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Another ph question

Hey all,I'm new to the forum.May as well get a stupid question over with now.Did a search,but with my rediculously slow internet,I was unsuccessful. While growing in a peat mix(sunshine #4),using GH 3part nutes,what would be an ideal ph for the nutrient mixture?Or a good starting point? For an indica(mighty Mite). Appreciate all replies,and apologies for the vague,borderline retarded question Regards.


Active member
Hydro: 5.2 - 6.1 for Cannabis.

Soil: You don't want my opinion on pH for soil. LOL I suck at soil and my mums seem to barely survive, though not happily. (My hydro mums are great)


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Mid to low 6's or so for soil. But I tend to add buffers (dolomite lime, etc) to the soil mix in the first place which help keep the pH stable in the short run w/o having to screw with the nutes I later put in very much. I've noticed however that I've had a few strains that did better with more acidic or sweet soils so YMMV.
im a bit tighter with my ph. optimal hydro is 5.5 to 5.8 and peat mixes like sunshine 6.2 to 6.5. i've noticed these to be the most productive values:)
thanks man, heat wave over so maybe planting this weekend. the culture? the cannabisuness brings in upwards of 8 billion a year into an economy of 4 million people. if people dont grow it they sell it, if they don't sell it, they smoke it, if they dont smoke it, they work as labourers, trimmers, baggers etc it is the most hidden part of canadian culture, more so then the native culture. but everyone knows, very accepted. bc might have 85% of all med card holders in canada. everyone who comes here loves it, even snoop dogg abd other celebs buy homes here because of the weed scene:)