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Can I take my indoor plants outside?


If I take my indoor plants outside for some natural light, would the transition back and forth cause the plants to go into shock? It's such a beautiful day and if getting them outside would be healthy, I'd like to offer them that assistance.



I put mine on a table with bug killer round the feet, not 1 bug yet, wont stop the flying bastards though, you need to watch for them.



I am doing that all the time, but only because my micro grow is in testing right now for real micro grow cab which I am planning it these days. They didn't show anything wierd signs or anything else wasn't wrong.

Otherwise I think the plants shouldn't be moved to much.

On other hand I planted indoor seedling outdoor. It was 5 weeks inside. Now plant is doing just great.

Have fun.


Careful, it's possible to burn them if they go from indoor to outside directly into bright sunlight.

That very thought was running through the back of my mind but I've been hanging around watching them all day. They are loving the extra light!


Careful, it's possible to burn them if they go from indoor to outside directly into bright sunlight.

Perhaps I should have heeded your warning. Does the little amount of leaf curl indicate it got too much sun or is that amount of leaf movement acceptable? I thought they might have moved to allow more light to hit the main fan leaf.



Active member
Perhaps I should have heeded your warning. Does the little amount of leaf curl indicate it got too much sun or is that amount of leaf movement acceptable? I thought they might have moved to allow more light to hit the main fan leaf.

To me it looks fine, usually when my babies are heat stressed or light stressed they tend to droop or go away from the sun but your baby is stretching her arms out soaking it all in.. but we all tend to get a little to excited and get sunburned, so maybe monitor how long shes out there..


Active member
yer man i do it with seedlings n clones. its good to get the meduim warmed up by the sun. will get the roots growing well. :yes:


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
yours look like it liked the light actually.

bugs would be the one thing that would piss me off though, bringing "whatever" crawls/flies in with you to then infest the rest of your babies.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
yours look like it liked the light actually.

bugs would be the one thing that would piss me off though, bringing "whatever" crawls/flies in with you to then infest the rest of your babies.

Yup very dangerous habit bringing plants in and out


Yup very dangerous habit bringing plants in and out

Yeah, I won't be bringing these two outside again. I found a small critter last night after returning them to the basement and that is enough evidence for me. Though I'm inspired to try an outdoor grow next year.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Yeah outdoors can be fun

I throw a few outside most years, but it has been so wet the last few years, I am taking a break, hard to keep up with all the rain

But That is how I got fungus gnats one crop. what a pita it was getting rid of those


Overkill is under-rated.
Fungus gnats, besides the mosquito dunks, try rubbing alcohol, kills all bugs and eggs but not the plants.

I'm vegging a bunch of little clones outside for a couple weeks, I have a buddy who does this and the veg outside makes the stems strong and happy plants. He says he does get bugs, but outdoors the predator bugs quickly set up a good balance, so when you bring em inside you bring in predator bugs too.
I have early morning to mid morning sun come thru the bed room window and I give them a sunbath. Window open and screen closed.

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