining stages of what I hope to be a great micro grow so I thought I would share some pictures with everyone. Next weekend I will begin constructing a custom flower and mother/clone box for a CFL Sea of Green project.

My two main goals are to produce as much high quality medical grade bud as possible with small spaces and CFL bulbs and to start breeding seeds for myself and pretty much anyone who wants/needs them. I will be constructing a small chamber in the mother box that can be isolated to flower and collect male pollen from a bonsai style male plant.

The breeding is the main purpose of this experiment in micro growing but some one has to test the buds to make better off spring right ;)

I currently have one mazar I sharif freebie, one grow doc mix seedling and a few seedlings from what was only called danny's mix. Danny's mix is allegedly from a long time outdoor farmer in the pacific northwest who makes his own seeds each year. The mystery mix is doing the best so far.

They are currently vegging under aprox 200 watts of CFL mostly warm white with two daylight CFL to supplement. My final flower box will consist of 16 CFLs rated @ 26w each. This comes to just over 400watts, I might use a few 23w daylight bulbs but mostly 26w warm white. The ventilation for the flower box is still in the planning stage but for now i'm going to use a 8" inline duct fan with a carbon scrubber, the fan is rated @500CFM so i'm hoping it can pull through carbon and exhaust the box like a tornado!

The mother chamber is going to be much smaller and have multiple independent areas for small mother plants, clones, vegging a very small # of plants, and the isolated chamber for males. This box will be filled with 23w daylight bulbs and small 12-18" daylight tubes. This will be a very low power box with around 100watts of lights.

i would like opinions on seeds I might be able to buy that would make good breeding material. My goal is to intermingle many different gene pools of cannabis to create a super hybrid with liniage from landrace strains around the world as well as stable potent genetics from select plants offered by established seed banks.

with out further ranting here are some pictures to last you till I can build my box.

My cats snuck in one night and ate some plants thats why a few look messed up!


PNW~danny mix

A danny seed in some weird hydro pot thing just for fun.


second that. my cat has a fasination with my plants and grabs a nibble every once in a while if he can sneak into their location. Usually he'll just sit in front has you smoke a bowl and inhale your exhale.


New member
nice lookin plants bro, my wife's cat does the same thing. sits in front of my cab when i go near it and as soon as I open the door, she has her head poking in there to see whats up. i trained her not to eat them though, but she does love to give them a thrashing till i catch her lol.


Not much to report, caught the cat sneaking in to munch my plants again. Next weekend I will build a cabinet to protect the plants.


Summer sure is here and the heat is rising. thought I would give my CFL a break and give the plants some old fashion UV radiation.


Well some plants are doing well and some have fallen further victim to my cat with reefer madness. So my biggest garden pest is a calico cat to sneaky for her own good. The two plants up front were almost stripped to death by the cat. I am flowering these from seedlings so this could be devastating to the final yield of these two particular plants.

No plants have shown sex and are currently in a closet under six 26w warm white CFL and two 23w cool white CFL. I keep a large fan on them at all times. Starting tomorrow I will be on the hunt for a cheap/free cabinet to protect my plants from munching cats. I am going to attempt to find free lumber and/or a cabinet so I can focus my funds on ventilation, new genes, and as many CFLs as i can get my hands on.

I still need suggestions of unique promising seeds to use in breeding, my main concern is flavour and medicinal quality as these buds will be for my illnesses and some other seriously ill friends.

Any suggestions on how much ventilation 400watts of CFLs in an enclosed space will need including pulling through a carbon filter? Stealth is also a priority with this cabinet. If i save enough money on the construction I might break down and buy a Dayton squirrel cage blower.

First picture is a group shot all plants are my custom Pacific North West mix with one Mazar-I-Sharif(in Diet Dr. Pepper bottle) and if you can pick it out my sole surviving grow doc mix pack seedling that has been trying to break out of it's seed for weeks now, it's still alive so we will see.


This is my small hydro experiment plant doing well. The roots are hard to see but growing well. I gave this one a small amount of GH micro and it liked it.



With the purchase of 200watts more of CFL I now have over 400w of power. A package of AK-48 with Nirvana PPP as a freebie is on the way. Some one correct me if i'm wrong but AK-48 should just be F2's of AK-47 so no nirvana skunk in the mix. I am hoping to reproduce a particularly tasty POTENT pheno i got from this strain a few years ago. This Particular Pheno was very dense, formed a couple of large cylindrical Thai stick looking buds, the flavor was like candy with 3 times too much sugar. I believe it to be the Cherry pheno of AK-47.

I will flower one male from my PNW mix and store it's pollen and if the Mazar is male his pollen will be stored as well. I will be making PNWxPNW crosses with every female and a PNWxMazar-I-Sharif so the Afghan genes can live on and diversify my working gene pool.

The best AK-48 male will be flowered and pollen stored as well as PPP so that I can atempt to make every possible cross I can think of.
PNW x AK-48
AK-48 x PPP
PPP x Mazar
(PNW x Mazar) x AK-48
you get the idea. I will also be making AK-49 or my own AK-47 F3's to have more seeds to search out my pheno.

No pictures folks will be shopping later today for Cabinet supplies expect alot of Pics this weekend, i've got nothing to do but build and snap pics.


Got some wood to nail, screw, and glue the final box size should be 2 foot high 2 foot wide and 4 foot long. This is bigger then I thought so I will have room and funds to make a carbon scrubber with a 500CFM 8" inline duct fan. One down side is 400w should cover maybe a 2x2 area so i need more light bulbs/sockets.


Well I am still working little by little on my cabinet. I over estimated my carpentry skills but I have faith I can get it down. I should be getting some fans back from a friend some ventilation is down.

All plants got repotted into cut-off 2-liter bottles of 1/4 coco 1/4 perlite 1/4 potting soil 1/4 compost. Having minor leaf issues treated with a minuscule but useful amount of garden lime.

Put 8 more custom PNW seeds to soak to start a perpetual 12/12 from seed cycle. I will start 4 AK48 and 4 PPP in 3-4 weeks

NOTE: all plants are and shall be run UNTOPPED...Should issues develop in flower i will bend them over and deal the best I can.

Will update as things happen!


I now have a modified Stanley blower and a 4" inline fan for ventilation.



The frame of my box is coming together I am hoping to finish it soon but the next few days are going to be non stop busy for me and It may take some time.

No plants have showed sex still! I'm starting to fear my PNW beans are sativa in nature and I might be in for some overgrown vegetation for sure.

Please excuse the torn up plants they need to grow into their new pots and recover from cat attack. Some of my leaf spots can be seen in the pics It is either from heat when the bulbs were to close or PH or both.

First up the Mazar-I-Sharif

Now the PNW mix in no particular order. I notice two distinct plants, large beefy and small scrawny. All plants were attacked some what by my cat but the small phenos in small pots have recovered the least, hence the re-pot.
I'm hoping all my good looking plants aren't males.

Some of the pics are real crap because of the camera settings sorry!



Here is my PNW plant in the hydro pot churning away.


Well my very low level of carpentry skill has forced me to change my plans to a box of 2' x 2' x 2' in a cube of course. Painting some today, nailing and redesinging. The grow area will be alot smaller but i'm still going to cram it FULL of lights and plants and have my Stanley blower for exhaust through carbon and my 4" inline fan with hepa filter as my intake. I also have a small 6" steel desk fan for extra wind in the box.

I planted 5 PNW seeds that cracked in a paper towel. They are all in a mix of 50% perlite and 50% coco/MG soil/Compost.

One large plant confirmed Female! The first large PNW plant from my last update showed tiny female preflowers i'm 99% sure. Hoping to get some more plants sexed and start taking some shots of tiny flowering plants.


Well I haven't posted any pictures of the box in progress so here it is. These are the top and bottom of the box framed and painted. Because I am stupid I made a square frame from 2' long studs and didn't realise that the square added an inch on each side. My wood was pre cut to exactly 2' x 2' so I ended up with a 2 inch gap on each panel. I had to sacrifice some wood to patch it up. The seam will be sealed with a few glue applications and some flat white paint to seal it up. The patch and glue are very visible. I have alot more work and planing to do to make sure something like this doesn't happen again.

I can fit 8 26w CFL into 1sqft and this will be a 4sqft grow area meaning i want to put 32 26w CFL bulbs = 832watts of power = 54,400 lumens

This is 208watts per sqft and 13,600 lumens per sqft.
My Stanley blower should push close to 250 CFM on high or a shade over 4 cubic feet per second. My grow area is 2x2x2 or 8 cubic feet. So if my math and input numbers are correct I should exhaust my grow area completely ever two seconds. in one word EPIC!



Grow like nobody is watching
lol holy wow. That is a lot of wattage, mang! Have you checked up on special things you may have to do electrically? For instance I don't think you can wire them all up to the same cord etc. And I think wire size becomes important. Stuff like that. Run stuff past the IC sparkies before you plug it in if you're not too experienced in that area (maybe you are) :D

But wow, that is a lot of wattage. Awesome.


There will be 4 power cords one for each set of 8 26w bulbs. I have two wired up already one with 4 sockets and four "Y" splitters to make the 8 sockets needed. I have another four sockets wired just waiting for some splitters. My plants have been under the 8 bulb array with one cord for almost a month now with zero problems.

This will bring my grand total to 6 cords for the box, four for lights and one each for my intake and exhaust fan. I should be able to run the box off two standard 120v sockets in the wall. One socket will handle the power strip supplying the lights and the other will supply my Stanley blower exhaust which luckily for me has two 120v plugs on the side. The 4 inch intake will run off the Exhaust fan plugs. With out looking up the exact numbers for my fans i'd guess my total watts to be around 1,000 and that is low enough to safely run on two sockets.

I use household extension cords as my wire for the bulb array. I have been wiring my own lights for 5 years now it's just more fun and cheaper. I use heavy duty outdoor extension cords for my HID lights. All wire connections are secured with proper size wire nuts then wrapped in electrical tape.

I wanted to one day add some tubes to the side for lighting lower bud sites but I am getting ahead of myself, I still need to scare up 20 sockets for the main lighting, build a carbon scrubber, and of course finish the box.

Also some more background on the construction. I am using a variaty of nails and some strong glue. The studs are nailed and glued including covering the nail in glue and the nail hole filed with glue. All seams are then subjected to a few layers of glue to try and make the box hermetically sealed and the only way in is going to be through my hepa filter intake. That's the plan at least.

Today I'm going to trim some of the studs down two inches so the 2x2 boards I have should fit perfectly with no more need to patch.


Spent all day painting and trimming my studs by 3 inches so the 2' x 2' boards will fit perfectly on the frame! In case you haven't noticed i give my plants nick names

Two confirmed Females and one male. All sexed plants are in the group of large lush plants. My one PNW male will be used for pollen and the Afgan will be used if it is male. All other males will be killed. The first male to show was one of my favorite plants anyway ;)

The ladies


The PNW stud before his hair cut


I trimed the male WAY down to control pollen and sacks. I only need alittle pollen. I fed the top to my cat, she was happy! A very sharp scalpel could barely hack through the stem good strong daddy for my little babies.

And the rest of the line up still unsexed or to early to tell. Afgan is the one with a stick

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